iv. (part 2)

The Im Family

Jinyoung was drying the plates when he heard a whine. Peeking over the island, he saw Jackson rubbing his red eyes with his fist and yawning. "Papa." Jinyoung wiped his hands and walked over to his kid, taking him into his arms.

"Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"

Jackson just buried his face further into his father's chest. Jinyoung strained to hear his mumbling. "My head hurts. I don't want to get up, but I'm hungry." Jinyoung picked the child up and brought him to the living room. "My poor child. I'll turn on the TV for you, okay? I'll go get your brothers and then we can all eat breakfast here, how does that sound?"

He put Jackson down on the couch, but the child sobbed and would't let him go. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm just going to get Yugyeom and Bambam, and also your breakfast. I'll be just a minute, okay?" Jinyoung unwrapped Jackson's arms from around his neck and reached for the remote control. He turned the TV on and Robocar Poli came on. Jackson was quickly paying his attention to the cartoon show and Jinyoung shuffled to the room to get the babies. When he peeked into the crib, Bambam was chewing on his soft toy and Yugyeom just opened his eyes.

"Good morning, babies. Are you hungry?" Yugyeom threw his arms up, wanting Jinyoung to pick him up. Jinyoung took both kids in his arms, brought them to the living room and placed them on the mat. He then walked back to the kitchen to take the tray filled with a bowl full of baby food for two, two plates of toast and a glass of water. He set the tray on the coffee table.

After handing Jackson his plate, he took the baby food and sat on the mat with the babies. Yugyeom was too busy playing with his bunny plushie so he decided to feed Bambam first, who clapped his hands after every spoonful. Jinyoung smiled, Bambam got amused so easily.

Yugyeom threw his plushie on the ground and crawled towards Jinyoung, whining loudly. "You're hungry, now? Bam almost finished everything," he chuckled. Yugyeom whined some more, and when finally Jinyoung fed him, Bambam was tugging on Jinyoung's sleeve to ask for one more spoonful of food. Jinyoung thought that Bam had enough, so he grabbed a plushie from behind Yugyeom, the one he threw away earlier, and gave it to Bambam.

"Papa, why aren't you eating?" Jackson asked from where he was seated on the couch.

"I'll eat in a while, okay. I have to feed your brothers fir- Yugyeom, wait, one last spoonful, come here."

Jinyoung scraped the bowl clean and give Yugyeom the last bite. He was putting the bowl onto the tray and giving the babies their sippy cups when he felt a nudge on his shoulder. He turned around and a forkful of toast was shoved into his face, Jackson grinning behind it. "I'll feed you, Papa."

Jinyoung honestly didn't know what had he ever done in his life to deserve these angels.


"Jackson, don't get too close to the babies, okay. We don't want them to catch your cold," Jinyoung said as he got up to send the plates to the sink. Jackson nodded half-heartedly, eyes still focusing on Pororo that was playing at the moment. Even Bambam and Yugyeom stopped playing and directed their gazes to the TV.

The older of the two babies turned his attention to Jackson, and crawled towards him. Jackson cowered. "Bam, go away. I can't play with you, I'm sick."

Bambam reached out, grabbing Jackson's ankle, and by reflex, Jackson kicked his little brother's hand away. Bambam's lower lips trembled, tears threatening to fall from the corners of his eyes. Jackson panicked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, no please don't cry, plea--"

Jinyoung came running at Bambam's screaming and crying, eyes wide with fear of something terrible happened. He alternated between looking at Jackson who's crouching at the corner of the couch, and Bambam who's standing unsteadily by the couch, tears streaming down his face. Yugyeom was unfazed, though. He kept his eyes on the TV, blocking out every noise except for the character singing at the moment.

"Jackson, what happened?" Jinyoung took Bambam in his arms, bouncing him on his hip and wiping the tears. "Bam wants to play with me but I'm sick and he reached out to me and I accidentally kicked his hand and I'm sorry Papa I really didn't mean to," Jackson was pouting, and Jinyoung bent down to kiss that pout away.

