I Don't Know What to Do


The morning sun is peeping through their window. Seunghyun got barely 4 hours of sleep but he can't help but smile at the sight that greets him this morning. Being on tour big time especially when he's reminded that he's been deprived of this sight for too long. He stretches out his limbs and gently scoops a sleeping Dara to his chest. His beloved wife, Sandara, has always been a rowdy sleeper. She always manages to kick off her blankets and pillows to the floor and perhaps fall off the bed no matter how huge it is. He receives an elbow to the gut as she moves around, trying to free herself of the hug that envelopes her. Another thing about her is that she hates cuddling to sleep. This brings out a chuckle from the rapper. 


"Wake up love, it's morning already. Aren't you gonna give me my morning kiss?" Seunghyun playfully whines at his wife's ear, who is still seemingly oblivious to the world.

A grunt and kick to the shin but still no morning kiss. Contrary to popular belief, Sandara is not a morning person. She takes forever to wake up and an infinity to get ready in the morning. A trait that Seunghyun both loves and hates. He's always been a morning person but since they got married, he's also been overly clingy too. He needs his cuddles and kisses from his beloved wife and he will stop at nothing to get it. 

He swiftly move out of the bed and goes straight to the bathroom. He washes up a bit, Dara hates morning breath kisses (along with waking up in the morning) and he doesn't want to risk a pissed off Dara in their little reunion. Ten minutes later, he not so gently flops on the bed, doing the best he could to jostle Dara out of her sleep. When that doesn't work, he lies on top of her and rains her face with kisses. 

"Seunghun!" Dara sleepily whines. Still chasing the remnants of her beautiful sleep.

"Yah! Do you miss your sleep more than your husband who has been on tour?" Seunghyun playfully scolds, a vicious pout forms on his handsome face.

Dara barely opens one eye, aware that her husband is being cute and, sleep be damned, she will not miss it! 

"I missed you too love, but...sleeeeeep" Dara playfully whines, knowing how much her husband loves morning cuddles. She's been filming overseas for the past days and just recently got the chance to have a proper sleep (which to her means more than 9 hours) when she came home earlier than Seunghyun yesterday. She glances at the clock that ready 7:00 AM and tries to kick off Seunghyun who's been lying on her. She wants to sleep, damn it! 

Seunghyun's not having any of it, they can both sleep after his cuddles and hopefully more! He starts kissing Dara awake, nipping at her lips and even her cheek!

"Gross Seunghyun! Are you a dog now?" ugh, morning breath..my morning breath Dara whines. 

"only for you, my love" is the greasy response she gets and she can't help but giggle at that. Oh if only the world knew how Seunghyun is, they wouldn't think of him as a symbol. He's just a ball of greasy fluff! Dara concedes and tries to move off the bed but the weight of his husband is paralyzing her. 

"Seunghyun~move please. I need to go to the bathroom." And just like that, Seunghyun moves, grinning victoriously. He follows her to the bathroom and creepily watches her morning routine. God, he missed his wife so much. 

"Seung, a little privacy please?" Dara knows it's futile, especially since they haven't seen each other for the past month. Don't get her wrong, she misses her husband but she also likes peeing in peace. 

"Nope" Seunghyun says. Still smiling at his early victory. As soon as Dara is done taking a quick shower, he hoists her up in his arms and all but runs to their bedroom. Dara laughs at her husband's antics, openly enjoying how much she loves his attention. Soon, those laughter is silenced and the sounds of kissing and other things can be heard from their room. 


Who knew that one phone call can change everything so precious?


Seunghyun sinks to the floor of his studio. He just got off the phone, an unregistered number displayed on his screen. 

"is this TOP?" a feminine voice is heard through the speakers of his phone

"Yes. Who is this please? How did you get my number?"

"It's me, Samantha? From the tour?"

Seunghyun can't recall a Samantha from the staffs, he didn't speak much to the foreign staff, embarrassed to speak in English. 

