

Taekwoon glanced up at the crash.

His friends were in the doorway of their apartment, squishing up and trying to take their shoes off at the same time.

He rolled his eyes, smiling slightly, and looked back at his book.

“Hyuuuuung!” he heard Jaehwan call out. Suddenly the younger man was leaping onto the couch beside him, throwing his arms around the raven-haired. “Christmas music was playing in the shopping centre!”

“What? Already?” Taekwoon asked. “It’s the first of November.”

“I don’t make the rules,” Jaehwan shrugged, reaching over to the plate Taekwoon had balancing on the arm of the couch to grab one of the biscuits he’d been dipping in his coffee.

Taekwoon gently pushed him away, and Jaehwan stood up to help Hakyeon with the shopping bags.

“Where’s Hongbinnie and Hyukkie?” the eldest asked him.

“Both napping,” Taekwoon replied.

“But they was asleep when we left!” Hakyeon exclaimed.


“That was four hours ago! That’s not a nap, that’s a coma,” Hakyeon shook his head.

Taekwoon watched over his shoulder as Hakyeon hurried off into Hongbin’s room to wake him first, then, figuring he should probably help out, he stood and placed his dishes in the sink, and moved over to Jaehwan and Wonshik who were fiddling with the shopping bags on the breakfast table.

“Uh-uh-uh!” Jaehwan said, tapping him on the nose when he approached. “These are secret.”

Taekwoon narrowed his eyes.

“Secret things for you and the children, no peeking,” Jaehwan said, scooping up the bags and carrying them off to Wonshik’s room.

“Except you’re one of the children,” Taekwoon responded as he left.

The five of them all lived in a shared house, had for a few years now, having met at college. At first it was Taekwoon, Hakyeon, and Jaehwan, and last year Wonshik and Hongbin had moved in, then earlier this year Sanghyuk had moved in as well. They’d become something of a family, and although the others did their best to bother him, Taekwoon wouldn’t give them up for anything.

A moment later, a very tired and bedraggled looking Hongbin shuffled out into the main room, his eyes drooping and his hair all over the place. He looked adorable.

“Ah, he finally makes an appearance,” Wonshik said loudly. Hongbin glared at him. “Had to wake up sometime today, Princess.”

Hongbin flicked him on the arm as he passed towards the kitchen. “How fresh is this coffee?” he asked to the room.

“Fifteen minutes?” Taekwoon replied.

Hongbin shrugged and started to pour himself a mug.

Taekwoon returned to his spot on the couch, and after heating up the cold coffee in the microwave, Hongbin joined him, pulling his knees up against his chest and holding his mug close to his face.

“It’s getting cold,” he said. Taekwoon nodded. “Just how you like things. I know.” The older looked over at Hongbin to see him smiling, and he quickly looked away.

Hongbin nudged him with a toe before shifting down so he was lying on the couch, stretching his legs out across Taekwoon’s lap. He was the only one who could get away with doing that. Usually Taekwoon would smack anyone who tried, but Hongbin… he was different. Taekwoon thought he was cute, and found that his wide, puppy eyes could get him to do anything. Hongbin knew this and abused this knowledge frequently.

“One of you move so I can sit down,” Jaehwan said, and Taekwoon looked up to see him standing over them. He just raised an eyebrow at the younger man, and Jaehwan squawked in response.

“Hush, you big baby,” Hongbin said, sitting up and moving over next to Taekwoon so Jaehwan could sit on his other side. He settled down against the back of the couch, sipping from his mug once before laying his head down on Taekwoon’s shoulder, and the older reached over to ruffle his messy hair.

It was moments like these that Taekwoon was truly content.

“Come on! We’re going to the park to have a snowball fight!”

Taekwoon looked up from his spot on the couch where he’d been reading to see Hakyeon, Jaehwan, and Sanghyuk run past, throwing on scarves and coats on their way to the door.

“You two are coming as well!” Jaehwan called out towards the kitchen.

Taekwoon looked over to where Wonshik and Hongbin were sitting at the dining table. He noticed how close they were, their knees touching as they leaned in close to each other. For some reason he felt… angry.

“Nah, I’m going to go to bed,” Wonshik said. He stood up and deposited his coffee mug into the sink before giving a wave as he headed to his room.

“Get dressed, you two,” Hakyeon scolded. “And Taekwoon, make sure you wear your mittens this time!”

Taekwoon rolled his eyes, but then he heard Hongbin laugh softly, and his eyes flitted to the younger man to see him smiling widely at him. Taekwoon looked away and hurried to his room to grab warmer clothes.

The group was soon on the way to the park near their apartment, Taekwoon hanging back a little from the others, his hood up and his earbuds in, when suddenly an arm was linking around his own, a cheerful giggle sounding from beside him. He looked up to see Hongbin smiling at him, and all breath left his body.

Hongbin didn’t say anything, just flashed Taekwoon that heart-melting smile and tugged him along down the path after the others.

When they reached the park, it was already filled with people who had also had the idea of playing in the fresh snow.

Sanghyuk and Jaehwan immediately set off at a run, chasing each other and scooping up balls of snow to pelt each other with. Hakyeon followed after them slowly, preferring to enjoy the evening with a walk.