"It's okay, just don't do that again, okay?" Jackson nodded. "I'm sorry, Bambam."

Jinyoung kissed the red chubby cheeks and Bambam giggled. "Jackson hyung said he's sorry. Do you forgive him?"

Bambam nodded too, and struggled to be put down because Yugyeom was dozing off and he wanted a nap too. Jinyoung put both of them in their crib, and once they're sleeping soundly, he went out to get Jackson and to give him a bath.

"Papa, I woke up in the middle of the night last night because I can't sleep and my nose was stuffy. And I heard somebody screamed Daddy's name but I was scared so I just tried to go back to sleep. And then Bambam was crying for a long time before you came in, Papa. Why did you take so long? And who was screaming Daddy's name? He sounded like he was in pain."

Jinyoung almost knocked his head onto the bathroom floor, and he was sure his face was as red as Jackson's ducky (don't ask why it's red, he wanted that color). He scrubbed Jackson's body softly and slowly, taking his time to think of an answer.


"Oh, I was just so tired last night, and I was in a deep sleep, that's why I was late to get Bambam."

"Really? But who was screaming last night?"

"Maybe it's just in your head, honey. Maybe you're dreaming."

"But I'm not sleeping yet."

"It's the voices in your head. Come on, let's wash these bubbles away and dry you up."

Jinyoung loved when Jackson asked questions, he was honestly so curious about things, and even though Jinyoung was lost at words sometimes, he still managed to give some answers. But right now? He's so glad Jackson stopped asking questions, or else he had to use his last strategy to answer the questions (a.k.a. "Why don't you ask Daddy when he comes home later, hmm?")

He laid out his son's clothes on the bed, and while Jackson was struggling to pull up his pants, he picked up his phone from the vanity table and pulled up a message.

Jinyoung     10.35 am

We're soundproofing your study, and we're ing in that room, and in that room only.


It was when he was sprawled on the couch with Jackson curling up to his chest, that Jaebum replied to his text message. Exactly an hour after he sent it. Not that he was waiting, of course.

Jaebum     11.35 am

Sorry I was in a meeting. Aww why :( does this means that I can't you over the counter or the coffee table anymore? Not even on the couch?

Jinyoung almost choked on his spit, suddenly feeling so uncomfortable laying on the couch with Jackson. He felt like telling the child to go sit on the floor because the couch is dirty. He somehow managed to angle the phone so that Jackson couldn't see the content of the text. Heaven forbid the child read the text.

Jinyoung     11.37 am

What the Jaebum do you want one of our kids to walk in on us? I am not scarring them this early of their life.

Jaebum     11.39 am

It'll be bad, horrible and terrible and terrifying even. But the thrill of getting caught...

Jinyoung     11.42 am


Jaebum 11.45 am

How about I you instead? ;) I already did last night, and I'm doing it again tonight... if you behave and listen to Daddy's word :)

Jinyoung nearly threw his phone away, shaking out of fear and excitement. He swallowed the heavy lump in his throat, crossing his legs and trying to calm himself down. He's not going to get a , not while Jackson was 2 centimeters away. He peeked down at the child, and saw that in the middle of watching reruns of Running Man, he had fallen asleep. Jinyoung carefully removed and placed him on the couch, supporting his head and body with pillows so that he wouldn't fall off.

Jinyoung     11.53 am


Jaebum     11.54 am

Let's see who's ing who tonight ;)

Jinyoung could really use the toilet (and some privacy) right now.


Jaebum was grumpy when he got home, and Mark and Youngjae weren't loud as always. They walked in quietly, put their shoes neatly on the rack, said hi to Jinyoung in a soft voice and went straight to their room. Jaebum walked into the kitchen, kissed Jinyoung gently on the lips and went into his study. The younger man raised a puzzled eyebrow.

He placed the lasagna into the oven and went out into the hallways, contemplating on whether to check on Jaebum or the kids first. He decided for the latter. He looked over his shoulder and saw Jackson laying on his stomach on the couch and watching the babies playing with their toys. They're going to be fine.

