Dreams Come True

Dreams Come True [Sehun x Reader]

This story may contain slight adult content.

Even though I own the storyline, I do not own Sehun.

And now enough, enjoy your y time with him!!




Sehuns P.O.V.

I was standing beside my locker when I first saw her. Wearing our school uniform and clutching her books tightly she stopped right in front of me.

She was beautiful.

And apparently her locker was the one next to mine.

'How lucky I am.'

I watched her placing her books inside of her locker before turning to look at me with stunning eyes.

"Hey, so you're my locker neighbor? My name's ___ by the way."

She gave me a smile and suddenly I felt the urge to befriend her. So I smiled back.

"My name's Sehun. Ah, yes, it seems like we are."

I could still remember the details of our first encounter. ___ and I had met in middle school and we've been friends for a long time now. While growing up my feelings for her grew as well, and before I noticed I had already fallen for her. I couldn't resist; I mean, who could have?

"Sehun? You ready?"

I heard keys rustling and someone taking off their shoes.

'Speaking of the devil.'

"___, you're late."

I didn't have to look to verify it's her; I knew her long enough to distinguish her voice from others. I heard her grumbling and made out an "I can't be late, we haven't even set a time" before I moved out of my bedroom into the living room where she was standing, holding two bags in her hand.

"I brought popcorn!"

Her eyes sparkled in excitement as she ran to the kitchen to pop the popcorn. She disappeared before poking her head out of the kitchen again.

"You can begin to watch the movie, Sehun. I've seen it before anyways. The disc is on your table."

Then she returned to making popcorn, leaving me alone.

'Well then, I guess I'll just begin to watch it without her.'

Slipping the disk into the DVD recorder I comfortably sat down on the couch and hit play as suddenly someone began to moan. A woman, to be exact.

'What the hell?! Where is that noise- oh my god.'

I stared at the TV on which you could see two people.... You know. Enjoying their time together.

EXTREMELY enjoying it.

My jaw dropped.

My blood started rushing south.

'. Why did ___ bring , of all things ?!!'

"Sehun, how's the- oh dear god!"

She quickly looked away from the TV and covered her eyes.

"I didn't bring this on purpose! I swear, this has to be a misunderstanding. Maybe the guy that lend me the movie put the disc into the wrong box?"

I watched her excusing herself while trying to control my blood circulation. Without success.

'Damn she's cute when she blushes.'

"Hmm... If we're already at this topic... Don't you think it's y when woman dominate?"

Her previously innocent appearance changed as she gave me a light smirk.

I gulped, trying to avoid eye contact while looking straight forward.

"I guess.... It is? Why do you ask?"

She grinned.

"Just wanted your opinion."

With that, she hopped off to the kitchen again.

'What was that question about...'

I turned off the to watch another random movie and to give my little friend down there a break. Soon my blood stopped rushing south and I could relax on the couch again, focusing on the movie. I heard a 'bling' that signaled me that the popcorn was ready and that ___ would come back any second.

"I got the popcorn!"

She returned from the kitchen and grabbed a hand full of popcorn before placing it on the counter to my right and sitting down on the couch next to me. We enjoyed the movie for a few minutes in silence, and only the noise of popcorn being eaten could be heard.

Without breaking the silence she took my hand and pulled it near her face.

'What is she up to now?'

I arched a questioning eyebrow at her but she only gave me a sweet smile. She brought my hand closer to her lips, her oh so divine lips, before taking my index finger into .

'W-what is she-'

I could feel her tongue swirling around my finger as she gave it a light .

My breath hitched.

'Oh god.'

I watched her on my fingers, not being able to control my gaze . I couldn't stop myself having thoughts about her doing that to my little friend down there who was beginning to get active again.

"___, w-what for f-s sake are you doing??"

Again, I only received a smile.

"There was sugar on your fingers."

Her innocence stunned me, but it didn't last long.

Suddenly she climbed over me in attempt to get the bowl of popcorn and brushed her knee against my crotch.


I threw my head back and my mouth opened a little.

'Is she doing this on purpose?'


3rd P.O.V

"Is everything alright, Sehun?"

___ face turned towards his without moving from her spot above him.

"Ah, yes, yes of course."

He couldn't look her in the eyes and turned his face away, blushing.

She smirked.

Her plan was going perfectly fine.

___ applied a bit more pressure on his crotch and immediately heard a light gasp from Sehun. Grinning, she ate some popcorn and got comfortable in his lap, straddling his hips between her legs and facing him.

