An Opportunity

Fragment of a Lovesong


Sunyoung watched as if in slow motion as Jonghyun offered the rose and the letter to Krystal. Then constricted and her eyes began to water. She blinked several times. The whole surrounding felt like it was closing in on her and she can’t breathe.

She stared at Jonghyun, unaware that was hanging open. He was looking at Krystal with a glint in his eyes. And he was wearing that lopsided smile. And that smile is for Krystal.

Her eyes shifted to Krystal, who stood there gaping at Jonghyun, her face shifting from pale to red then to pale again. She seemed to be frozen in shock. She didn’t make any move to accept the flower and the letter Jonghyun was offering.

“Oh, come on, sweetheart, take it.”

Sunyoung watched as Jonghyun grabbed Krystal’s wrist and pushed the flower and the folded paper in his hand, an immediate resentment rising within her as she heard him using an endearment to Krystal.

“Are these really for me? Aren’t you mistaken?”

Finally Krystal seemed able to break from her trance and she glanced nervously at Sunyoung.

Yes, isn’t Jonghyun mistaken? Krystal is way out of his league. She’s the unknown Jung, as what she calls herself. But what if he’s changing his taste now? What if he wants a girl from Sunyoung’s crowd this time? But why Krystal, why not someone else?

Why not you?  A mocking voice said in her mind. And her heart plummeted as the painful truth hit her. Of course, Krystal is pretty enough to be noticed by someone like Jonghyun even though she’s not popular.

“No, Krystal Jung, I’m sure these are for you, though I know that rose’s beauty could not compare to yours,” Jonghyun answered with his usual cheesy pick-up lines, winking at Krystal, his tone light and teasing.

Sunyoung felt like crying, but she strongly stood by and watched the love of her life flirting and almost wooing her best friend.

Krystal took a glance at her again, her eyes full of pity and guilt. Then she turned to Jonghyun again. “I can’t-” she was about to hand back the rose with the letter to Jonghyun but Sunyoung held her arm to stop her.

“Wow, Krys, one of the SHINee boys likes you,” she piped in with a fake cheerful voice. “If I were you I’d be flattered.”

Sunyoung didn’t know what she is doing. She had known Krystal was about to turn Jonghyun down but she stopped her when she knows it would be much more favorable for her if Krystal does.

Jonghyun shifted his eyes to Sunyoung…and that y smile again. But Sunyoung was too hurt and distressed to care anymore.

It was but a brief moment before Jonghyun turned back his attention to Krystal again. “I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow for your answer, beautiful,” he lightly pinched Krystal’s chin and Krystal was taken aback with the gesture.

Sunyoung thought Krystal would have punched Jonghyun by then, but she knew her friend wouldn’t…for her sake.

She could only hope that since Krystal takes no interest in boys, she would be strong and smart enough to resist Jonghyun’s charms and Jonghyun, receiving no positive response from Krystal, would decide to move on to another girl. Sunyoung realized it would be better for him to be with a girl she didn’t know, than for him to be with her friend.

She and Krystal watched as Jonghyun walked away, his casual saunter too y that Sunyoung doubted it’s done without him being unaware of it.

As Jonghyun disappeared from her sight,  Sunyoung began to notice that the students around them are staring at them, particularly at Krystal. The boys looked interested, while the girls are gawking with envy evident in their eyes.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” Sunyoung pulled Krystal by the arm and strode down the corridor.


“Open the letter and read it.”

Krystal just stared at her, making no move to open the letter. Sunyoung brought Krystal to the ladies’ room and locked the door lest someone could walk in.

“Unnie…” hesitation was in Krystal’s eyes.

“Open it and let’s see what he says in there. I bet he’d be asking you to be his date for the ball,” she said, trying to keep the hurt from her voice but failed.

Krystal didn’t move.

She gave out an exaggerated sigh and snatched the letter from Krystal’s hand. “If you don’t mind… since you seem to have no plans of opening it.”

