Jeon Hannah a.k.a The Amazing Momma

Ignore Me Not!
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a/n: if you haven't reread the previous chapter, I suggest you to read it first since there's a few additional events that I forgot to put :)





Jungkook could feel his head pounding and it hurts like hell. He groaned and held his head with his left hand because God only knows why he couldn’t moves his right hand.

“Oouw…” Jungkook rub his head. The pounding feeling keep on hit his poor head. He opened his eyes slowly only to find white everywhere.

“Huh?” Jungkook blinked his eyes.

Where am I?

Jungkook looked at the surrounding.

Hospital? Why am I here? What happened?!

Jungkook started to panic. His eyes went everywhere around the room before stopped at the figure that sleep on his right hand. Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the guy. The guy’s hair was greenish brown. Jungkook felt like he knew this guy.

He moved his right hand slowly. The figure suddenly woke up and turn his head at Jungkook. Jungkook eye widened.

“Jin hyung..?” Jungkook mouth was hanging open.

Jin eyes shoot open at the sight Jungkook already sitting on the bed.

“Jungkook” Jin unconsciously bursted and hugged Jungkook tight. “You’re awake. Thanks God you’re okay” Jin buried his face in Jungkook’s crook and inhaled Jungkook’s scent before let out a relief sigh. They stayed like that for minutes, until Jungkook couldn’t hold his tangled mind anymore.

“H-Hyung…” Jungkook could feel his cheek burning. Suddenly the hug gone. Leaving Jin sat beside him with nervous expression that Jungkook didn’t realize.

“Sorry, I’m just...” Jin combed his hair with fingers, indicating he lost in words.

“It’s fine hyung, I-I actually liked it” Jungkook face painted red while looking down. His cheeks reddened like fresh cherry. Jin felt his heart thumping.

“Oh” Jin bite his inner cheek.

“H-Hyung what-”

“Kookiee!!” Jungkook couldn’t complete his words, the door burst opened and his mom and dad stormed inside.

“Oh my God, my baby” his mom hugged him tight. Jin stepped back and walked outside. It’s the family time and no one wanted his presence there.

“Mom, I’m okay” Jungkook hugged back his mom. “Dad, what happened? Why am I here?” ask Jungkook with confuse expression that made his mom pinched his cheeks.

“Someone tried to kidnap you at the toilet, son. The doctor said that the person hit you on the head. You’re lucky there’s nothing serious about the hit. Dad is so shocked when Namjoon called and told that you’re in the hospital. Dad and mom left the meeting immediately and took the fastest flight to Korea. Thanks God you’re okay” Jungkook’s dad caressed his son’s head.

Jungkook could only nod. “And why did Jin hyung’s here? I thought he will come three days again?” Jungkook could feel his heart beating harder at the mentioned Jin’s name. What he didn’t realize is that his face already in crimson colored. His mom was the first one that realize it. She chuckled.

“Looks like someone is in laaavv” tease Jungkook’s mom. Jungkook eyes widened. He could feel his cheeks heated.
“Mom!” he whined.

“Hahaha… so cute” his mom pinched his cheeks. “We called him back right after we get on the plane. We have no idea how come he came here faster than us… and he was here before, right?”

“Uh... okay” Jungkook played with his blanket. “Mom..? Dad..?” called Jungkook.

“Yes son?” answered his dad and mom.

“Uh... uh... can I ask you something?”

Jungkook was hesitate before, but their parents loving face and their nods strengthen him. “Is that okay if... if I don’t like girls?” Jungkook’s sight dropped to his lap. Didn’t dare to look at his parents eyes. He didn’t know his mom was smiling.

“Kookie...” his mom called him softly. She lifted Jungkook’s chin to match his eyes with her. Jungkook still looking down. “Kookie, look at mom please? We’re not mad, honey” His mom caressed his head.

Jungkook turned his eyes at his mom’s with guilty expression.

“Listen to mom, okay?” Jungkook calmed down after seeing his mom’s smile. He nodded.

“Mom and dad have no problem with your decision honey.. you’re our one and only baby. We loved you for who you are. We respected your opinion and preference. If you don’t like girls, it was all fine. Nothing will change, right? You will always be our son and our Kookie. So, don’t be sad anymore, okay? Honey?” his mom’s words made Jungkook’s eyes teared up.

“Thank you mom

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I wantd to Update but the lack of responses halt me .-. // p.s: I love reading your comments :P


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AuraC25 #1
Chapter 12: Awh My Poor Kookie
AuraC25 #2
Chapter 9: Namjoonaaahhhhh HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Luciferka #3
Chapter 20: Soooo.sweet... so thorough a.tender and breathtaking.. loved it
Chapter 20: It's beautiful
Thanks for this amazing masterpiece of yours
I really enjoyed reading this
You nailed it man author-nim ... Congrats in making me amazed while reading this..
Love it so much
Love JinKook
Love you author-nim
Deminator #5
I followed this when you still needed to update once in a while and boy it was awesome!! Ty for this awesome story
Mint729 #6
Chapter 20: Omg!!!!!!! Thank god i found this amazing ff. So sweet and that hotness in the end!!!!!!!!!! Love u author-nim. U did amazing job with this ff:)))
Jjccandh #7
Who is the top and bottom
Chapter 20: So GOOD
*Major Nose Bleed*
And so cuteeeeeee~
SugaChim95 #9
Chapter 20: This is sooo en sweet!!! I love Jinkook well i pair Jungkook with all the members because jungkook is just that adorable lol. I love the story and it was sweet. So sad about Jimin :(. But other then that is a beautiful story :).