Knocking softly, he opened the door to reveal Mark reading the new book Jinyoung bought him earlier that week, and Youngjae sulking on his bed. Walking over to Mark, he petted his hair lovingly and kissed his forehead. Mark smiled and continued to read. He turned to Youngjae and the kid was just staring at his hands on his lap, pouting. Jinyoung sat on the edge of his bed.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

The silence in the room was disturbed when Mark flipped the pages of his book.

"Youngjae honey, you didn't tell Papa what happened in school. Did someone bully you again? Why are you sulking?" He held the child's face in his hands. Youngjae looked up and sighed, lips trembling softly. Jinyoung turned to Mark. "Mark, what happened?"

The eldest son closed his book and brought it with him to Youngjae's bed, leaning on Jinyoung's legs. "Daddy scolded us today on our way back home, and he told Youngjae to shut up."

Jinyoung let out a silent gasp. He took a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale.

"Why? Did you do something to anger Daddy?"

"No I didn't!" Youngjae's sudden outburst surprised both Mark and Jinyoung. He looked down to his lap again.

"I was just telling Daddy how Mr. Kim praised the house that I built with Jimin hyung. He said it was the most beautiful house he'd ever seen! And Jimin hyung promised to build the house for me one day when we grow up. But Daddy said I was being noisy. And Mr. Kim said Mark hyung is really good in English, but we didn't get to tell that to Daddy..."

Youngjae buried his face in his Papa's chest, the shirt in his tiny hands. Looking up through his eyelashes, he asked. "Is Daddy mad at me, Papa?"

Jinyoung brought both kids in his arms and hugged them tight. "No, I'm sure he's not. Daddy is just tired, so let's give him some time, okay? Let's not disturb him."

Jinyoung smiled when both boys nodded. "Okay, dinner is ready, and when we're done with that, you can tell me everything that happened in school today, okay? I would love to hear about this beautiful house you built, Youngjae, and tell me what Mr. Kim said okay, Mark? Now let's go."

He hoisted Youngjae up to his hip and Mark thoughtfully ran and opened the door for his Papa, Jinyoung chuckling and thanking him afterwards.


Dinner was tensed. The kids, except for Yugyeom and Bambam, were super quiet. Mark chewed his food slower than usual, Jackson glancing between his brothers and his Daddy, not daring to say a word and Youngjae didn't ask for a second helping, which was really weird considering it was his favourite meal. Jinyoung was scared to even clear his throat.

After finishing dinner, Jaebum helped to put away all the plates and cleared the table. Jinyoung was burping the babies when he saw Jackson going straight to the living room instead of the bedroom. He followed suit.

"Jackson sweetie, why don't you go wash up and get ready for bed? You could use some more rest if you want to go to the school tomorrow."

"But I'm not sleepy! Please, Papa, can I just play some more?" Jinyoung had always been so weak for his kids' pout and puppy eyes, so he rolled his eyes but said yes but only for another 10 minutes and then you're going to bed.

He went into the kids' bedroom and put the babies in their crib, making sure not to wake Bambam up. Yugyeom's still wide awake, but two lullabies later and he's off into dreamland. Mark and Youngjae came out of the bathroom after brushing their teeth, and quickly hopped on their beds.

"Where is Jackson hyung?"

Jinyoung sat cross-legged on Mark's bed, tucking the boy in. "He's outside, I'll get him in a minute. So, Youngjae, who is this Jimin hyung? I've never heard about him before." Youngjae's eyes lit up, and Jinyoung could make out the faint blush on his cheeks.

"He moved here last week! He is so cool, Papa! He knows how to build awesome castles and he helps me with my jigsaw puzzle. Yesterday we went out to the playground and he build a sandcastle with me and when I put a flower on top of the castle, the girls came and laughed at me and they said I was girly..." his voice trailed off. "But Jimin hyung scolded them! He told them that boys can like flowers too and he told me not to mind them because they're just jealous," he was grinning now, and Jinyoung spared a glance towards Mark, who just rolled his eyes.

