A Little Bit of the Past

Take Care of the Ending







“Let me guess. Lee Jieun.”


The last thing that Myungsoo needs right now is Hoya’s mockery when it’s already obvious that things didn’t go well for him today.


“How did you even came up with that idea?”


“I asked your secretary. She said you went to Lee Corporation.”


He sighed deeply hearing the name of the place that started this mess in his head right now. He still can’t forget how cold Jieun stares were and how she aimlessly walked out of him in the park a while ago. It was humiliating and frustrating.


Knowing Jieun, he knows that his ridiculous excuse really won’t work. If Jieun’s mad, she’s really mad and she really won’t talk to you if she’s mad at you. She’ll treat you like air to the point that you would even question yourself whether you’re really existing or not.


“How was working with her? I want to believe that it’s really fun.” Why does Myungsoo have to deal with a sassy son of a like Hoya when he had enough for today? His hyung really does have a sharp tongue and a sarcastic attitude. No wonder no girl could stand him for more than three months.


“Yeah, I was thrilled working with her and I really feel so welcomed with her cold treatment towards me. Thank you very much for your concern, hyung.” Myungsoo is getting sarcastic as well.


He couldn’t forget how cold Jieun looked at him that he’s really shivering inside. He couldn’t imagine how her eyes that used to look at him so sweet and dearly turned out to be empty and cold.


“This is your chance to get her back, Myung. Don’t screw it up.” Hoya turned out to be serious this time as if he’s so concerned with Myungsoo. Well, he really is. He doesn’t want to see Myungsoo in the same state like he was when he and Jieun broke up. Hoya won’t ever forget how Myungsoo took things during those times.




It has been two weeks since Myungsoo came back from Japan. Hoya already heard the from Park Jiyeon about the news of his friend’s break up with Jieun though he refused to take it very seriously. Finally, he had an explanation as to why two nights ago, Myungsoo called him at 3am in the morning, inviting him over to drink with him. Myungsoo was obviously drunk already, judging from the raspy voice he had.


And so Hoya decided to visit Myungsoo even without the rest of Infinite. The dudes were busy so he just went by himself. He just suddenly felt worried towards Myungsoo because of that freaking phone call. Maybe, they should have really taken the break up seriously.


Hoya decided to call Myungsoo first before coming over to his place but the latter wasn’t answering. Thank goodness he remembered Myungsoo’s apartment lock code or he won’t be able to go in because Myungsoo’s really not responding.


Myungsoo wasn’t in the living room and the only thing he saw there were countless bottles and cans of different alcoholic beverages. Probably, Myungsoo drank any alcoholic drink within his reach. The break up must really be serious, Hoya thought, because he never encountered Myungsoo being like such a drunkard like this. That friend of his never drank beyond 3 bottles of beer.


Then Hoya heard a glass shattering followed by a loud thud. , he started to get nervous. He goes straight to Myungsoo’s bedroom and he was there, inside the bathroom, lying unconscious on the floor with a bleeding fist.




“Acute alcohol poisoning and brain contusion. That almost got himself killed. Thank goodness you we’re able to bring him immediately or he would’ve gotten worse.” Woohyun was a third year resident at their hospital that time and Hoya won’t ever forget how his playful friend didn’t had his usual playful voice as he explained what happened to Myungsoo. It was scary. It really did scare Hoya and not just him but almost everyone.


Did Jieun ever know? No, she didn’t. Because she’s not answering to any of their calls or emails. She basically distanced herself from everyone and they just chose not to tell her anymore even when she already contacted them back again.


Hoya doesn’t want Myungsoo to be in that same situation again. And even if his break up with Jieun was the reason why Myungsoo got himself wasted a year ago, he also knows that Jieun is the same woman who would make Myungsoo get back from his sanity. Maybe Jieun wasn’t the same Jieun who loved Myungsoo before but Myungsoo still is the same man who loves Jieun so dearly no matter how much Myungsoo denies it. Hoya knows it. Everybody does.


“That’s ridiculous, hyung. I don’t have any plans of getting her back.”


“C’mon, Myungsoo. Stop blabbering nonsense. Everyone knows you still want her.”


“It doesn’t matter whether I still want her or not. She practically hates me.”


“The more reason why you should win her back. You still had that effect on her. You just need to turn it from hate to love.”


Since when did Hoya become a love guru?







“I already contacted Namshin Hospital. I personally talked to Dr. Nam and he said that you can go and visit there today.” Wheein informed Jieun who is busy reviewing the initial proposal presented by Kim Myungsoo.


“Did he try to hit on you again?”


Wheein chuckled a bit. “He knows what would happen to him if ever he does that again.”


She laughed. Oh, Wheein sure does know how to protect herself from men who tried to hit on her like for example, Nam Woohyun. Myungsoo’s friend, the great Dr. Nam Woohyun who is known to be so excellent in making his way to charm every woman, tragically got rejected by Jung Wheein when he tried to flirt with the secretary once.


“He doesn’t want to get his nose broken again, does he?




“Dr. Nam!”


Jieun knows that there is more than one ‘Dr. Nam’ in that whole hospital. It was owned by Nam Family for goodness’s sake. But of course, she only refers to a certain Dr. Nam, the youngest chief of the Neurology Department of Namshin Hospital and probably the most dashing doctor that hospital ever had.