"I'm sorry. I don't think..." then something clicks in his mind. A blur of images and moans. A memory he's been trying to suppress since he came back to Korea all those months ago.

"How did you get my number?" This time, much angrier and graver in tone. He thought he could just forget. He thought that it could be kept a secret.

"You remember me now? I can't believe you already forgot about me, after everything that we shared."

"We didn't share anything. Why are you calling?"

There was a slight pause at the other line, a deep inhale can be heard then Seungyun's world came crashing down on him

"...I'm pregnant. It's yours. I'm keeping it."

"No! It can't be mine. How can you be so sure?"

"I'm three months pregnant. Do the math."

"Still. You can't say it's mine. Lord knows how many men you've slept with in that time! Stay away from me!" Seunghyun hangs up, but despite his bravado, his walls are caving in on him. This can't be happening. It's one mistake. This can't be happening.

That's when the door opens, Jiyong rushed towards Seunghyun as soon as he saw the man lying defeated on the floor. Through the mess of words, faster and more incoherent that any raps he's heard, Seunghyun confesses to Jiyong. Asks him, begs him for help. Jiyong can't believe how stupid his friend is. He knows how much Seunghyun's life revolves around his wife, so why in the world would he do something so stupid to compromise his relationship with her? He feels bad for his friend, he doesn't know what to say so he just sits there on the floor, hugging a sobbing Seunghyun until he stops crying.

"It will be better to come clean with Dara. I know it's not the wisest thing to do. But Hyung, you have a kid on the way. If it's true, then you won't be able to hide it for long. It's better to have Dara hear it from you than from her. She deserves the truth from you and not from a stranger. Man up!" Jiyong calmly says, thought his nerves are also fraying. He's the witness to their love story, how his Hyung became a lovesick fool for a petite actress named Sanadara and how Sandara reciprocates those feelings, albeit with more dignity than his Hyung.

"But there's a possibility that it's not mine! I can't hurt Dara for something uncertain! I can't!"

"can you honestly face Dara with that conscience? Knowing that you might have fathered a child with a groupie from a tour?"

"i have to. I can't lose her. I can't. She's my life, Ji! I'll just have to wait until I verify if the kid's mine. I'll ask the company to keep it a secret. They'll help me. They have to!" Seunghyun's almost hysterical. Just the thought that Dara will discover his infidelity and leave him crushes his heart and festers his brain. He can't lose her. He'll go mad.

"it's your call, hyung. But remember that no secret can be kept forever. And even if the child isn't yours, you still cheated on your wife. Don't you think she deserves a proper apology?" Jiyong sighs and leaves his words hanging in the air, heavy and loaded.  

Seunghyun sat there, motionless but contemplative for a while. "I can't tell. I can't."


A month has passed without incident. No news broke out of his infidelity and Dara was blissfully unaware of his inner turmoil...or so he thought.

Dara can't help but wonder what's wrong with her husband. He's been quiet and reserved, totally unlike his usual self. Of course he's still clingy and affectionate at times but she can't help but feel that something has changed and she feels uneasy. So she does what every rational wife would do, ask her husband if there's a problem. She was quickly brushed off, saying he's just busy with producing another album. If she can't get an answer from him, then she's going to the next best thing; the best friend.

She calls Jiyong over to her house, plies him with his favorite food and drinks. Jiyong know's she's up to something and he's on his toes, but still devours the food served to him save for the alcohol. He knows they're doomed when he's drunk. He's loose-lipped on a normal basis, when drunk no secret is sacred anymore and he can't do that to Seunghyun and Dara. He promised to let them solve their own problems even if he doesn't agree with the solution Seunghun went with.

"Ok, Dara. Enough fattening me up. When are you going to offer me to the gods?" Jiyong jokes, trying to get Dara to laugh. She's too serious and he can't handle her like this. 

"Oh please, Ji! The gods will not accept anything impure!" She exclaims, a smile gracing her lips.

"Excuse you, Princess but I am as pure as the first snow fall" feigning hurt.

