"Do You Think She's Pretty?"

The Question

They planned to watch a movie together. "Kingsman" to be precise.

Hansol would rent the video and he'll come to Seungkwan's apartment where snacks and drinks would already be prepared by his boyfriend. Even if they have only dated for half a year, they aren't awkward with each other since they were already pretty close before they dated. So, things like going to one another's home/room are normal to them. Except that, for some reason, today Hansol is feeling very anxious.

He doesn't know why, this should be normal to him. It's just watching a movie together with Seungkwan. But he kept on feeling like something's bad is going to happen. He has been getting the signs since this morning. Hansol was chatting with Jisoo earlier and Jisoo told him of what happened to Seungcheol. He also ran out of his favorite cereal when he was making breakfast! Not to mention the water suddenly stopped flowing when he was taking a shower (he had to run half- to Mingyu's apartment which is next door).

Fortunately, "Kingsman" was still avaible when he went to the DVD rental store (the only good thing that had happened since he woke up). After renting the movie, Hansol went straight to Seungkwan's apartment. Seungkwan's apartment is pretty far from Hansol's but only a few blocks away from the rental store. Hence, when they want to watch a movie together, they'll watch it at Seungkwan's place. 

When Hansol knocked Seungkwan's door, the latter immidiately opened the door and let Hansol in. The couch on front of the TV was already filled with snacks and drinks, and no, there's no alcohol because Seungkwan has the worst alcohol tolerance. The last time they drank, things ended up messy, and Seungkwan had to take the day off from work for being "sick" (a/n : iykwim *wiggles eyebrows*). 

Seungkwan wore an oversized beige sweater and khaki shorts while Hansol wore a plaid shirt over a white t-shirt (a/n : i was so confused between shirt and t-shirt lol) with jeans. As Hansol inserted the CD into the DVD player, Seungkwan sat on his couch as he opened a bag of chips. The CD loaded itself and the movie started, starting with an action scene and followed by the opening.

The movie had some comedy and (not-so) gore scenes making it's viewers react at every act. Even though Hansol is dominant (a/n : *wiggles eyebrows*), seeing some unsual actions cringes him. But the comedy in it also had him laughing, not to mention the drama left him shudder in feels. The movie made him react somehow, and the same goes for Seungkwan. It was an enoyable time together until a particular act in the movie came up.

When Eggsy met Princess Tilda, the said woman asked for help and offered service if he does so. Hansol, being the guy he is, chuckled and said that particular sentence he really, really shouldn't have.


"I would love that."


A few seconds after Hansol said that, he realized he had just something forbidden and started to sweat as he turned to see Seungkwan's face.




"Do you think she's pretty?". 


Well, . He knows he shouldn't have sworn (especially after what he told his sister numerous times) but, , it just kind of spills. Well, thank god Jisoo isn't here (or he'll have the speech about how cursing is bad which will last for more than 2 hours). And now, back to reality.

Hansol swallowed and looked at Seungkwan. A jealous Seungkwan is a dangerous Seungkwan, especially if he's jealous of girls. Seungkwan has been very sensitive about the topic since they started dating, heck since they got a little bit closer than friends should. It isn't very surprising knowing that Hansol used to be straight. Well, at lease Hansol thought he was straight before he met Seungkwan.

But Seungkwan, being the sentimental person he is, turned insecure and let's just say, it was a hard time for Hansol to convince Seungkwan to date him. Thank god, they finally got together after all the drama and are now happily dating (with the occasinal outburst from Seungkwan in which led to fights that finished quickly because they're too in love with each other).

Now, let's stop with the narrations and get back to reality.


"Hansol, I'm asking you a question." Hansol heard Seungkwan's stern voice and immidiately replied although it wasn't an answer, "Y-yes, baby?"

"It's fine if you think she's pretty, y, alluring, or all of those three. Just say it, Hansol. I won't get mad." Seungkwan smiled. Except that the smile looked a thousand times more evil than it should be and his eyes were those like a serial killer just found his next victim.

To say the least, Hansol was scared beyond wits. "U-uh, that's not it, Seungkwa--"

Seungkwan cut him off, "Oh? Then why did you have to think before answering me? And is that hesitation in your voice, Chwe Hansol?"

"No-- no, i'm-i'm not stutteri---"

"You just did it!"

"Jesus, Seungkwan, let me talk----" even though that Hansol is scared, he's a bit agitated at how he was always cut off before he could finish his sentence.

Yet, Seungkwan cut him off again and pointed at him, "Oh hell no, you did not just swear at me! And remembering how you always told your sister not to even say 'omg' when she's already in college!"

"What does that have anything to do with thi----"

"It doesn't, but what difference does it make? It's not like you'll answer my question anytime soon, anyway." Seungkwan folded his hands and pressed them against his chest."

Hansol gulped.

"Okay, fine. I'll answer it."

Seungkwan looked at Hansol.

"I did thought she was kind of pretty-----"


"Did, Seungkwan! Not, do! I don't think so anymo---"



And Seungkwan pouted. The holy "Seungkwan Pout" is finally out. If Seungkwan did his holy pout, it means he won't listen to any reasonings and you have to wait until he calms down. Until then, anything you do won't change anything, either that or it makes everything worse. By now, Hansol gave up. Hands in the air. (Even though he actually adores pouting Seungkwan because it's literally the cutest sight he has ever seen.)