"You really like this Jimin hyung, yeah?" Youngjae smiled bashfully.

"Yeah, he's so nice and chubby and warm..."

Mark pouted, and crossed his arms. "You like him more than you like me. Am I not cool?"

Youngjae gasped. He scrambled off his bed and came running to Mark's bed, hopping onto it with ease. " Mark hyung, don't be mad! I still love you! You're my most favourite hyung ever!" Youngjae plopped himself on Mark's slender body, and the older one was struggling to breathe. Jinyoung laughed.

"Okay, but get off me, I can't breathe!"

"Oops, sorry Mark hyung." Youngjae kissed his cheeks and slid off the bed to go to his own. Mark wiped it off, groaning.

"Jackson, will you shut up and go to bed?!" All three of them froze, snapping their heads in the direction of the living room. Jinyoung was quick on his feet and he saw Jackson becoming smaller in front of a fuming Jaebum. "I'm tired and exhausted, so just go to bed, Jackson."

"But, Dad--"


Jackson flinched. Jinyoung came into the scene, scooping his son up and walked away, not sparing a glance at his husband. He could hear Jaebum's loud sigh, but he decided to just leave him and give him some room. Jackson was shaking in his arms, and still shaking when he put him on his bed.

"Sweetheart, are you okay? Did Daddy hit you?" He knew Jaebum wouldn't, never will, but he asked just because.

"N-no..." Jackson broke down. Jinyoung pulled him to his chest, rubbing soothing circles onto his back. Mark and Youngjae was peeking from under their cover, watching silently. Jackson continued to sob. "Shh, it's okay, honey. I'm here, I'll protect you."

Jackson pulled away, eyes red and cheeks flushed. "Papa, does Daddy hate me?"

Jinyoung swore to God and the heavens that nothing had ever broken his heart like this. He fought to urge to just cry and maybe punch Jaebum in the face, instead he wrapped his arms around his son tighter and placed a kiss on top of his head.

"No, love, why would you say that? Daddy doesn't hate you, he never will."

"But he yelled at me and told me to shut up..."

"He was ju--"

"Daddy yelled at me and told me to shut up, too. Does Daddy hate me too?" Youngjae's eyes were glassy.

No, Jinyoung was not going to deal with two sad and heartbroken children at the same time.

"No, listen, sweethearts, Daddy is just tired with work, okay? He is just frustrated and grumpy. He doesn't hate you guys. In fact, he really loves all of you. I'm sure Daddy didn't mean to yell at you, he's just exhausted. I'll talk to him, okay? Don't worry, just go to sleep now." Jinyoung moved over so Jackson could lay properly on his bed, and he tucked the covers tight around him. He took a look at the babies one last time before kissing everyone goodnight.

"Are you sure Daddy doesn't hate me?"

"Yes, I'm very sure Youngjae, don't worry. Goodnight, I love you."

"Love you too."

"Can you tell Daddy I'm sorry because I asked him to play with me? I didn't know he was tired."

Jinyoung tried to discreetly wipe a tear that ran down his face. "I will. Goodnight Jackson. I love you."

"Goodnight Papa. I love you too."

"Will Daddy be okay tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'll make sure he will. Goodnight Mark. I love you."

"I love you too, Papa."


Jinyoung filled a glass with water and brought it to the living room where Jaebum was seated on the couch, face in his palms. He set the glass on the table in front of him before taking a seat next to the older man.

"Jackson said he's sorry because he asked you to play with him. He didn't know you were tired."

"I royally ed up, didn't I? Our kids hate me, I knew it," his words were muffled from behind his hands. Jinyoung stayed silent, waiting for his husband to finish whatever he wanted to say. Jaebum looked up from his hands and turned towards Jinyoung. His eyes were bloodshot and there were tears running down his cheeks. He sobbed. "I am so sorry, Jinyoung."

Jinyoung held his hands, thumb rubbing the knuckles of his husband's hands. "I'm not the one you should say sorry to," his voice was soft, almost came out like a whisper. Jaebum inched closer and put his face in the crook of Jinyoung's neck. "I don't know what's wrong with me today, I was so tired and frustrated with work..."