Hongbin pulled Taekwoon over to a bench and sat him down, dropping beside him, their arms still looped around each other.

Taekwoon watched him out of the corner of his eye, seeing Hongbin gazing around the park with wonder. Suddenly the younger man looked at him, smiling wider, and Taekwoon glanced away, flushing with embarrassment at being caught staring.

He heard Hongbin giggle, and then Taekwoon felt a weight on his shoulder, and he looked back to see Hongbin leaning his head against him, giving a contented sigh, his breath forming mist from his mouth.

Taekwoon inhaled shakily, wanting nothing more than to slide his fingers through that soft, golden-brown hair. Instead he did nothing, not wanting to risk frightening Hongbin away with a touch.

When they finally returned home in the early morning, before disappearing into his and Jaehwan’s room, Hongbin gave Taekwoon a sweet smile and a soft ‘goodnight, hyung’. Taekwoon whispered it back to the empty room.

He stood there for minutes, wanting to follow after the other, but instead he turned around and headed for his own, lonely bed.

On the first of December, Taekwoon woke to loud yells and screams outside his door.

Wincing at the sounds, he stumbled out of bed and headed out into the main room to see his friends surrounded by boxes of Christmas decorations. There was a plastic green tree in one corner, and tinsel was strewn about the room. Jaehwan was wearing a fake Santa beard and was cackling out ‘ho ho ho’s.

Taekwoon immediately found Hongbin sitting at the dining table, smiling at the scene before him. The older headed over to him, pulling up the seat beside him and sitting down.

“I love our little family,” Hongbin said with a happy sigh.

Taekwoon’s thinking was more along the lines of just Hongbin.

“Look!” Wonshik’s voice called out. “My sister sent me this!”

Taekwoon looked up to see him in the most ridiculous hat he’d ever seen.

It was red and green knit, with white patterns of snowflakes and reindeers. There were two flaps to cover his ears, with white, fluffy pom-poms at the end of each one on strings, as well as a larger one sitting on top of the hat.

Hakyeon immediately squawked something about how he shouldn’t have opened it until Christmas day, but Wonshik just waved him aside and went on to talk with Jaehwan about how nice his new headwear was.

“Don’t get me one of those for Christmas,” Taekwoon said lowly to Hongbin.

The younger laughed in response. “I wouldn’t dare. You would look cute in one, though.”

Taekwoon’s breath halted at ‘cute’, and he looked down at his hands on the table to hide his blush.

Hongbin hummed in amusement, reaching over to pat Taekwoon on the head. “I guess you don’t need one after all.”

“Are you ready to go, Taekwoonie?”

The dark haired man looked up from his book to see Hakyeon standing over him, an expectant look on his face.


Hakyeon sighed and rolled his eyes. “We’re going to see all the Christmas lights. Christmas Eve, remember?”

“Oh. I kinda had planned on just staying here and reading…”

Hakyeon whined. “But- but- the lights!

“I can see them from the windows,” Taekwoon reasoned.

“But that’s no fun!”

“Just let him be,” Wonshik said. “His nose has been stuck in that thing for days, he’s not going to give it up.”

“Fine. But I’m going to complain to you all through tomorrow,” Hakyeon grumbled to the man on the couch. “Come on then, let’s go.”

Taekwoon just returned to his book, until suddenly there was a figure standing in front of him.

He looked up, expecting to see Hakyeon ready to go for round 2, but instead-

“Hongbin,” he breathed. “Aren’t you going with the others?”

“I thought I’d stay and keep you company,” the younger responded, dropping down onto the couch beside Taekwoon and pressing against his side.

“But you love going to see the lights.”

Hongbin nodded. “But I like being with you more.”

Taekwoon didn’t know what to say to that. He slid his bookmark into the pages of his book and set it aside.

Maybe… now was the time…

“You look like you want to say something,” Hongbin commented, raising his eyebrows in question.

“Yes…” Taekwoon nodded. He took a deep breath. “I… like you. Really like you. More like… love, actually…”

He was not prepared for the reaction he got.

If Hongbin had smiled any wider, his face would have split in half. In one quick move, he had pushed Taekwoon’s knees down flat to climb into his lap, looping his arms around the older’s neck and leaning in to press their lips together softly.

“Silly,” he said, giving Taekwoon a quick kiss to the tip of his nose. “I love you too.”

“How long have- why didn’t you say anything to me?” Taekwoon asked, his eyes wide.

“I wasn’t sure if you liked me… I didn’t want to bother you or make things weird,” Hongbin murmured as he looked away.

“How could I not like you?”

Hongbin bit his lip and smiled, then he leaned forward, his hands on Taekwoon’s shoulders, to connect their lips again, this time more insistent, his tongue slipping into Taekwoon’s mouth.

All too soon he was pulling back, leaping off Taekwoon and grabbing his hands to pull him up, making a cute giggle sound that had the older man melting on the inside.

“Where are we going?” he asked as Hongbin pulled him across the room.

Hongbin spun around so he was walking backwards, giving Taekwoon a devious smile. When he turned back around and tugged Taekwoon into the older’s shared bedroom with Hakyeon, the raven-haired man’s eyes widened a little.