Trust Jonghyun to court with style. It’s old-fashioned, really. Who gives love-letters when courting or seducing someone nowadays? But it was romantic, and Sunyoung wished it’s her. Something pinched at her heart.

She unfolded the letter and began to read aloud, her voice slightly shaking.

“Dear, Krystal,” she began. “I was never at peace ever since the day I first saw your beautiful face,” she paused and winced. It does sound like something Kim Jonghyun might say. “But I am too shy to come near you and even talk to you,” she almost scoffed. Kim Jonghyun? Shy? What is he playing at now? She continued reading. “Now I’m finally having the courage to ask you…” she swallowed the lump in . “Will you be my date to the Valentine’s ball? Love…” she trailed off as her eyes landed on the signature. Something lifted from her shoulders and she felt relieved.

Krystal saw her grinning and immediately the girl looked confused. “Why are you smiling?”

“We’re such a bunch of pabos! These aren’t from Jonghyun! They’re from Minho!” Sunyoung laughed.

Krystal’s eyes widened. Then she turned scarlet. “M-Minho?”

Sunyoung felt so relieved that she wanted to twirl around. She began to feel excited and giddy. “Oh, gosh, Krystal, he’s cute! You should say yes!”

Krystal continued to stare at her, agape.

Then a thought occurred to Sunyoung. She sighed. “I know you’re not really into boys right now but…” if Krystal would get close to Minho, then she might find a way for Sunyoung and Jonghyun to meet. She frowned and pushed the thought away.

Using Krystal to get close to Jonghyun? Oh please, how selfish can you get? her conscience nagged. “Never mind, Krys. Turn Minho down if that’s what you want.”

Krystal is coming back to awareness after being frozen into shock. Her stare focused on Sunyoung and a smile slowly spread on her face. “Who told you I’m turning him down? I’ll say yes. I can get him to introduce you to Jonghyun.”


“Yah, hyung, why do you have to give it to her in public? She was embarrassed,” Minho whined, earning a playful glare from Jonghyun.

Jonghyun stood up from where he was seated and sat beside Minho. He draped his arm around the younger boy’s shoulders and gave his cheek a wet kiss.

Minho leaned away and wiped his cheek Jonghyun had kissed. “Ugh, hyung, you’re gross! If I didn’t know what you do to those girls of yours I swear I’d think you’re gay!”

“Aw, you know that I love you this much, Minho-ah,” he teased, pinching Minho’s cheeks. “You’re like my protégé, you know.”

From behind them he could hear Jinri and Nicole giggling.

Taemin, Key and Onew didn’t react to the scene as it was a usual occurrence and it happens to them, too.

“Aish, stop it!” Minho leaned farther away. “Yah, get yourself a new girlfriend! And when did I want to become your protégé?”

Jonghyun laughed. “When you asked for my help with girls.”

“What girls? It’s just one girl and I don’t intend to play with her like…” Minho trailed off as he saw Jonghyun’s expression.

Jonghyun feigned hurt. “Yah, Minho, I don’t play with those girls. It just so happens that we would outgrow each other and we decide to move on.”

“Whatever you say, hyung. Just get off me,” Minho nudged him and he stood up chuckling.

“She’s a pretty little thing, Minho-ah. At least you have good taste. She’s kinda nerdy, though,” he grinned.

Minho faked a glare at him. “Yah, hyung, don’t ever think of turning on your charms when Krystal is around. She might fall for you. And I don’t like you touching her. You’re like a erted, dirty old man when you pinched her chin.”

“Ooo…you’re just jealous,” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows. “Why don’t you just have the balls to talk to her yourself and ask her to the ball personally, huh?”

Minho frowned. “You know that I’m not good with those things and you’re the expert on that. Hyung,” Minho’s already big eyes grew bigger. “Don’t you think we overdid that letter we wrote to her?”

“Ugh, shut up!” all four boys turned to Minho and groaned almost in unison.

