What's her name?

The Person I Love [HIATUS]

Infinite was hanging out at the back of the school field at the bleachers. Sungyeol was talking to L about a prank he pulled on a gang that made the gang caught by police. Sungjong was eating chewing gum and made bubble with it. Sunggyu, Hoya and Dongwoo were watching something on Sungyeol’s laptop. While for Woohyun he was lying on the bleachers with one knee propped up.

He was holding the blue bracelet between his fingers and gazed on it. He kept thinking about the girl who helped him and treated his wounds. He wanted to know who she is without losing his identity as the cold gangster. Woohyun never interested in girls before but he didn’t know why this one girl caught his attention.

“Yah Woohyun! Why are you kept looking at the bracelet?” Dongwoo asked tearing his attention away from Sungyeol’s laptop.

“Yeah… are you going to confess to a girl or something?” Hoya teased and smirked.

“Or… you’re interested in girls’ accessories now?” Sungyeol joined in. The others laughed and L high-fived Sungyeol. Woohyun sat up and glared at them. They quickly shut their mouths.

“I’m NOT confessing to a girl nor am I interested in girls’ accessories.” Woohyun gave a hard looked at Sungyeol which made him cowered away and hide behind L.

“Then whose bracelet is that?” Sunggyu asked.

“A girl… who helped me…” Woohyun voice suddenly got gentler. Infinite looked at each other.

“Oh! The one you said that treated your wounds?” Sunggyu asked and Woohyun nodded his head.

“But I don’t know what her name is. All I know is that she studied here.” Woohyun said still keeping his gazed on the bracelet. Sunggyu walked to him and sat beside him. He stared at the bracelet closely.

“Hmm… it looks expensive. As far as I know… only one person in this school who wore such an expensive accessory.” Sunggyu said.

“Who?” Woohyun asked eagerly.

“Kang Jihyun…” Sunggyu said. Suddenly they heard sounds. Infinite turned their heads towards Hoya and Dongwoo who were watching something on the laptop.

“Yah! Are you watching ?!” Sunggyu glared at them.

“It’s Sungyeol’s!” Hoya and Dongwoo answered in unison.

“Bwoh??!!” Sungyeol looked at them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jihyun rummaged her locker. Everything spilled out from her lockers and onto the floor. Students who passed by looked at her curiously.

“Where is it?” Jihyun muttered and then she sighed when she couldn’t find it.

“Annyeong bestie! What are you looking for?” Kimchi came out from nowhere and asked Jihyun. She didn’t seem surprised though.

“My bracelet.” Jihyun answered and then continued to look for the bracelet.

“The blue bracelet that your grandma gave you before she pass away?” Kimchi asked.

“YES!” Jihyun blurted. “I lost it. I can’t find it anywhere. Ottoeke? That’s the only memory I have with my grandma before she go.” Jihyun started to sniffle.

“Hey… don’t cry. Maybe you left it in your mansion.” Kimchi tried to comfort her but Jihyun started to sob.

“I already searched it this morning but I still couldn’t find it. Besides I never took it off how can I lost it?” Jihyun cried and fell on the floor. Kimchi bent down and patted her back.

“Yah… don’t cry. People are looking.” Kimchi whispered. Students who were passing by looked at Jihyun but didn’t care to approach to her and asked her what’s wrong. Jihyun looked down on her lap and wiped her tears. Suddenly Kimchi nudged her on the elbow but didn’t say anything. Jihyun didn’t respond.

“Yah…” Kimchi whispered and nudged her again but Jihyun didn’t budge. Then someone stooped down in front of her. Jihyun saw someone sneakers on the floor in front of her and she looked up. Her eyes widened and her heartbeat began to accelerate. The guy didn’t say a word and just stared at her, she couldn’t say a word either even though yesterday she kind of talked to this guy.

“Is this yours?” He held a bracelet. Jihyun gasped and grabbed the bracelet quickly like it was her life. She gave a smiled to him.

“Thank you Woohyun sunbae. Where did you found this?” She asked while smiling. Woohyun didn’t know why but he suddenly felt nervous and he felt happy when he saw that smiled. He tried to keep it cool and cleared his throat.

“I think it dropped in the first aid kit that you gave me.” Woohyun said in monotone. He stood up and dusted his pants. Jihyun and Kimchi also stood up. Woohyun glanced at Jihyun then walked away.

“Thank you again sunbaenim!” Jihyun shouted and waved like a little kid. Woohyun shook his head his lips twitched into a smiled.

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jaejae077 #1
Chapter 11: omg... my feels... woohyun ahh! fight for her!
trinity- #2
Woohyun is so cute to her XD
Stupid Woori ._. Why is she always such a ER
Woohyun is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate the girls -_-
Update soon please!
crazykissme4ever #4
oh no the bad girl is already here --'
aerokinesis #5
Well maybe because you're already falling for her Nam Woohyun. But because you're stupid, you don't know yet. xD
your idea is not stupid... it's brilliant!<br />
what do you mean i expand? i just followed what you gave me...xD
Ohmygosh. Tht girl got some guts. I couldn't even talk to my crush hahahah .<br />
Anyways, update more :) <br />
Aw, the anxiety of not know whether the other person would accept your chocolate, oy;(<br />
Woohyun's so cold, but eh, it's kinda y hahaha! <br />
The poor girls who were rejected, they must not have the confidence to ever confess again, those poor things=(<br />
Hopefully Woohyun would accept Jihyun's, I mean he was all worked up about it when Sungjong mentioned her, so he obviously cares more than a normal person would;)<br />
Update soon!;)