"Seung--" Hansol muttered as he reached for one of Seungkwan's folded hands.

Seungkwan abruptly got up, took his phone, and went out of his apartment with a pretty loud door slam. (He went to Jihoon's apartment which was conviniently next door, if you're curious.)


Hansol's poor mind was devastated as it tried to process what Hansol should do now.

But his mind came up with no plan that's good enough so he lingered at Seungkwan's place for a bit longer before he decided to go home.

His body and soul need to rest after all the disaster.


Finally done and I'm not dead nor am I abandoning this fanfic, guys! ^^

Omg how long has it been since I last updated?? I wrote half of the story some days ago but never finished it until today. Coz I'm so lazy omg

Well, part of it is because I'm lazy but most of it is because it's holiday. In my family, there's a lot of parties and gatherings near chirtmas and new years. Those parties took hours to finish and by the time i got home, i was either too exhausted or my mother would tell me to go to sleep despite I'm not sleepy. But, I'm really grateful for those who stayed, commented, subscribed, upvoted, and read!! :D

This story recieved so much love that i would feel so bad if i don't finish it :"(

Oh and a shoutout to the person that suggested me this plot!!! Thank you so much, Nightsstar !!! She commented the plot and i just really love her comment <33 She also wrote seventeen fanfics so check her out here ~~

Btw, I'm going to participate a Seventeen fanfic contest! The theme is supernatural!au. I'm planning to write a wolf!au with those a/b/o verse and of course, ot13!! Do you have any plot suggestions or maybe a picture/video/song I should base it off to? Please comment below~

Don't forget to comment which couple I should do next, and what situation you want to see them in! ^^

I'm asking so much from my readers, omg i'm sorry ;_; you guys are literally my source of inspiration hahah xD

Subscribe, comment, and upvotes are very much appriciated <33

A late Merry Christmas to everyone that is reading this :D



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Verkwan chapter is out! Read and comment juseyo


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Chapter 2: oh my god this is so cute!! Most of the comments already asked for meanie so I was hoping if you could maybe do soonseok or junhao next, but any ship is fine for me. Keep up the good work, author-nim!
Holy molly- did Seungkwan just get jealous over a movie character? Diva boo I just can't with you XDD Seriously, the least I expected when you considered my comment was Seungkwan to get insecure to a movie character but you wrote it much better than how I imagined it to be xD Insecure boo is pretty scary though, much like insecure Jihoon, Hansol's actually pretty lucky he didn't get hit...or got embarassed to public. *coughs* Is Seungcheol okay now? *coughs* Yup he's in deed a lucky but not really, the boy ran to Jihoon's idk what would he do there lol plot revenge or whatsoever? XDD I love this again yay I'm honestly entertained the most to the poor main guy's thought cos they were all like 'howry i'm screwed i'm screwed i'm gonna this up' XD /pats all the dominant namjas that was and will get owned by their lovah/ bless u_u LOL Ayeeee thank you so much for that shoutout! It made me smile and kind of shy bcos you even included I write stories as well omg not that confident yet but thank you!!! I'll continue to comment whenever you update yay Good luck in the contest btw!!! you'll do well :D

Can we have Meanie next? Idk what plot suits them the most -3-;;; but I always wanted to read a done Wonwoo because Mingyu doesn't hold his hand that much anymore XD Or something childish really, I just want to see Wonwoo whine and get insecure over nothing XDDD
ExoOtpLover #3
Chapter 2: DAEBAK!! You updated!! Yass

I love you author-nim for doing verkwan, and haha diva boo strikes again! Hope you update soon ;) *lowkey wants Soonseok* 0:))
MissAndrogynetic #4
Chapter 1: ADORBS AF. KYAAAAAAAAA I LOVE THE MV SO MUCH AND I BET ILL LOVE THIS STORY TWICE AS MUCH <33333333 Huehuehuehue but like, can you do the TV thing with the meanie couple? xD OH OH OH AND TRY READING THIS WHILE Q AND A IS ON PLAYING~~~~ IT ADDS TO THE CUTE EFFECT 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x MORE I PROMISE~~~~~~
ExoOtpLover #5
Chapter 1: seeing all the comments and wow


but I want Verkwan or Soonseok xD
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh that was so adorable... even though Seungcheol got embarrassed like that XD Jihoon's really dangerous when he's having that overly conscious phase lol and daaaarling, you are doing so well! I wouldn't finish the chapter from top to bottom if you don't have talent in writing (because honestly I can't read a fanfic if it's not hooking enough or the english is somewhat...err but there's always a room for improvement!). I personally think you write so funny, very entertaining xD I live for sassy Jihoon hahahahaha XD

Anywaaaay, you can right either Meanie or Verkwan next but since the first chapter started off as sassy, I can't help but to think of Seungkwan snapping to Vernon like 'na-uh you think that girl over there is pretty' XD It's up to you and the public demand really, nonetheless, I love it so far! Please update soon! :D
Chapter 1: meanie or soonseok or verkwan basically all actually HAHAHA i would love to see diva boo in action
Chapter 1: Meanie!! Pretty please with strawberries on top *inserts picture of Jihoon with pink hair* ^^