Minho ignored their reaction. “Do you think she could like me?”

Jonghyun grinned. “Of course, kiddo. Girls chase after us and she would be no exception.”

“Oh please, you’re sooo humble,” Nicole said sarcastically.

“You don’t think it’s true? How many times did Kibum pull you out from an almost cat-fight because of that, huh?” Jonghyun said confidently.

Nicole stuck out her tongue at him, coming up short with a retort and Jinri giggled cutely.

“It’s a good thing my Taeminnie is a good boy or else I’d get in trouble, too,” Jinri said.

“Yah, and what does that supposed to mean?” Nicole pouted at Jinri.

“Oh, that’s just what you think, Jinri-ah,” Key said. “Think this little boy here is that innocent?”

Jinri’s cheeks reddened. “Well, not really.”

“Yah, hyung!” Taemin yelled.

Key widened his eyes threateningly at the youngest boy. “What, do you have a problem with what I said?”

“Oppa, don’t be mean!” Jinri hugged Taemin and leaned her head on his shoulder. “Chagiya, what does Key oppa mean, huh?” she asked in a sugary-sweet voice which is laced with menace.

“Jinri-ah, don’t listen to Key, he’s just teasing Taemin,” Onew mumbled, his mouth full of fried chicken.

“Uh-huh,” Jinri nodded, then gave an eye-smile to her boyfriend. “We’ll talk later, right, baby?”

Taemin groaned. “Thanks a lot, hyung,” he muttered, the sarcastic remark directed to Key, who is now busy whispering who knows what blood curdling cheesiness in Nicole’s ear.

“Ah, this is sweetness overload,” Jonghyun remarked sarcastically, looking at the couples. “Don’t you just love it?” he turned to Minho.

“Yeah,” Minho answered absent-mindedly, his eyes glued to the floor, his mind obviously somewhere else.

He patted Minho’s shoulder. “We’ll have Krystal’s answer by tomorrow, unless of course she calls you through that number I wrote at the bottom of your letter,” he walked toward the door and waved to the others. “I’m going.”

“Where are you going, hyung?” Minho asked, snapping out of his reverie.

“Finding myself a date to the ball, ” Jonghyun answered with a playful grin.

“Oh, is it that hard for the hot Kim Jonghyun? I heard girls were asking you left and right to date them ever since you broke up with Sekyung,” Nicole teased.

Jonghyun waved a hand in front of his face as if he was swatting a nonexistent fly. “I want none of them. I want someone…different. Someone…exotic,” he grinned.

“And by exotic you mean having horns and a tail and walks on all fours?” Onew said and the others laughed.

“And she would tell him ‘Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?’ while being milked,” Key then lets out a mooing sound and everyone laughed harder.

“Oh, good, you’re talking about a cow, right? I like cows,” Jonghyun rode along.

“Yah, get out of here!” Key threw a pillow at him and it hit his shoulder before he had gotten out and closed the door behind him.


Hi. So I just got inspired hence I was able to update this. This is mainly a JongNa fanfic but there would be some Lunew, too.

Sorry if there's more of Minstal than I intended. I just can't stop writing about them. Haha.

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Chapter 8: Yeah, it's 2017 and I'm reading this.

Let me tell you one thing: I LOVE EVERY PIECE OF THIS STORY. I wish you could complete it but... I think it's already too late for that T_T
Even if it's not completed, It's still wonderful for me and I love reading this
DearDaisy #2
This was like the first fanfic I really liked on this site. I still remember how much I loved it! Even uncompleted, it's a masterpiece! I love Sunyoung and Jonghyun in this. Thank you for writing it!
- RD :)
Toshio9 #3
Chapter 8: I'm begging you! Please update this story!
Chapter 8: author-nim i beg you to update this ffic ;A;
Please update!!
xm_iyumii #6
Chapter 8: THIS IS DAEBAK ;__;
Chapter 8: author-nim update please ;_;
Please update author-nim. T-T