II - When I knew her name

I Owe This Rain

Mark stared at the girl in front of him while casually sipping his hot latte. He observed the unique features of the girl, her face was definitely beautiful, but he was sure that it didn’t look happy. Her features were perfect, but Mark felt like something was missing, and he wasn't sure what was. Mark looked into her eyes, and as expected, they were shining, as if they were lighted up. He was too enjoying the view upon him, he had never seen someone who as beautiful as her. Unaware, he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” The girl chuckled.

“Oh-uh…” Mark wasn’t sure what to say. Good job, Mark. The girl thinks you’re a creep now.

“It’s okay. You don’t need to tell me why,” she said as she smiled, and her fingers started playing with the straw of her iced coffee.

Silence made its way between the two of them, and no words were spoken. Mark thought that he needed to start the conversation, as he needed to know more about the girl. He needed to know everything. Because he knew that he had finally found someone who was significantly beautiful.

“So…I’m Mark. Mark Tuan. I figured it would be proper to introduce myself.” He wiggled his eyebrows in delight.

“Oh, yes, hello Mark. Nice knowing you.” The girl lifted up her head, as she was too busy playing with the straw and smiled at him. Her smile was soft, but it managed to tickle Mark’s heart.

At first, of course, Mark thought maybe the impulses in his body were just acting weirdly, and there was nothing wrong with him.

But he knew that wasn’t it.

Silence once again greeted them.

Mark was about to open his mouth when suddenly, the girl stood up and looked at him, with a smile on her face.

"I'm afraid I have to go now, it's getting late." She gritted her teeth, worried of the night, as it was getting dark. She was never a fan of darkness, and she knew she needed to walk home as soon as possible.

"Oh yes, you should probably head home now." Mark glanced outside the window, the rain had stopped but the night was pitch-black. "Do you want me to give you a walk?" Mark asked worriedly, his brows furrowed. He felt sorry for stopping her from going home a while ago. Great, thanks to me she's going to walk in the dark. Mark sighed. 

The girl stood still for a minute until she finally nodded her head.

"Yes, please."

Surprisingly, she said yes.



Wendy stirred her iced coffee, her face looking down. She wasn't able to face the guy, who introduced himself as Mark, who was right in front of her. She was afraid that he might be able to see her sorrowful expression. She was known as the most cheerful girl in this town, and so she didn't want to ruin how people thought of her. Not that she wanted to take care of her image, but she was just avoiding people from constantly worrying about her. She also wanted to escape from people's curiosity. She wanted them to be free from hows and whys. She wanted to avoid the confusion. Although she was looking down most of the time, staring at the untouched iced coffee, she knew that Mark was staring at her, intensely.

Before she knew it, it was half past eleven, and it was getting dark. She took a peek of the outside; the rain had stopped pouring too. Wendy knew she had to go home, before it gets darker. She never favored dark; in fact she was scared of the dark.

She remembered how her boyfriend was always there, waiting for her outside of the cafe. They usually walked home together. But not this time, everything was over. He was a liar. He was a jerk. He was there beside her, but he never loved her.

The clock continued ticking, a minute passed. 

Wendy pushed her untouched coffee aside, and got on her feet. "I'm afraid I have to go now."



Three days of continuous pouring of rain from Wendy's eyes, Saturday finally came. Wendy's eyes were tender and puffy from crying all through the night. Just as she had every other night before, she had fallen into fitful sleep in the early hours of the morning. Each day she woke to find herself sprawled uncomfortably across the floor or some piece of furniture - today it was the couch.

She rubbed her eyes and looked around her. As usual, after he left, the house, where she felt like home before, was empty and soundless. She held the red cotton sweater close to her face and the familiar smell immediately struck her, an overwhelming pain knotting her stomach and pulling out her heart. Pins and needles ran up the back of her neck.  She felt horrible, just as she was about to wash away the pain, a lump in choked her.

Bile rose in , and she quickly ran to the bathroom, where she collapsed to her knees before the toilet. 