"Ha! And Seunghyun is the best dancer in all the land"

They both broke down in laughter, images of Seunghun's failed attempt to dance flashing in their minds. As the laughter died down, Dara was somber again, ready to ask Jiyong her questions.

"Do you know what's up with Seunghyun? He's been aloof lately, and I'm worried."

"He's just busy with work. The new album is giving him a hard time." Jiyong answers, knowing full well that this will be his best friend's excuse to his worried wife.

"I have a feeling that that's not it. He's had problems with albums before, Ji. I've been there. He was never like this. Are you hiding something from me?"

How his stupid friend landed a smart girl, he could never explain but for the first time in his life, he curses this pair. Like it or not, he's sandwiched in this problem that's not supposed to be his. 

"Of course not Dara." Jiyong musters all his acting skills, afraid to reveal a weakness to a sharp Dara, and smiles. "Could we really hide anything from you?" He chuckles. Really, can we hide anything from you? Aish! Stupid stupid Hyung!​ He internally grumbles. 

"Does he not love me anymore?" Dara's voice breaks, tears silently streaming down her porcelain skin. She's petrified of losing Seunghyun. She can't think of a life without Seunghyun's love. But if he's no longer happy with her, she will leave because his happiness is important to her more than her own.

Jiyong on the other hand is flabbergasted with that question. Seunghyun is many things but out of love with Dara? That's impossible! So he says just that. "Come on, princess! You and I both know, the entire world knows, that that Pabo is so in love with you. Seungnyun falling out of love with you will mark the end of days, Dara! That Bingu would jump off a flying plane without a parachute than to say he doesn't love you anymore. Don't be ridiculous!"

"But I can't help but feel that way, Ji! He doesn't hug me like he used to. Doesn't look me in the eye every time we see each other. It feels like he's forcing himself to be with me and I can't handle it, Ji! I'm scared."

Dara breaks down, and anybody who knows her would be shocked to see her like this. She has always been the strong one, the one to smile instead of cry on her bridal march while Seunghyun was seriously bawling.As much as Seunghyun is openly foolish in showing his love for Dara, Dara feels the same for Seunghyun. She shows it with simple actions and she's vocal about her feelings for him. She never hid her love for Seunghyun, even if it would cost it her career as the coveted leading lady for romantic roles. The public loved this about their relationship, how nothing was kept secret from the moment they started dating to their wedding announcement. 

Jiyong scoops Dara into his arms, mentally cursing his Hyung for the hundredth time that day and prating fervently for things to work out between his two friends. He can't stand seeing them like this. If one couple could change his view of love, it would be this two. He believes in their love so much, it pains him to witness them falling apart by the seams. 

After Dara regains her composure, she apologizes to Jiyong for breaking down like that. Jiyong just hugs her and says that it's okay and excuses himself. He needs to talk to Seunghyun before this gets any worse.


Seunghyun was appalled when Jiyong told him of Dara's fears. He can't believe that he made Dara feel unloved. The one thing that he promised to himself when Dara said yes to him was that he would make Dara feel his love for as long as they're both alive and now he broke that promise. That's not the only promise you broke, you  he deprecatingly tells himself. He strengthens his resolve and drives back to their house. He can't let Dara think that she's at fault or that he doesn't love her anymore. That's not true! He thought that by hiding the truth, it will save their relationship. It's just a few months away and I can do a paternity test and this will all blow over! But he now knows that keeping it a secret would only bring more problems. It's time for him to man up to his mistakes and pray for all that's holy to help him. Call him selfish, but he can't lose Dara. He will do everything to stay with Dara, even if it hurts him. He will beg on his knees day and night, ask for forgiveness everyday if she will just accept his mistakes.