The brunette dropped down onto Taekwoon’s bed, patting the spot beside him in clear invitation. Taekwoon shuffled over after him, sitting down and looking at him cautiously, unsure of whatever it was he was planning.

Hongbin closed his fingers around the fabric of Taekwoon’s shirt, tugging him closer and laying down, pulling the older over the top of him.

Taekwoon raised an eyebrow. “What exactly are you planning for us to do in this position?”

“You tell me,” Hongbin said coyly, his smile slightly smug.

“You know if you keep being this tempting I’m going to have to do something about it,” Taekwoon muttered.

“Good. That’s what I want.”

Taekwoon grabbed Hongbin’s wrists, pinning them down beside his head as he pressed their lips together, and he felt the younger’s leg move up between his own, lightly rubbing against his crotch.

“Hongbin, are you sure about this?” Taekwoon asked, managing to pull away from him long enough to get a word in, Hongbin chasing after his lips and giving a petulant look when he couldn’t reach.

“I’ve been in love with you and wanting this for far too long,” he replied. He giggled softly. “Consider it my Christmas present from you and for you.”

“Uh-uh, I’ve still gotten you other stuff,” Taekwoon said, touching the tip of his nose to Hongbin’s. “I’m going to spoil you.”

“But you want this too, right?” Hongbin asked, a flicker of self-doubt clouding his eyes.

Taekwoon kissed him hard, tongue sliding past his lips, and he moved one hand to lightly tug on Hongbin’s hair, making the younger moan into his mouth softly.

“Does that answer your question?” Taekwoon asked breathily when he pulled back.

“Uh-huh,” Hongbin nodded, his eyes on Taekwoon’s lips. “Kiss me like that again.”

Taekwoon was happy to oblige.

He awoke Christmas morning, feeling warm despite the cold temperature. Hongbin was snuggled up against him, Taekwoon’s arms slung around him and holding him close.

The feeling of his soft skin pressed against his own was one of the most amazing things Taekwoon had ever felt. He could feel Hongbin’s breath on his chest, the younger’s hair a mess and faint love bites on his neck, and Taekwoon had never seen him so breathtakingly beautiful before.

He could hear movement outside the room, and when he glanced over to Hakyeon’s bed he saw that it was made. He obviously hadn’t slept here last night, and Taekwoon momentarily felt a little embarrassed at the thought of him walking in and seeing their clothes across the floor, Hongbin tucked in his bed beside him.

Then he realised he didn’t care at all, because he was so happy that he really just wanted to sing from the top of a mountain.

Taekwoon shifted slightly, angling his head down to place a kiss to Hongbin’s head, and the younger mumbled something, stretching his body a little before looking up and smiling widely.

“Morning,” he said sleepily.

“Morning,” Taekwoon breathed, tipping Hongbin’s chin up to kiss him gently. “You okay?”

“Never been better,” Hongbin smiled. His eyes widened, practically sparkling. “It’s Christmas!”

Taekwoon laughed. “Yes it is.”

Hongbin sat up, the blankets falling down to his waist, and Taekwoon inhaled slowly at the sight of how dishevelled and adorable he looked.

“Presents!” he squealed. “Come on!”

Hongbin leapt up, hastily grabbing his clothes and throwing them on, and Taekwoon laughed as he started jumping on the spot and telling Taekwoon to ‘hurry up and get dressed already’.

When he was back in his clothes, Taekwoon s his arm around Hongbin’s waist, his hand settling on his hip, and the pair headed out to the main room.

There was much cheering from the others, who were all gathered around the Christmas tree waiting for them, and when Taekwoon was sitting beside his love on the couch as they opened presents, he’d never felt so happy in his entire life.

This had been the best Christmas he’d had in a long time. And he felt things were only going to get better.

HA HA yes I didn't write . NO FOR U. 

I can write the scene out if you guys want it, but I thought idk do we really need it? Is it really necessary? (what yes ofc it's it's always necessary)

But ye let me know if you want that and I'll write it. 

Anyways, now that this is out of the way, I shall be heading back to writing NMT! Yaaaaay. I'm not planning to end it anytime too soon, there's still heaps I want to do with it, but it is coming closer to the end :((((

I've been writing it for like what, two years now? So. Yah. 

ANYWAY I hope you enjoyed this it was fun to write. It's totally lame and cheesy but wHATEVER I DUN CARE. 


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Chapter 1: Re-read this story still find this was too much cute
Chapter 1: My tummy flipped a hundred times at how CUTE AND ADORABLE AND JUST UGH I KEN NOT EXPLAIN . Your writing style got me like <3
I was honestly craving for some but it fits perfectly just the way it is ^^
Chapter 1: The fluff is making my heart ache. In a good way. I'm totally fine. I'm not crying at all.
Chapter 1: This was the cutest thing I've read in a while ;u; I swear was not necessary at all, this was just perfect. How they're so nervous but comfortable at once together, how cute they are! I can't stop smiling, I love it!
yeojayeoja #5
Chapter 1: Wah!!!!i cant stop smiling now!!!