Hold Tight

Hold Tight

"Hyung hyung hyung!"

Taehyung throws himself into the picture.

"Take me too!"

Hoseok laughs and shakes his head in exasperation. Jin smiles and lifts the camera again, fitting the duo into frame.


The camera whirs and slowly prints the photo. Taehyung skips over.

"I wanna see!"

"You gotta wait for it to come out, Tae Tae," Hoseok says, reaching over to ruffle Taehyung's hair.

Yoongi walks in through the door at that moment, pauses to stare at them for a moment before continuing on towards the kitchen.

While Taehyung fawns over the photo, Jin heads to the kitchen to find Yoongi standing there, leaning back against the counter, cup of steaming something -probably coffee- in his hands and eyes closed. He doesn't think about it, when the catches Yoongi through the camera.

Yoongi's eyes open at the 'click' of the camera and he looks at Jin through barely open eyes.

"I won't look good."

Jin smiles.

"You always look good."

"That's a lie and you know it," Yoongi says heading over towards him.

"Do you want to see?" Jin asks as the photo starts to print.

Yoongi shakes his head, leans up to kiss Jin on the cheek.

"See you later, hyung."

Jin smiles to himself as he looks at the photo.

It is beautiful.

Yoongi always is.

He is walking past the kids room when he hears the giggling. Curious, he pushes the door open and peers in. Jimin and Jungkook are playing video games, tangled together under the sheets of Jimin's bed. Their faces are lit by the light from the lamp beside the bed and the light of the TV. Jin catches the moment with his camera. The kids don't hear him over the noise from their game, and Jin hopes they don't turn the sound up any louder as he turns back.

"Jin hyung-"

Jin turns, and Jungkook has twisted around in bed to look over to him.

"-hyung, has Namjoon hyung come out of the shower yet?"

"I'll go tell him to hurry up, Kook."

Jungkook grins.

"Thank you, hyung."

Namjoon is just coming out of the shower when Jin finds him, one towel wrapped around his hips and trying to dry his hair with another.

Namjoon emerges from vigorous hair drying when Jin snaps a photo.


Jin grins at him.

"Hyung, throw that out! I look terrible!" Namjoon complains, pulling on a pair of shorts.

"You look perfect," Jin tells him, looking at the photo for a moment before slipping it into his pocket with the others.

Namjoon frowns disbelievingly.

Later, he carefully puts the new photos into the album he keeps just for s.

He has taken so many photos of them, this is the fifth album already, but there are no bad photos. Every single photo he has taken is perfect. He knows that it is not because of him, he's not delusional enough to think that he's some kind of amazing photographer.

It is because all of s, these boys he loves so much, every single one of them is perfect. He cannot catch a bad angle because there will never be any.

And he wants to remember. Every single day, every single moment, for one day when his memory won't be the best and he'll need help to look back.

Until that day, he'll catch these memories and hold them, pin them to the walls and keep them.



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Chapter 1: Ahh so cute! Love this fic <3
AndreeaRea #2
Chapter 1: This is so adorable, you practically described them as as a family (>////<) And nobody dies, finally. Just seeing BTS being happy and full of energy and reading adorable happy stories like this one is enough to make me happy inside and smile. Thanks for the feelings, good job with this one (^.^)