He arrives to a silent home. Not even the sound of the television can be heard. At first he thought that Dara wasn't home, she was filming a new movie. But as he walks further in, he spots her staring blankly at the television, power still turned off. In her hand are pieces of paper, a very distinct black and with picture fallen on the floor. His world crashed. He knows it's either of two things; Dara's pregnant with their first child or that sent her the photos, just as she threatened. Seeing his wife's reaction, it's the latter. He rushes towards Dara but she stops him dead in his tracks. With voice void of any anger or hate, just brokenness and pain. Dara says "Don't" Just that one word shatters everything they've hoped for. Seunghyun knows he's messed up more than ever. He just missed his chance to pay Dara the respect she deserves. He wasn't able to tell her the truth that she deserves. 

Looking at Dara, Seunghyun feels like he's the biggest failure in the world. Dara looks so broken, so shattered that he doesn't even know how to put her back together. He can see dried tear stains on her beautiful face, her eyes bloodshot and puffy. He did that to the woman he loves more than anything in the world. He wants to take her into his arms, tell her he's sorry that it was a mistake to ask for her forgiveness but he's rooted to his spot. He's immobilized by his fear and shame. Did he really think he could hide this from her? It felt like forever before Dara moved. Seunghyun was watching her like a hawk. Mindful of how she walks weakly from the lounge to their kitchen. He follows her like a lost child as she takes a glass of water and drinks a few sips.

Seems like she cannot stomach the tiniest drop of water and she gags, nauseous and weak.  She sits down on the floor, not caring of the cold that seeps into her skin through her clothes, she doesn't register anything aside from the pain in her chest. It feels like she's drowning, she hopes that she's just drowning. Anything to take this numbing pain away. Thoughts race through her head but only one word came out of , Why?

Just that one question was enough to bring the mighty Seunghyun Choi down to his knees. How does he begin to explain his sins to his beloved wife? How does he put into words his stupidity and moment of weakness. A choked sob was his only reply, the rapper with flowing lyrics and gift for prose was at a loss for words. In the end, no word is enough to mend a broken heart. He breaks down, crying and incoherent words of apology pour from his mouth, from his soul but it seems to be futile. His words don't reach Dara. The once loving home; echoing with laughter and kisses is now filled with only sobs and tears. 

The morning after, both of them were better but not in good shape. Neither of them slept, none strong enough to enter their bedroom, stayed in different parts of the house. Seunghyun didn't want to leave Dara but she asked for space so he reluctantly complied. Seunghyun tried to fix them breakfast but neither of them touched their food. 

Dara asked for an explanation, Seunghyun retold the story with a hollow voice, resigned to robotically tell his wife of his infidelity.

It was on their fourth show in their North America tour, 4/10 and he misses his wife so much. They were all in high spirits, their fourth show and still sold out and raking in rave reviews. The producer wanted to celebrate, being the star of the show, Seunghyun cannot refuse. Booze and women were everywhere, surrounding him and throwing themselves at him. He couldn't really recall how and why he brought the woman back to his hotel room but he knew he was cheating on his wife. He was lost in his high, his pleasure that even with that knowledge, he didn't stop having with the woman. A woman he just met that night, a one night stand. He's had many of those before Dara, but not a single one after. His conscience was eating at him after he ed, he told the woman to leave his room and sent her packing, not even allowing her to take a quick shower. He thought that was the end of it, he will bring this to his grave. But the woman had to call and claim that she's pregnant with his child. She ruined everything. 

"She didn't ruin everything, Seunghyun. You did." Dara angrily says, tears once again on her face. Knowing what happened and how it happened didn't really make that much of a difference to Dara, not now when all she could feel was disappointment and pain. She gets up and walks to their room, straight to her closet. She puts whatever she could inside the first bag that she could get her hands on. She had to leave. She can't stay here anymore. She can't think propely with him around and everything in the house just reminds her of him, of his infidelity and her pain. Seunghyun panics, Dara's leaving him. He cannot let this happen. He grabs her arms, turning her around. He pries the bag out of her grip and drops it on the floor. He sinks to his knees, grabbing her hips tightly. He begs her not to leave, to stay with him and work things out. They can work it out. They have to. They fall to the floor, Dara not being strong enough to carry Seunghyun's additional weight on her. She hits her head on the nearby drawer, causing her to scream in pain. Seunghyun immediately moves off her and checks if she's bleeding. Thankfully, it's just a slight bump. Dara scoots far from Seunghyun though, as if burned and it sliced Seunghyun's heart further. He maintains his distance now, looking at Dara pleadingly. 