'Doesn't she notice??'

Sehun tried to shove her away but her only response was a tight hug.

"I'm cold. Warm me up, Sehun."

With that, she snuggled into his neck and left Sehun speechless.

"B-but... But I-"

His body froze as he suddenly felt her hot breath on his neck, slowly tracing up to his ear until her teeth tugged at his earlobe lightly.

"... Sehun..."

She whispered in his ear.

He could only give her a soft grunt as a response.

"Do you like me?"

Sehun stiffened and his eyes widened. How was he supposed to answer that?

"Eh, you're, I mean you're my best friend ___. Of, of course I like you."

He felt her nibble on his neck.

"Sehun... We both know that's not the kind of like I mean. Or do I have to show you?"

Pulling her head back from his ear she gave him a sly smirk, her eyes glistening with lust.

At this point Sehun was blushing madly and felt like a helpless little puppy.

She began kissing down his neck again, biting and on it now and then.

"Do you know why I asked you if you liked me?"

Sehun wasn't able to speak, so instead he shook his head rapidly. He gulped again as he felt her over his adam apple.

"It's because I like you."

His eyes shot open; he couldn't believe what he just heard.

'S-she likes me?? Is she serious?'

But she didn't give him time to comprehend what he's just heard. She continued and on his neck while rocking her lower abdomen against his, feeling his obvious hardness against her clothed womanhood and earning groans from him.

"Ngh... Sehun... Why... are you so... hot?"

He threw his head back, and unable to respond while she applied more pressure on rocking back and forth and began as well.

"Ahh... Hmm Sehun~... Sehun!~

... SEHUN!!!"




Sehun felt someone shaking his shoulders as he suddenly fell onto the floor.

'Wha- what the hell... Where am I?'

Rubbing his eyes he made out another person that was standing in his room, hands on her hips.

"Ah- ___?! But you-"

"Sorry to wake you up like this but did you forget about the Christmas shopping? The guys will be here soon, I just came to wake you up because I knew that you wouldn't be on time on your own."

Sehun expression changed from confused to alighted to disappointed.

'So it was just another dream, eh?'

"By the way, it seemed like you weren't sleeping well. You made weird noises in your sleep.... And you said something about 'dominant woman would be y' or something."

She eyes him, wiggling her eyebrows and chuckling quietly to herself.

"Whatever, get ready because the others will be here soon! You still got to-"

She stopped talking mid sentence and stared at his lower abdomen as Sehun began stretching, causing the blanket that covered him to slide down his lean body.

Sehun looked up to see what's wrong as he caught her staring at his pants just to turn away, blushing.

'What's her problem? Is something wrong down- oh god.'

First he didn't get what her problem was but after giving his crotch a glance his face turned red from embarrassment and he quickly covered himself with the blanket.

"I'm, I'm sorry ___."

He didn't know what else to say so he just apologized and avoided eye contact at all costs.

"Well at least this explains your sleep talking."

If possible his cheeks turned even redder. After an awkward silence Sehun spoke up again.

"Eh, well I got to.... Fix this. I'll be right back."

He stumbled past her as he heard her mumbling something.

"What did you say?"

"I can help you... If you want me to."

He turned around to face her, still not able to make eye contact because of her looking at her feet. He was confused- what did she mean by she could help him?

"Help me with what?"

He could swear he saw her blush slightly.

"You know with what."

Sehun thought about it and really didn't understand what she was talking about, but suddenly it hit him and his jaw dropped.

"You mean...?!"

Her head shot up and she looked him straight into the eyes, her facial expression was a mix between determination and embarrassment.


Disbelief was written all over his face. He was shocked- what was he supposed to do now? She was his friend. He couldn't do that to her.

"Do you even know what that means??"

Her eyebrows furrowed and she stomped her foot on the ground.

"Of course I do! I'm not a child anymore."

'God she's cute when she's mad.'

"But our relationship wouldn't be the same anymore. I can't do that."

"What if I wanted it to change?"

Sehun was taken by surprise; what was she trying to say?

'Does that mean she-'

"I like you Sehun, like in more than just a friend. I have for a long time now actually but you didn't seem to notice at all. So I wouldn't mind you doing that to me, as long as you-"

"I like you too."


They looked at each other, ___ was baffled by Sehuns confession. Both of their faces were red from embarrassment but they kept the eye contact going. Sehuns gaze drifted to his feet shyly as he repeated what he had just said.

"I like you, like as in.... Love."

