Beautiful Melody

Fragment of a Lovesong


Sunyoung almost fell from her seat the moment she turned around and saw Jonghyun standing a few feet behind her. She gaped at him.

“You’re amazing, Sunyoung-ah,” he said, stepping toward her. His eyes twinkled, and she could see awe in them.

She snapped shut and blinked her eyes. Was she seeing things? Hearing things, too, maybe?

But Jonghyun was still coming toward her and he didn’t disappear when she squeezed her eyes shut and opened them again.

He chuckled. He was standing next to the piano now. “You okay?”

She could only stare up at him.

“Sunyoung?” he waved his hand in front of her face.

She recovered a little from her stunned state and she nodded.

“Can you sing that again?” he asked.

She shook her head, looking like a mute and feeling like an idiot. Sing again with him watching?! How can she ever do it right, knowing he was listening? And it’s his song! Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment when she remembered that he had been there when she was singing and he heard her. But he loved her voice, or so he said…or was it only hallucination and he didn’t really say anything?

“Please…?” he said, turning puppy eyes to her that Sunyoung’s heart thumped wilder within her chest.

She immediately averted her gaze from his and started to tinkle the keys nervously, creating a rather chaotic sound. “I…uh…”

Jonghyun chuckled. “You’re nervous.”

Her heart stopped. She suddenly wanted to disappear. Surely, Jonghyun knows that she likes him too much. Oh, God, he knows. What then? Would he consider asking her for a date? Ah, that’s ridiculous! Would he laugh at her now? Probably. She squeezed her eyes shut and willed herself to just disappear…but of course she didn’t. Instead she was still there, inside the theater, frozen in front of the piano, her cheeks the color of magenta.

I'm so pathetic.

“It’s okay, I understand,” she heard Jonghyun say softly and she wanted to burst into tears with the embarrassment she felt, and the hint of pity she could hear in his voice. Why isn’t she born gorgeous, or statuesque, or alluring? Why?

“I understand how you feel right now. I also feel nervous if I sing and there’s someone listening. I have a stage fright when I was younger, too. I get uneasy when there are people watching me sing…sometimes, I still do. But I just tell myself that I have to share this gift, and everytime I get nervous in front of a crowd I just try to imagine I’m all alone, singing to myself, and everything becomes all right,” Jonghyun continued.

Sunyoung was shocked. Okay that wasn’t what she had been expecting him to think or say. Almost immediately her shoulders sagged with relief and she turned her eyes up at him, hanging open.

Jonghyun grinned lopsidedly at her. “Huh. You didn’t expect that one to come from me, don’t you? I always act like I’m confident and I could do anything, when in truth…I get scared, too.”

She could only nod. It's true. Jonghyun seemed to radiate with confidence and ease, it was hard to imagine him being unsure of himself and getting scared.

“Just try to think I’m not here…or maybe I could hide?” he offered.

She shook her head. She took a deep breath and began to tinkle the keys of the piano once again. She tried to imagine that she was all alone in her room, singing, just singing to pass the time…only she couldn’t ignore Jonghyun’s presence, as she was too aware of him. Her finger landed on the wrong key, ruining the melody she had started.

“Ooops…” she stopped, her cheeks flaming again with embarrassment and frustration. How could she be like this in front of the boy she had secretly loved? She was supposed to show off, as this is one of the things she’s good at: singing and playing the piano.

Jonghyun must have seen the frustration she wore in her expression.

He chuckled once again and put his hand on Sunyoung’s shoulder in an attempt to reassure her.

But Sunyoung jumped at the feel of his hand on her shoulder.

“Sorry,” he took his hand away, not used to girls reacting that way to his touch. He looked at her in confusion.

“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like…I didn’t mean to…” she stammered. “I didn’t mean to jump,” she muttered.

Jonghyun’s light chuckle progressed to a delighted laugh. “You’re so cute, Sunyoung-ssi.”

Her eyes widened. Oh my gosh, did he just call her, Park Sunyoung, nerdy, ordinary, fading-into-the background Sunyoung, cute?

“Okay, how about letting me play the piano while you sing?” he suggested and before Sunyoung could protest he squeezed himself on the space between the piano bench and the piano and tried to sit beside her, causing Sunyoung to move over and give him space.

constricted as her heart hammered harder against her bone. He was so close to her...once again. Their shoulders were touching and she could smell the cologne he wore mixed with his natural scent. Just as it was on the dance floor during the Valentine Ball, Sunyoung’s head began to spin and she almost forgot to breath.

Uh-oh. She gripped the edge of the piano bench and took deep breaths. She wasn’t going to faint again and waste this precious moment.


Jonghyun turned to her. Their faces were too close. She blinked and gulped before nodding.

He started to play.

Sunyoung began to melt. It felt like a dream. Jonghyun was beside her, playing for her, wanting to hear her sing.

Concentrate! she reprimanded herself.

When her cue came she took a deep breath and willed herself to sing the first few lines of the song, hoping it would come out just fine because it seemed she couldn’t find her voice at first.

But her voice came out naturally.

It only took a few lines of the song to make her grow confident. It’s not something she could just do, it's something she could do well. It’s a part of her. It’s who she is. Music.

Her heart soared as Jonghyun joined her, his voice blending perfectly with hers.

Before long they both lost themselves to the magic of the song.