"I need to think, Seunghyun. I need space. I cannot think clearly with you around. All I can see when I see your face is you with another woman. You fathering a child with her. Of you loving someone who is not me..."

"That's not true! I could never love anyone but you, Dara. Please believe me. It's just a mistake. I will make it right. I know that kid's not mine! It can't be mine. It can't. Please. I love you, Dara. I really do."

"I never once questioned your love for me. Not until I saw that sonogram. I know, in my heart that you love me more than anything but I just can't seem to accept that now. Because how can the man I love, who says he loves me, cheat on me and have a child with someone else?"

"it was a mistake! I wasn't thinking properly. You're all I have, Dara. You have to believe me."

"You're having a child, Seunghyun..." Dara's voice cracks "please, just let me go. I promise to call you when I have sorted out my thoughts. Please, I feel like I'm dying right now."

As much as Seunghyun feels like he's dying too, it hurts him more to see and know that he's the reason for Dara's pain. He nods his head and curls into a tight ball on the floor as Dara runs past him. She ran, as if being in the same room as he's in was a nightmare. 

He doesn't know how much time pass but he's woken from his stupor when someone shakes his shoulder. At first he thought Dara came back, he hurriedly stands up, a smile ready to grace his lips but immediately deflates when it's just Jiyong he sees. Jiyong looked like a mess, as if he's also undergoing the same pain as he was. He's thankful that Jiyong is here with him, but he's not Dara. He just needs Dara.

"well, hi to you too, sunshine." Jiyong mocks a pout, trying to make his best friend smile. But he knows it's futile. Dara called him an hour ago, in tears. She was in pain but still worried for the man who broke her heart. He wants to say that an angel like Dara deserves someone better than Seunghyun but he can't. Because as stupid and careless as Seunghyun is, his love for Dara cannot be rivaled. He prays with all his heart that the couple gets past this trial, if someone can overcome this obstacle, it's them. It has to be, for both their sakes.

"Dara's staying with her friend, and if you value your life, you would stay away. You know, which friend I'm talking about."

"Dara is my life, Jiyong. And I just broke her." Seunghyun sobs, into Jiyong's shoulder, trying his best to stop crying and drowning in self pity. It's all his fault. He needs to be strong. He needs to be strong to ask for forgiveness.

"I know, man. I know." Jiyong pats his back, gently soothing him. If he was being an , he would say I told you so to Seunghyun, but he knows it's not the time for that. Not when the man is in clear distress and is on the verge of collapsing. He needs to be Seunghyun's best friend and not the everybody came to know. Dara called him to be Seunghyun's pillar of strength, because she can't be there for him. Not when she's also in pain and might just be in worse shape than his Hyung. 

"Just, give her the time to process things. She's too shocked from everything. She loves you, man. Just as much as you love her. She will come around. I know she will. She loves you." Jiyong says these words reverently, over and over again to make himself and Seunghyun believe the best. Seunghyun needs to believe this or else he will surely give up on his life. Dara, you love Seunghyun enough to overlook this, right? Please. 


It was a week later when Dara finally called Seunghyun. He was a nervous mess but was hopeful for the best. Dara's voice wasn't cracking with pain anymore, she didn't seem like she was on the verge of crying in their 53-second conversation. It's got to be good, right? At least she's not in pain anymore. At the back of his mind, he knows there's something wrong. They're meeting in Dara's company building, not their home. His manager is with him too, face blank. 

Upon entering the meeting room, he knows that something isn't right. Dara is there, talking with their company representative and a man who clearly looks like their lawyer is sitting right beside her. No, no. no nononono Seunghyun repeats in his head. This can't be. Dara wouldn't do that to him, to them. 

