boop doop

Kissing Practice

“Hyung, do you think you could help me with something?” Hongbin asked sweetly, lying on his stomach over the arm of the couch and smiling at Taekwoon, who sat on the other side, idly scrolling through twitter on his phone.


“What is it, Hongbinnie-ah?”


“You have to agree you’ll help before I tell you,” Hongbin said, giggling nervously.


Taekwoon raised an eyebrow, confused and definitely curious. “Okay,” he nodded. “I’ll help.”


“Yay! Come with me!” Hongbin grabbed Taekwoon’s wrists and yanked him to his feet, dragging the surprised vocalist out of the room and into their bedroom.


The room was empty; Hakyeon, Jaehwan, and Sanghyuk were out in the living area messing around, Wonshik was in his room on his laptop, most likely composing again.


Hongbin shut the door and pulled Taekwoon over to his bed to sit down cross-legged, their knees touching.


“So, what did you need help with?” the older asked expectantly.


He narrowed his eyes. Hongbin was definitely blushing, looking everywhere but at Taekwoon.


“I need you to help me with kissing practice,” he finally said.


Taekwoon stared at him for a minute.


“You want me to help you practice kissing?”




“You want to practice kissing with me?”


“Yes,” Hongbin laughed nervously again.


“O-Okay,” Taekwoon agreed. Hongbin’s face brightened.


Taekwoon was surprised that Hongbin had come to him. He would have thought if he wanted something like this he’d go to Jaehwan or Wonshik, hell even Hakyeon before him. He was glad Hongbin had come to him though; it was no secret that he adored the younger. But Hongbin had never seemed to show the same interest in Taekwoon.


Until now.


He leant in, smiling shyly, tilting his head and touching their lips.


He seemed to know what he was doing, moving his lips slowly against Taekwoon’s. The older’s eyes slipped closed, kissing Hongbin back.


Hongbin’s kisses were timid and gentle at first, but he seemed to gain more confidence when Taekwoon rested a hand on the back of his neck, kissing back with more passion.


Taekwoon was just realising that it was actually strange for Hongbin to have come to him for kissing practice when he’d never kissed anyone either. Jaehwan was the one who’d had a girlfriend before debut; it really made sense to go to him.


Taekwoon’s heart sped up at the thought. Maybe Hongbin liked him after all?


He lost time of how long they were kissing for. It felt like no time passed while at the same time it felt like they’d been here for eternity, just in their own little world.


Just wanting Hongbin closer, Taekwoon pulled the younger up onto his lap, holding his waist and fingertips playing with the hem of his shirt.


Hongbin seemed to like the move, wrapping his arms around Taekwoon’s neck as he settled down in his lap.


For a while they stayed like this, until Hongbin leant forward, pressing against Taekwoon and pushing him down onto his back.


The position made Taekwoon a little nervous, not sure if Hongbin had any plans to do anything more than just kissing.


But Hongbin didn’t do anything further, just continued kissing him sweetly.


His brows knitted together when there was a knock on the door. Hongbin reluctantly pulled back, climbing off Taekwoon.


“Thank you for helping me!” he said quietly, but cheerfully, scrambling up and over to the door, revealing Hakyeon.


Taekwoon stared in surprise as Hongbin slipped past the leader, giggling a little.


“Taekwoonie, why don’t we practice kissing too?” Hakyeon said, smiling cutely.


Taekwoon stood up and nudged him back out of the room, closing the door in his face. “No,” he said, hearing a disappointed “aww” from the other side.

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yannaneko #1
Chapter 1: Ok, that was really cool. wow. XD
Chapter 1: this is so cute <3 more LeoBin please ^_^
Chapter 1: Sequel! Please! I totally want to see them confess and other fluffy stuff kyaaaaaaa!
Chapter 1: *snorts at the ending* This was really cute. Nothing graphic, but I didn't mind at all. I loved it <3
tayzia #5
Chapter 1: Lol, I like this one a lot. It's cute. :)
DiamondX #6
Chapter 1: Lol at N...
Chapter 1: Awww, lol. No love for N.