As the last note reverberated and faded throughout the empty theater, Sunyoung felt high. She forgot her apprehensions and her fears. She forgot who she thinks she is, who she thinks he is, and that their worlds could never collide. Because their worlds are actually collliding right at that moment and she could feel sparks.

“Another one?” he asked.

She nodded, looking like a giddy little girl. And in fact, she is…giddy at everything that was happening.

Jonghyun began to play again.

“You know this song?” he asked as Sunyoung began to make out the notes of Jordin Sparks’ “No Air.”

She nodded once more.

If I should die before I wake, it’s ‘cause you took my breath away…

She glanced at his profile. He was engrossed with the keys. She felt like she was singing the song for him. Even if the whole song doesn’t really summarize how she felt for him, somehow the first line does.

He takes her breath away every time he was near. Didn’t she even faint from lack of air when he danced with her?

He smiled and looked back at her as he sang Chris Brown's part.

I’m here alone, didn’t want to leave

My heart won’t move, it’s incomplete

She blushed. He was looking at her while singing, and it felt like he was singing to her.

But how, do you expect me to live alone with just me

‘Cause my world revolves around you it’s so hard for me to breathe

Her world revolves around him? Though it wasn’t entirely true because she has her family, her friends, her studies and her music, somehow it seemed appropriate.

She couldn’t stop thinking about him. Her day would be incomplete without seeing him. She couldn’t imagine herself not feeling the same way about him as she does now.

Sunyoung became aware that all this time that they were singing, they were both looking into each other’s eyes. She felt shy, but mesmerized, she couldn’t look away. She boldly held his gaze.

It was too soon. The song ended.

“Wow, you’re wonderful,” he said softly, his fingers grazing her cheek.

“You, too,” she answered, her voice steady, despite the that her knees where trembling because he touched her cheek and he was gazing at her intently.

He smiled. She smiled back and right there and then, she felt a connection pass between them. It wasn’t like the connection she had felt the first time she saw him singing…it was somewhat more profound, now that he was really seeing her and he knows that she exists. And they both share something beautiful...a passion for music.

But then just like all moments, theirs has to end. Slowly the magic fades away, awareness seeps in and an awkward silence filled them.

Sunyoung suddenly became conscious of it, and she returned to her shy, insecure self. She pulled her gaze away from Jonghyun and looked down, pretending to check the time on her wristwatch.

He sensed her sudden discomfort but he tried to act as if he didn’t notice it. He peered into her wristwatch as well, causing his head to be closer to hers. Their cheeks almost touched and Sunyoung went stiff.

“Omo, just look at the time,” Jonghyun said casually, ignoring the fact that he was making her awkward.

Sunyoung’s eyes widened. She immediately remembered that she has to come by Krystal’s house and borrow her notes before dinner time. She hastily stood up from the seat.

“You’re already going?” Jonghyun asked, a hint of frustration in his voice.

She looked at him for a moment, hesitating. Who knows when this moment happens again? Or will it ever happen again? Tomorrow things between them might get back to what it was: her wanting his attention, and him just seeing right through her.

Just as she was about to tell him that maybe she could stay for another song, she felt her phone vibrating in the pocket of her skirt.

She immediately reached for it.


“Sunyoung-ah, where are you?” it was her mother. “We’re out of eggs. Can you stop by the market and buy some? I’ll pay you once you get home.”

She bit back a sigh. “Okay, umma.”

She glanced regretfully at Jonghyun as she hung up.

“I...I really enjoyed singing with you and I want to stay longer, but I have to go,” she told him.

He got up from the bench. “Yeah, from what I've heard, your umma already wants you to go home.”

“Actually, no…she wants me to buy some eggs, and then I have to stop by my friend’s house to borrow her notes in History, and…” she trailed off, embarrassed again. She was babbling. And how would Jonghyun take interest on her boring, predictable life?

But then he grinned at her and she didn't expect what he would say next.

“Maybe I can go with you?”

“Oh,” was all she uttered.

Did she hear him right?


Sorry for not updating for awhile. I just got busy...well, I always am, but after I finished my short Minstal fic, this time I just got tired and I wanted to take a break from writing and just read instead. :)

Anyway, here you go, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter...LOL, it's all about Jongna. (it's their fic after all, kekeke)

I used No Air because I think it suits both their voices...and I'm not very much familiar with Korean songs other than those sung by the idols (and I couldn't find anything appropriate).

And as promised! I would like to dedicated this fanfic to ParkMiyoung, who's inlove with Jongna but also shares my enthusiasm with Minstal and is almost always subscribing and commenting to my Shinyeffects ffs. I hope you like this chapter, chinggu, though this is only the beginning of more moments for Jongna. 

Thank you for waiting, my dear readers and thank you for giving love to this fic. 

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Chapter 8: Yeah, it's 2017 and I'm reading this.

Let me tell you one thing: I LOVE EVERY PIECE OF THIS STORY. I wish you could complete it but... I think it's already too late for that T_T
Even if it's not completed, It's still wonderful for me and I love reading this
DearDaisy #2
This was like the first fanfic I really liked on this site. I still remember how much I loved it! Even uncompleted, it's a masterpiece! I love Sunyoung and Jonghyun in this. Thank you for writing it!
- RD :)
Toshio9 #3
Chapter 8: I'm begging you! Please update this story!
Chapter 8: author-nim i beg you to update this ffic ;A;
Please update!!
xm_iyumii #6
Chapter 8: THIS IS DAEBAK ;__;
Chapter 8: author-nim update please ;_;
Please update author-nim. T-T