"Seunghyun, please sit down." His manager pulls up a chair for him, right across from Dara. He refused to sit, instead staring at Dara with wide eyes full of pain and a hint of betrayal. "you just said you needed time to think. You just needed space. Dara, please tell me it's not what I'm thinking, please. I'm begging you. I'm sorry. Please, forgive me. I can't handle this Dara, please. You have to forgive me. Please" His knees are giving in on him, but he musters all his strength to walk to where Dara was seated. He needs to hold her, to hug her, to hold her hand tight and show her how much he still loves her. She can't just give up on them like this. 

Dara wants to run to Seunghyun, to hug him and tell him that it would be okay. That he will be okay. But she can't because there's still the crippling pain in her chest that won't go away. She tried, she really did. She thought that even if the child is Seunghyun's she can just raise it with him. Be the child's mother. But every time she remembers that Seunghyun cheated on her, lied to her and hurt her, she breaks down. How would she raise a kid that's the living and constant reminder of her beloved's infidelity? She thought she was strong, but she's not strong enough to fake that nothing's wrong when her world's still crashing down on her. She can't muster enough strength to even look at him right now much less talk. So she stays silent, watching as the love of her life breaks down in front of her. She needs to do this, she has to.

"Seunghyun," his manager begins "we all came to the conclusion that this would be better for both of your careers. Samantha is threatening to go public with her pregnancy. This will ruin both of you."

"I don't ing care about my career! Do you think that's important right now? My wife's leaving me because of that ! I don't care if that child is mine or not, I will not forgive her for this!"

"I'm not leaving you because of her! I'm leaving because of you! When are you going to stop pushing the blame and accept your responsibility over this?" Dara screams, appalled at how Seunghyun pushes all the blame on the woman. "You slept with her! We wouldn't be in here if you didn't sleep with her! You cheated on me!" And she's crying again, she thought she could hold it in but she was wrong. It still hurts so much. 

"I'm sorry, Dara. I know. I know it's my fault as much as it's hers. But please, Dara. I never meant to hurt you. I didn't want to cheat on you."

"You didn't mean to hurt or cheat on me, but you did. I cannot trust you anymore, Seunghyun. Who's to say that when you go out on tour again, you won't cheat on me? How can I be sure that whenever I leave for work, you won't fall into someone else's arms?"

"I won't. I promise I won't. I won't hurt you like this again. I can't bear to see you like this. Please, stop crying. I'll do everything to stop you from crying, to make you trust me again. Please. I'm sorry. I'll do better. I'll be better. Please, forgive me."

"Please stop apologizing, everytime I hear that from you is like another stab straight to my heart. Please, stop." Dara says as she wipes the tears from her eyes. "If you're really sorry, let me go."

"but that's too much to ask! I'll die without you, Dara. Please, don't do this!"

"But I'm dying whenever I see you. Please. I can't take it anymore. Just seeing you like this feels like my heart is being shredded."

A press conference was called a week after, both companies agreed that a joint announcement of the divorce would be best. The real reason of the divorce will be hidden. They agreed to say that the couple's busy schedule ate away their time together and with less time together, their affection towards each other vanished. It's supposed to be a mutual decision and that both parties are  fine. 

"If you're both fine, then why are you crying, Ms. Park?" An astute reporter asks

"Am I no longer allowed to grieve the loss of a beautiful relationship? Am I no longer allowed to shed tears for the years I've spent with him? It might be an amicable divorce but it doesn't make it hurt any less, Miss." And with that, Dara stopped taking questions and let their representative talk for her. She just wants to rest and get this over with. It hurts too much.

Seunghyun numbed himself from the pain. He was prepared for this. He was giving Dara the space she needs. He's giving her time to mend. But he knows, this is not over for them. Not if he has anything to say about it. He will not give up on Dara. A divorce doesn't mean the end for them.

