
"This is Typhon's first building before it moved to another area near my house." Jimin explained with a slight of confusion since I put the same expression.

"First building?"

"Yeah. This was Typhon's first building but a year later my father moved them to another area near our house. So it was closed like six years ago. Too bad, good memories here. I had a picnic once with my mom at the back of this building." Jimin smiled without even understand what I felt.

"Why he closed it?"

"I don't know. Maybe Typhon was successful so he moved to a better area since it was just forest around here."

"Jimin." I mumbled under my breath.

"Hmm?" He faced me, smiling.

"This place was exactly the place where I found my parents' dead body." Jimin gasped and his smiling was faded away, "Five years ago."

"What?!" He asked in disbelief.

"Well- wait." I looked over Jimin shoulder and saw a light from one room. Not too far but not too near either. I signaled him to quite down his voice since I could feel someone were there.

I grabbed his hand and walked really slowly so our step wouldn't produce any some kind of noises. The light was dim but it was enough to make the room stand out since every rooms here were dark. I looked over my shoulder to see nothing but unreasonable-quivering Jimin, his hands already cold. What the hell was he doing here anyway if entering his father's property was enough to scare the hell out of him.

"What bring you here anyway, Jimin?" I whispered.

"My mom." He answered me.

"In the middle of the night? I thought you were sleeping."

"I left hotel after you left. I thought you were-" He bent down and pulled my body down in hurry so I tripped on my foot before landed hard at my back as Jimin hovered over me. Our face were extremely close as he pressed his body on mine.

I felt his hot breath on my cheek when his eyes wandered around as we heard some footsteps. I silently prayed to God to not let that person found us, especially with this kind of position. After the footsteps were dissapeared, Jimin let out a relief sigh but I still couldn't get my mind right. Having him on top of me, despite of any situation, was strange. He stared at me but didn't lift his body away from mine.

"Jimin." I whispered.

"Yeah?" His voice turned into a deeper one, surprisingly.

"Can you get off of my-"

"Oh, sorry." He slowly lifted up his body and helped me to stand up as well.

I brushed my clothes in every awkward movements and being gentleman he was, Jimin mumbled a 'sorry' and he grabbed my hand, took a lead towards the shining room. We stopped under the room window when I heard three people were talking. Jimin was taller than me so I took the advantage--being shorter than him--to take a glance inside the room. I squinted myveyes because of the light.

I adjusted my vision to take a clear look inside the room. The first thing I saw was how broad and wide the room was, two or three cars could park there. There were fou chairs placed everywhere inside the room, but the light were just shined the corner where I could see a woman was lying there, hand tied up behind her back, torn clothes, scars, it was quite familiar yet I couldn't believe the situation in front of my very eyes. I scanned over the corner where the woman was lying down and remembered back the situation on the picture back at Yoongi's place. It was the same, so it was right.

"Jimin." I whispered under my breath, "Your mom."

"What?" Jimin nearly exclaimed so I hurriedly put my hands to cover Jimin's mouth but it was too late. Two out of three people already heard someone and walked towards us. I quickly grabbed Jimin hands and run our head off towards another corner where we still could hide and kept an eye on them.

Took a peek just in time when the two people looked around, searching for maybe us because Jimin made noises before. We were bathed in sweat like crazy. The whole situation were kinda like a situation back five years ago but this was scarier.

The picture of Jimin's mother suddenly popped out again and I was more than determined to save her, but looking at Jimin's face expression the confusion hit me. On the other side I have to save her like what Mr. Park ordered me to, but I have to save Jimin too. God, why he had to come here? One thing that I thought for a long time since I knew Jimin here was asked him to help me on clearing this mission. It was crazy, like I asked someone whom I should protect to risk their life over a mission. But I have no option here, rather than asking him to get in on this mission.

"Jimin, if I ask you one thing even if it's for the last time, would you do that?"

"What is that?" He said between panting.

"Follow my order, don't leave my side except if I'm asking you to. Always stay by my side and never let go of my hands." I said which he answered with a vigorously nod.

"That isn't one thing, though." He smiled try to cool down the already heat situation.

"Right. You're right. Now, we have to move again to the other side of the room. We found your mother and we have to bring her out of here. Okay?" He nodded again took a deep breath, "Now hold my hand."

"I'm not ready, Aeri. I'm-"

Without a second thought I kissed his forehead and earned his loud gasp and wide open eyes, "That's for making you stronger. Now, you're ready?" I could feel his cheek blush a little even in the middle of darkness.

"Promis me to kiss me in another place, then I'm ready." He said in shaking voice.

"Seriously, Jimin? Our lifes are in danger yet you can still say something like that?"

"For calming my heart."

I sighed, "Alright. You have my words."

He smiled and took my hands, "Okay, now I'm ready."

We tiptoed again towards the other side of that room. We peeked over the window and saw the two people earlier had secured the front door where we hid before. I searched for light and pointed Jimin towards the lying woman whom I indicated as Jimin's mother. Jimin squinted his little eyes and nodded saying that she's his mother. I couldn't recognize the two people earlier who had gun in their hands and I wasn't thinking their the main culprit since their image was just like a guard. I took a stepped closer to the room with Jimin's hand still inside my grip.

Every step we took always ended by looked over mine and Jimin's shoulder and looked afar to make sure no one was following us or blocking us. We were just one step closer before another voice echoing the whole room. The voice were saying something over the phone and laugh. I proceed the voice since the voice also familiar. I have a good ability to memorize something from pictures to voices, numbers to letters, and almost everything. Since I finally gave up because I couldn't know whose voice that was, I peeked a little over the window which Jimin also did. We gasped, not too loud but I could hear Jimin also surprised by someone who laughed talking over the phone, sat on the chair while the woman in front of him lying and maybe dying. That man was Mr. Park, the woman's husband, Jimin's father.

"Dad..." Jimin mumbled in disbelief.


To be continued

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EnjoyingFF #1
Chapter 17: OMG!!! briliiant!!! lost for word... you are really brilliant in this code...
lisa_bts #2
Chapter 17: Such a brilliant ! Where did u learn about all the code ?
KwonAtie #3
Chapter 16: it so beautiful. ㅠㅠㅠ thanks for the awesome fic :)
The6mighty #4
Chapter 15: epilogue about Jimin and Aeri also how they broke the code
fibbychoi #5
Chapter 15: Epilogue juseyooo
KwonAtie #6
Chapter 14: next next next!!! please save her T.T
sseungra #7
Chapter 11: Whoa..i like this! Looking forward to your next update!
Chapter 9: this chapter was the best chapter in my opinion! the exo moments were adorable and jimin was so nice and UGH THIS IS WHAT I LOOK FORWARD TO IN LIFE
Chapter 7: TWO YEARS!?!
Anirin #10
Chapter 6: i lowkey hate bts they're so mean to her i just hope she won't be too nice with them. anyway i like this story it's really good