“Director Lee. Long time no see.” He let out that infamous cute smile of his, that smile that makes every girl want to be his girlfriend, that smile that always put him into trouble. Woohyun looked a little bit more respectable with his doctor get up, oozing such professional aura.


“I heard your engagement got cancelled, oppa.”


Woohyun frowned. “Of all the things you could bring up, you chose that one.”


Jieun chuckled, obviously teasing the doctor. “That’s called karma.”


“Yeah, whatever. Bo Young would still end up marrying me, though.”


Jieun started walking down the hospital hallways with Woohyun, trying to catch up with each other until both of them reached a certain room. Jieun opened the door and was welcomed by an unconscious man lying on the hospital bed with several tubes connected from his body to a machine.


“How was he?”


“He’s still the same. Aside from the seizure attack he had the week after you left for Japan, everything was normal.” Woohyun explained the condition of the man on the hospital bed.


Jieun leaned forward and placed she held the unconscious man’s cold hands. “Annyeong Minhyuk oppa! I’m already back! How are you doing? Me, I’m doing fine. There’s a lot of work in the office and I’m becoming a little bit busy lately. So, you should wake up now and help me!” She tried her best to sound cheerful in front of her cousin induced in a coma for more than a year now.


Lee Minhyuk is also a director of Lee Corporation much longer than Jieun. Aside from that, he is also the cousin Jieun is most close to, like a second brother and both of them share the same vision for Lee Confectionery. But he got involved in a car accident more than a year ago, leading him to his comatose state right now. Nothing was ever clear about the said accident aside from the fact that his girlfriend was with him during the accident. His girlfriend managed to survive though and she’s the same that triggered the end of Jieun and Myungsoo’s relationship.


Bae Suji was Minhyuk’s girlfriend but more than being a relationship wrecker, Jieun is so much mad at her because ever since Minhyuk got into coma, Suji acted like she doesn’t have a boyfriend and completely disassociated herself with Minhyuk.



“I’ll go and visit him again next week. I should really get back at the office. I still have a lot of work to finish.” Jieun bid goodbye to her cousin and had a last minute talk to Woohyun about Minhyuk’s condition.


“I’ll contact you immediately if there are any changes in his condition.” Woohyun assured Jieun.


“Thank you, Woohyun oppa.”







“Oh, !”


Jieun rushed out of her car to see what her car bumped into. She knew she did hurt someone because she really is rushing to get back to the office.


“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”


Jieun wanted to cry that moment. It’s a cute shih tzu, crying out in pain. Jieun swear she didn’t intended to hurt such a cute creature like the poor dog. And so, even if she’s rushing, she felt the need to personally bring the dog to the nearest veterinary clinic.


“Wheein, cancel my meeting. I have an emergency right now.”


“Are you ok? What happened?”


“I’m alright. I hit someone.”


“What!? Do you want me to send someone over?”


“No need. I can handle this. Just don’t let the President know.”


“Okay. Take care, Director Lee.”


“Thank you, Wheein.”



Jieun made sure that her mother won’t hear about this emergency. Her mother would be so furious if she’ll get to know that she cancelled an important meeting with foreign investors over a stray dog she hit on the road. But Jieun just can’t let anyone to take care about the matters of the dog. She should take the responsibility over her carelessness.


Thank goodness, there’s a veterinary clinic nearby.


“Gongju is fine now. She’s a regular patient at this clinic. We already called her owner and informed him about what happened to Gongju.”


The assistant at the veterinary clinic informed Jieun about the dog you hit on the road. Jieun managed to know that the dog’s a girl and her name’s Gongju. And she’s not a stray dog considering that the veterinarian know who Gongju is. Maybe Gongju got lost from her owner.


Then a familiar man came rushing inside the veterinary clinic.


“Where’s Gongju?”


Jieun was surprised seeing Myungsoo got inside the veterinary clinic asking about the dog that has the same name with the dog she hit earlier.


Myungsoo is not Gongju’s owner, is he? Jieun asked herself.


“Mr. Kim.” The assistant acknowledged him.


“How’s Gongju? Is she alright?” Myungsoo was so concerned about his dog’s welfare that he didn’t notice Jieun’s presence.


“Ms. Lee here brought your dog here.”


Myungsoo turned around to look at Jieun and that was the only time that he noticed her. He was surprised, of course. He didn’t really expect to see Jieun wearing that unreadable expression of hers.


“Kim Myungsoo.”


“I’m sorry I hit your dog.”







I'm starting to update a little bit slowly now becuase school works are starting to eat up much of my time :(

But I'll promise to update whenever I can :)


Do leave your comments!~





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Chapter 6: It's been 2 years since your last update. You can't leave me with theseeeee authornimm T-T
emilymatangky #2
Chapter 6: pleaseeee nexttt chaptieeee
xiflox #3
Chapter 6: Oh myyyyyy ! Jieun and Myungsoo will have a dinner ! That's a good news :D
ririyin #4
Chapter 6: thanks for the update author nim ^^
ririyin #5
Chapter 6: thanks for the update author nim ^^
uyuluver #6
Chapter 6: I miss this story very much :)
can't wait for the next chaps :):):)
tikook #7
Chapter 6: Yesss..yess yess... go with him !!
tikook #8
Chapter 6: Yesss..yess yess... go with him !!
tikook #9
Chapter 6: Yesss..yess yess... go with him !!
Theangely #10
Chapter 6: WAAAA!!! Dinner!!! Can't wait!!