
I Never Knew


"Omo omo!!!" Yejin said while holding her beloved rilakkuma plushie. "YEEEEEEEEES!" Naden screamed and started to do her victory dance.

I could only let out a sigh while shooking my head "When will I ever get to win." I said in a defeated tone. "Nobody can beat the masta." Naden wiggled her at my face.

I kicked it lightly so that she wouldn't fall over AND YES we we're playing video games after we had lunch. "Let's play something else." I said

"How about we walk at the park?" Yejin suggested while clapping both of her hands "Hmmmmm." Naden made a noise as if she didn't wanna join

"I'll buy ice-cream!" Yejin offered while rolling her eyes.  "Call!" Naden and I said at the same time.

I put on my cap and wore a simple baby blue shirt with a pair of shorts. I didn't feel like dressing up, c'mon we're just going to the park.

"Is everyone all set?" I asked while trying to find Yejin. Naden and I exchanged looks with eachother. "O-okay I'm done!" Yejin said while jogging towards us.

I giggled at her. ~(AT THE PARK)~ "Uwaaaaaa! So pretty." Naden said while pointing at some flowers. 

After walking around the park, we sat down on a bench and took some selcas >:3 . "So Yejin, about the ice cream..." Naden started to ask.

Yejin snickered at her statement "Okay,Naden you follow me." Yejin took Naden's hand and they went to buy the ice creams.

I stretched out my hands and legs and yawned as wide as possible. "You better close your mouth." I heard a familiar voice and

turned around to see a smiling Hyungwon. Huh?! I was a bit startled by his presence. "What a coincidence to meet you here."

He said casually. "I came with my friends." I said while pointing my index finger at Yejin and Naden from afar.

"And why are you wearing a hoodie? It feels like 100 degrees out here." I asked him then I saw Yejin and Naden

coming our way. "Palliii! Before the ice cream melts." I said. Hyungwon turned around to see who I was talking to.

Then, Yejin stopped in her footsteps and made a shocked face 'O' (haha) while Naden was pulling her hand "C'mon,what are you waiting for?".

"Here you go." Naden said while giving my ice cream. "Hmm,this feels good." I said while enjoying my ice cream. Hyungwon just stands there quitely.

"oooh! I almost forgot. Guys, this is Hyungwon the 'Tall Guy'." "HE IS TALL!" Naden said with wide eyes. Hyungwon laughed at her statement.

Yejin was still in schock btw. "Yejin, are you alright?" I asked cas she was acting really weird. "uh-uh-I-wae" She stuttered.

I looked at her with concerend eyes. "A-aren't you Hyungwon? FROM MONSTA X!" She asked almost squealing.

"PABO, you didn't have to shriek." Naden scold her while slapping the back of her head lightly. "who's Monsta X?"

I asked while looking at Hyungwon. He giggled for a moment before saying "um,it's my group." Yejin interrupted him "Where are the others?"

Yejin was talking with Hyungwon while Naden and I were still trying to understand what they're talking about.

"I'm so confused." I murmured to myself. I guess Hyungwon heard me so he explained everything to Naden and I.

"OOOOOOOOH" we both said out loud. "That makes more sense." I said "That was a lot to process" Naden admitted. 

All of us laughed at her. Then all of us talked for a while. It was getting darker as the minutes pass by.

"Um, you guys how about we meet up again next time.It's getting dark" I said while scratching my left arm because of a mosquito. =,=

"She's probably right." Hyungwon said. The three of us bid farewell to him. "See you soon,May" He said while smiling.

I smiled warmly and said "Okay" while waving my hand at him. When we were walking to our house Yejin said "Yah, wasn't he cute?"

"Huh? cute?" I asked. "Well he looks like he just came out of a manga" Naden said. I chuckled "seriously, a manga?"

She nodded while looking at me. "I'd say that he looks adorable when he smiles." I admitted.

I could only imagine him smiling at me before falling into a deep slumber.

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Chapter 12: Simple, short but sweet :) It was nice to read this during my insomnia eheheh
imjungkookwife #2
Chapter 5: Update fastee ya? Hehe ><
imjungkookwife #3
Chapter 1: Im malaysiannn TvT
Mayu0514 #4
Chapter 3: Great chapter!! I am in love with Hyungwon !!
Mayu0514 #5
Chapter 2: Continue please!!