Her lover, who used to be her everything, had left her, and would never be back. The rainbows she used to hold in her hand, now gone and burned into ashes. Rainbows were impossible to burn but it happened. No more sun, just more of rain

Their plan had been very simple, to stay together for the rest of their lives.

Wendy shook her head; tears started forming in her eyes again.

That plan, that dream, wasn't theirs.

It was hers.

He never wanted that.

The clock went fast, and all she did was crying. She tried to do something else, like watching the television or even reading a book, but everything felt empty. Eventhough she felt horrible, she didn't starve herself, she even made herself a simple lunch. She used to make them for two, but no, not anymore.

She was sitting on her bed, their bed, while staring at the wall, with no thoughts at all. She was zoning out, she almost thought she was losing her awareness of the outside world, until she saw the clock. It was almost 8. She remembered that she had a job, and that she always performed at a local cafe, every Saturday night.

She wasn't paid much, but that was the only thing she could do. Sing.

She knew she should show up, because she was still working there, and to avoid from people puzzling with thoughts.

She ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower. She chose a simple blue dress, she didn't feel the need to look pretty after all, but she still put on some foundation to cover up her sore eyes and a peach lipstick.

She took the guitar, and went out.

She never thought she would ever meet him.



They were walking, side by side, the spaces between them weren't that close neither wide, but enough to keep both of them comfortable.

"So, you work there?" Mark took a quick glance on the girl beside him; she was looking down, like what she did most of the time when they were having a coffee together.

"Yeah, I work there every Saturday night, singing is my job." The girl was still looking down, facing directly to her guitar bag she was holding.

"Do you want me to hold the bag for you?"

The girl shook her head. "No, no it's okay."

They continued walking, keeping the distance between them as it was before. Both of them kept quiet for some time.

"I know I've said this but your singing was wonderful."

"Thank you, again." Mark caught her looking at him, smiling.

"I wish I can listen to it every day," he continued.

"You're the second person who said that to me." She sighed; an idea flashed through her brain and left a frown on her face.

"Who was the first?" He wiggled his eyebrows curiously.

"Just....someone I know." The girl laughed awkwardly. "Okay, here we are. Thanks for walking me home; it was very nice of you." 

"No problem." Mark's lips naturally curved upwards. "I'll see you soon, then?" he asked.

The girl kept silent for a moment, her eyes looking down.

"I'll see you soon." 

Mark watched the girl walking towards her house, she was a petite girl, but she was beautiful. He was about to walk away; when he realized he still didn't know her name.

"W- Wait! I still don't know your name!" he exclaimed.

The girl stopped and turned her back towards him.

"It's Wendy."

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KimHyeJoo #1
Chapter 10: Markdy is so sweet. Omg, the feels~~
Wandaforever00 #2
Chapter 10: The FEELS! It's my first time reading a markdy fanfic though. But even so, this story is like taking me in another place. Good thing I read it. Though I'm actually rooting for wenga hahahha.
cassiemarie #3
Chapter 10: I love it! Thank you soooo much for creating this story!
7380ssiw #4
Chapter 10: Ahhhhh.... the song that Wendy shared on their official Instagram on Valentine. Nice one, dear author. :')
Chapter 10: Awww I love the last chapter so much! <3 I think the line that struck me the most was "love needs toleration". It made things more vivid(?). I'm so glad this is a happy ending btw hahaha can't wait for your next fic (;
sone41 #6
Chapter 10: This is such a great story. U did it well! *standing applause*
ayychan #7
Chapter 10: Lol... after giving fluff and angst feel. Why in the end, the wild thing xD,, please make the sequel for this kkkkkk...
Thank you for this beautiful story, happy birthday ^^~
Chapter 10: I love it. Happy birthday. ^^
Chapter 9: sweetie you always amaze me (and i always will). the fluffiness was beyond words- i'm already dying here oh god i was giggling through the whole chapter. markdy is love!<3 though i'm sad it's ending :-(
Chapter 8: Just in case you're hearing something that sounds like a dying whale, that's me.