And suddenly he felt something wrap around him. ___ was hugging him, her hands around his torso and her head buried into his chest. He awkwardly hugged her back until she noticed something hard poke against her stomach.

. She forgot. He's still got the .

'What got him so much anyway? Was it the- oh.'

She chuckled slightly at this thought and decided to have her way with him, having some fun.

"Hmm Sehun?"

She felt him backing up a bit so that he could turn his head towards hers.


"What exactly did you dream about?"

Sehun blushed visibly, ___ could almost feel the heat of his cheeks radiating on her.

"Well I uuh... hehe... that's kind of a long story."

He avoided eye contact again and scratched his neck embarrassedly.

"Oh well, is that so... Well then Sehun... How about we make a deal? First we do something about that problem of yours and afterwards you'll tell me about your dream."

Sehuns eyes got wide again as he looked at her, backing up even more and breaking the hug.

"I- uh, I really think we s-shouldn't-"

'He looks so helpless. Cute.'

___ smirked, slightly amused.

"Both you and I know you want to."

She ran her finger down his chest, pushing him on the bed before kissing him. The she brought her head up to his ear again, whispering.

"But if you really don't want to- Try to resist."

Her boldness startled him and he tried to shove her away, but when she began to kiss him passionately his hormones kicked in. You were just too tempting.

' it. No going back. You're mine.'

He gave up and kissed you back, pushing his tongue into your opened mouth. The kisses became more and more heated, in between some moans could be heard. Sehun flipped her over from his position under her but she turned him back down and gave him butterfly kisses on his neck, biting it lightly. He lets out an audible groan.

"I heard you find dominant woman y?"

She ran her tongue from his neck over to his collarbone, on it and leaving slight bruises, marking him as hers. She got a smirk from his side as an answer for her question.

"Indeed they are."

Flipping her back and her ear shell, he rubbed his knee in between her legs. ___ tried to stifle a moan by biting her lip, unintentionally turning on Sehun even more. He looked at her with lust filled eyes, his voice huskier than ever as he groaned into her ear.

"But I prefer me dominating."


~*~Extended Ending~*~

After having some more rounds of y time with Sehun and fixing his problem you were still lying in bed, , and snuggling together. He was holding you under the blanket which covered you both only at the places that needed to be covered. You enjoyed the silence and steadied your heartbeat while you could feel Sehun trying to catch some breath, causing his chest to raise and fall fast. After some minutes of resting you broke the silence to ask the question that had to be asked.

"So... does that mean... that we're official now?"

Glancing at him you caught him looking at your face, giving you a loving smile.

"I would love to tell the world that you're mine now, so yes, we're official. If you agree, that is."

You smiled softly at him.

"I'd love to as well. Should we tell the others then?"

You noticed the hesitation in his eyes as he opened his mouth to speak.

"I think we should first-"

Suddenly the door flew open and against the wall, causing a loud thud and breaking your cozy atmosphere.

And Chen who was standing in the doorframe didn't help either.


He froze, looking at you both, mouth wide opened. Then his eyes widened in realization.


You didn't know what to say, you were both too flabbergasted to get anything straight.

'How did he even get in??'

"Hyung I can explain we-"


Interrupting Sehun Chen turned around and ran off to tell the others, squealing like a little fangirl.


Said man turned his head to look at you with an half amused, half still shocked face.

"I don't think we have to worry about telling the others anymore."

You both chuckled and continued snuggling as if nothing happened.

"True that. But I think we should hurry up now, or Luhan's gonna walk in and give us a lecture because he's jealous."

Your chuckles grew louder while Sehuns died down as he gave you a confused look.

"What do you mean by Luhan is jealous?"

"Don't tell me I'm wrong. I bet HunHan is true."

"No it's not, we're just friends and-"

"SEEHUNIEE~ Where are you? Come to oppa~"

You smirked at Sehun and suppressed another chuckle that dared to slip past your lips. He looked at you, his eyes reflecting slight panic and begging for help as he heard the familiar voice.

"Oh dear god."


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razberri_100802 #1
Chapter 1: Hunhannn
Chapter 1: Omfg this story was freaking amazing really ❤❤❤❤❤..
And the part with Chen Lmao XD XD XD XD XD oh my gosh that was freaking hilarious XD XD really I love it then Luhan XD XD XD XD really this chap was amazing
Chapter 1: Smexy.. Hehe
jessi828 #4
Chapter 1: bwhahaha...that was so y...come to oppa...lol