Dara vanishes from the face of the planet. No one knew where she is. She was last spotted at the airport, her representatives claim that she's going overseas to film but no one has seen even her shadow. It wasn't until months later that she updated her SNS account with a picture of the sunset. She's apologizing for disappearing and says that her movie was canceled so she took this time to enjoy the "wonders of nature." People were speculating her whereabouts but a picture of a sunset is so vague, they just let her have her peace in the end. 

On the other hand, Seunghyun drowns himself in work. The last good news he heard was that the paternity test he filed for came out negative, there was no chance of him being the father of the child. It doesn't make it any better but at least an innocent child will not be brought into his mess. He still wants Sandara back, and he is waiting for the chance to put his plans into motion. He has never doubted their love for each other, not even while they're apart. 

A year has passed and Sandara finally came back with a new film project. At her red carpet premier, she shows up with a man beside her. A man who is not Seunghyun which made the press and fans go crazy. 

She stops briefly for an interview and when the reporter asked her if the man she's with is her new lover, she laughs a hearty laugh, a laugh Seunghyun hasn't heard for the longest time and his heart breaks further.

"Do not misunderstand! This young man here is a new actor in our agency, he's burdened with the task of accompanying me because I'm nervous! This will be my first red carpet alone." She smiles at the camera and starts to move but her cheeky talks and exclaims "It's okay to misunderstand! I am very much lucky to have her in my arms right now!" The young actor smiles goofy and it earns a laugh from everyone and Dara slaps his arm. 

Seunghyun hates that kid with a  passion. He wants to drive over to the venue and pry his hands away from his Dara! The nerve of that kid! Although it was very nice to see Sandara smile again, to hear her laugh even if he's not the reason for that smile. 

Now that Sandara is back, he can now finally make his move. He can woo her again and be back in her good graces. He sends her flowers, her favorites, anonymously and even starts performing songs written for her during their first courtship, much to the surprise and delight of his fans. He stops saying sorry to her like she wished. In time, the guilt vanished but the reminder not to mess up again is embedded in his heart and mind. This time, he will make everything right. He has to. If she'll have him back, he will be the best husband he could be. No more slip ups, no more tears.

Dara smiles as she listens to Seunghyun performing the song he wrote for her. She remembers those days, when Seunghyun was blatantly flirting with her and unapologetically dedicates songs to her during his performances. She's not a fool, she knows those gifts were from Seungyun. No one else is silly enough to write on a card claiming to be a "secret admirer" not even bothering to change his writing style. He's still the idiot that she fell in love with. But of course, she's gonna make him work and sweat for her affections even if those affections were never really gone in the first place. 



A/N: Whoa, did I just write this? LOL TBH I was writing this with a broken TabiSan in mind. Anyway, pardon the mistakes. I hope you liked the story. Please comment and tell me what you think. :)

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Chapter 1: The fact that this feels so genuine. The characters bond - - love, relationship and how they dealt with it.
I honestly believe that once a cheater. . . But this story is an exception (the cheating will probably sink in to me and i'll hate tabi but goddam this was so beautifully written!)
Chapter 1: angsty but positive ending.
love it.
thank you so much!
arica84 #3
Chapter 1: very nice. I like her pov and that she was brave enough to go the route she did. The trust has been breached and he has to earn that back. It seems very realistic and also mature on her part that she's not letting the divorce make her bitter. I like too that it ends with hope for the two of them to get back together. Lovely job :)
dadedi #4
Chapter 1: Wahh... I like it. I'm in tears :'(
effy123 #5
Chapter 1: woahhhh soooo good sequel please? kekeke
chen_free #6
Chapter 1: aaaahhhh tabisan...they pulse with possibility. Thank you for this story.
kapoyani #7
Chapter 1: oawww its good but 1shot? he is lucky af
crinkell123 #8
Chapter 1: if u think about it, Seunghyun is still lucky his one big mistake did not backfire on his career, and even after all that's happened, Dara still loves him and is willing to give him chance.
Chapter 1: wow, love,love the story. thank you so much.