Chapter 1

la douleur exquise

 “What happened back then? I never heard of those names!!” Hoya screamed, reaching for the shot glass, filling it up for his self.

“Um, hello?? Care to enlighten me??” He continued, passing the shot glass to Sungjong.

Sungjong immediately gulped down the alcohol, gave Hoya a meaningful smile and screamed, “You asked the right person!!”

She sighed in defeat. She stared at the shot glass being filled up by Sungjong in front her. He was already starting to tell everything to the drunken Hoya. Sunggyu and the others would sometimes interrupt him, correcting some parts they think that were wrong, exaggerating some facts, and laughing at Miki. 

She remembered that the first time she felt scared of losing someone she loves was when she was 12 years old. Up until now she’s actually not sure of what she truly felt. As cliché as it sounds, she was once young and stupid. She was studying in a school with a small population. Everyone almost knew each other, except her. She was not particularly the quiet type, not the bookworm either. She was not good at studying but she was absolutely good at making people laugh.

When the bell rang for recess, she immediately took her lunch box out from her bag; declining to the invitations of her classmates in going together at the cafeteria. She just could not wait any longer for lunch time to eat rice. After a spoonful of her supposed-to-be lunch, Chanyeol, her friend from the other class suddenly barged into their class room. Nobody minded him anyway since everyone knew each other, and he has been doing that since they were in their 3rd grade.

He sat in front of her and opened his mouth wide open, waiting for her to feed him. She just rolled her eyes on him as she continued chewing her food. He pouted his lips and said,” my, my, I actually have something very important to say to you. But since you wouldn’t let me have a taste of your food, I wouldn’t tell.”

There were no reactions from her. He took her spoon by force and ate her food. It was a normal scenario in their recess and lunch break.

When his stomach was satisfied, he moved closer to her and said in a hushed voice,” The transferee, have you heard of him?”


“I don’t really remember his name…. I think it sounded like bacon or something like that…” He bit his lower lip trying to suppress a smile. “Sounds tasty, right?”

          She just nodded her head in reply.

“I think it’s Baekhyun…. Right. I’m sure his name is Baekhyun!”He was always like that- pretentious little prick.

She just nodded her head once again. She was normally talkative but every time Chanyeol was around, she’d naturally be the listener while he’d be doing all the talk.

          Chanyeol then suddenly shouted, “Baekhyun! Come! Come!”

She and the rest of her classmates present in the room all looked at the door and there was the transferee, peeping through the door. “Are you sure it’s alright to come inside their room?”

          “Yes! It’s okay! Come in!”

She innately hit Chanyeol in the head with her fist and screamed,”You already know him!?!”

He just scratched the part of his head where her fist landed and answered, “Well… Kind of…”

Baekhyun slowly approached the two of them,”Hi. I’m Byun Baekhyun. I’m classmates with Chanyeol. Pleased to meet you!”

She smiled at him and reached for his hand to shake it. Unexpectedly, though the exchange of handshake was pretty fast; she got to feel how soft the other kid’s hand was and wondered why she had the urge to not let go of his hands.

         “Nice to meet you too. I’m Miki.”


She was still reminiscing about the past that she didn’t realize she was staring blankly to this guy across her.

“So…” Woohyun eyed her suspiciously. He cleared his throat since it seemed that he was unable to get her attention. There was no movement from her. She just continued thinking about Baekhyun and Chanyeol, without realizing that she was still staring blankly to this guy who seemed to start noticing her by now.

Woohyun followed her gaze and asked, ”Is he your type?”

He poked her at the side of her stomach which instantly woke her from daydreaming.

“Ya!!! What was that for!!!?” Her eyes opened widely as she randomly attacked Woohyun on his shoulders. Sungjong rolled his eyes for he was interrupted with his story telling.

“He! Was! Asking! If! Myungsoo! Is! Your! type!!!!” Hoya butted in, screaming every single word, earning the attention of Myungsoo himself, and some nearby guests.

“Myungsoo? Who??” She has calmed down and stopped hitting Woohyun by now.

Hoya seemed to be out of it. He drinks some beer and looked at her in confusion, ”What? Myungsoo? Why are you looking for him?”

“Woohyun, um, I think, we need to stop Hoya from drinking?” She whispered at him, concern was written on her face.

“No. Let him be. I think he’s way thirstier than you.” Dongwoo interjected, passing another bottle to Hoya. The younger man took the bottle and said the words “Thank you” while bowing his head at least five times in a row. Dongwoo just laughed at him.

“Kim! Myungsoo!” Hoya suddenly screamed.

“Hoya got crazier? What happened to him?” Miki said as they all just looked at Hoya in wonder as he continued on screaming “Kim! Myungsoo!”

This tall guy then suddenly appeared in the picture. He stood behind Hoya’s seat and smiled at everyone, including her. He then looked at Hoya, who’s still screaming.

“Did you guys put something in his drink?” He jokingly asked. No one answered. They were just all staring at the drunken Hoya.

“I’m here now. Why are you looking for me?” He leaned down and made Hoya look at him.

“That girl,” Hoya started, pointing at Miki. Myungsoo, Sunggyu, Dongwoo and the others, including Hoya himself looked at her in unison. And to her horror, Hoya beamed at her and continued,”You are her type!!”




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