Jinyoung Jaebum's soft hair gently. "I know, but you can always talk to me about it, right? You can't lash out at our kids like that. They were shocked, they've never seen this side of you, and you promised not to show this side to them, remember?"

Jaebum vaguely recalled the promise he made with Jinyoung the moment they took Mark in.

"You told two of them to shut up today, and that was a blow to both of them. Youngjae was sulking throughout the night, and did you know Mr. Kim said that Mark has gotten very good in English?"

"I am such a terrible father."

"No, you're not. You're just tired and stressed out, but you took it out the wrong way. Just, promise me you'll never yell at our kids again, okay? Please, just talk to me, I'm always here for you. I'm stuck with you forever, so might as well tell me everything, alright?"

Jaebum pulled away and smiled softly. "Thank you, Jinyoung. I don't know what will happen if I don't have you."

"I'm your husband, that's kinda my job." He shrugged. Jaebum wiped his tears and chuckled.

"I like it when you smile. I probably tell you this a million times already but I'm still going to say it. You look beautiful when you smile. Stop scowling and start smiling more, hmm?"

Jaebum kissed Jinyoung softly. "I really, really love you."

"You better do, because I really love you too."

"So, uhh, do you think the kids are still awake?"


"I'm so sorry, Jackson. I really am. But I promise that I will never do that again. Will you forgive Daddy?"

Jackson giggled as Jaebum pouted and kissed his hands. "Okay, Daddy. Pinky promise?"

Jaebum linked his pinky with his son's. "Pinky promise. I love you."

Jackson threw himself at his father. "I love you too, Daddy."

Jaebum felt a tug at his pants, and saw Youngjae standing there with his big eyes staring up at him. "Do you still love me too, Daddy?" The father picked him up and squeezed him tight, eleciting a squeak from the child. "Of course I do. I love you so much too."

"How about Mark hyung?"

"Does he still love me?" Jackson and Youngjae nodded vigarously.

"Even if he hates me, I will still love him too, with all my heart."


Jinyoung walked in to the view of Jaebum almost falling off Jackson's bed, with the said child drooling on his chest. Youngjae was cuddled right up to Mark, the elder had his arm around his little brother's torso. He would wake Jaebum up, but he didn't have the heart to separate the clinging son from his father.

"I guess I get the bed all to myself tonight." 


everyone can tell i'm rushing the ending, but i'll go back and fix this some other time, so for now, enjoy! comment and tell me what you guys think about it :)

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autumnrhythm5 #1
Chapter 1: Ohmygod😭😭😭 jjparents with got6 as their children is my favorite!! I feel so grateful to read this fic😭😭😭
Thankyou for this warm and good story🩵
Sheeon #2
Chapter 1: this is exactly what I was looking for! absolutely love it!
purplebluepink #3
Chapter 5: i didn't realize you added 2 more chapters! luckily i read it again (well i always come back to this bcs this is one of my fav parentsjjp fics! there's not much anyway but this is the best bcs kiddo got7s with jjp as their parents gahhhhhh so cute i cried too much tho hehe keep up the good work! write more stories like this plsssssssssss
Chapter 5: This is soooo good God I'm happy by reading it thank you for writing this fic ^^
hiddentears #5
Chapter 5: ohhhmyyygod i just discovered this fic and I can't stop screaming at the cuteness. I LOVE DOMESTIC JJP. MY KRYPTONITE. and somehow everything felt so real omg you're amazing
nymphadorrey #6
Chapter 5: beautiful
Chapter 5: Completed? Noooo i need more domestic JJP in life TT_____TT this is so good
Chapter 5: This feels so real :')
Someone need to make a movie out of this jinjja ^.^
buttlover #9
Chapter 5: Omg the kids part brought me to tearssss ;; but at the same time I can imagine jaebum looks so hot when was angry cries scold me Jaebum I dont mind HAHAHAHA good job there! :) are you going to continue this fic? Or is it really complete?