Mrs. Special


Leeteuk didn't want to join the army, so he devised a plan. A plan that used online dating to locate Mrs. Special.



Leeteuk didn't want to join the army. He didn't want to put his life on hold, at least not just yet. He was a leader with more duties than he felt like he could handle sometimes; how could he abandon Super Junior, let alone all of his fans? How could he push his burdens onto one of the other members in his absence? He had responsibilities to the world outside of his country.

Somehow Leeteuk knew that everything that he and his group had worked so hard for would fall apart without him there to hold it up. Letting that happen was not an option. Leeteuk was an idol and he cherished every fiber of his image, from practicing to performing and all of the blood, sweat, and tears in between. He refused to give that up. He would die doing it. He was selfish, maybe, but he was sure.

And so, Leeteuk came up with a plan -- a plan to get married. For real. Dating was a near impossible task for him, fame considered, and despite the severity of the situation Leeteuk wouldn't settle for any willing woman. There was a girl out there somewhere who would be just as special to him as he was to his fans. There was a girl out there who was his soul mate, his other half, his angel, and his heart was destined to be joined with hers.

Finding her was the problem. Leeteuk had no time to waste. Luckily, technology existed to make anything and everything quicker and easier.

Leeteuk joined a dating website under a false name. Every detail of his profile was legitimate outside of his name and occupation, but that was a matter for another day.

Leeteuk was going to find his future wife, and he was going to find her fast.

But would all of the pieces fall into place so easily? Could Leeteuk hurry love and cheat fate, or would he just have to wait?



Author's Note:

Greetings~ I got this idea the other day and couldn't help but write it down. I'm still unfamiliar with a majority of Korean cultural norms, as well as K-Pop itself, so please excuse any mishaps in that regard and feel more than free to correct them! From what I've found in research, military service is a Constitutional Duty in South Korea and is generally carried out during a male's 20's, but for some reason I have it stuck in my head that if you're married and starting a family then you're exempted, at least to a certain extent? That might be (and probably is) wrong, since I didn't actually find any hard evidence of it while searching, but I always have the fall-back fact that this is fanfiction and I can tweak the rules a bit if I see fit, m'hahaha.

So, basically, I had the urge to write this idea down, but I'm not quite sold on the story itself yet. It will be a little while before I can really get into it either way (I have more or less no free time at all until winter break comes along >_<) but I'd really love to get some feedback in the mean time. I don't require comments or subscriptions to write, but they definitely help to motivate me!

An image will be added as soon as I find the perfect one. I put more work into finding images than I do into writing, I swear. xD I might actually try making a poster for the first time, too, so we'll se how that goes.

Until then~ 



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shiningstarr #1
Well mr special, i would gladly be your mrs special. ^^
Sounds interesting plz update soon :)