One Last Date

For You

Chapter 3 ; One Last Date Together Before I Bid You Adieu.

Play This: Click ( EXO - Hurt Piano Balled Ver. by SM Yang Piano )

Morning soon arrived and Jihye was the first to wake up. Upon seeing Baekhyun's peaceful sleeping face next to her, a sad smile graced her lips as she reached out to sweep his fringe to the side but stopped herself just in time. She closed her eyes as she turned towards the other side and got out of bed, quickly running off to get ready.

Running- Now that was a bad move on her part. She should've never ran because no sooner did she run did she feel suffocated as she crumbled to the floor. Fortunately for her, she was next to a drawer of hers and with whatever strength she had left, she reached for her drawer and yanked it open before quickly searching for her inhaler which was given to her by her doctor. The moment she found it, she used it on herself, puffing medicine into . Slowly, she drew in deep breaths with her free hand over her chest, close to her heart as she tried to take in oxygen. 

"Jihye?" Jihye's eyes widened and she quickly tucked her inhaler back into the drawer as she stood up, slamming the drawer shut. 

"O-Oh! Baekhyun-ah." She feigned a smile. "You're awake!" He nodded sleepily at her statement.

"Yeah.. You told me to wake up early today so I'm awake now." Baekhyun rubbed his eyes like a child trying to get rid of sleepiness. "but what's wrong with you?" He asked. "Are you okay? Why were you sitting on the floor?" 

"I'm perfectly fine." Jihye smiled. "Oh I was just searching for something." At that, Baekhyun nodded.

"Oh. Have you washed up? If you haven't, you can go first." He told her but she gently shook her head.

"No, that's okay. You can wash up first." Jihye told him. "I'm going to pick out our outfits for today!" She beamed at him before walking towards their wardrobe leaving him standing there before a smile graced his lips and he turned around to head for the bathroom. 

{ Play This : Click ( EXO - Tender Love Piano Cover by ApianoA ) }

"Are you serious about us wearing this?" Baekhyun asked for what was probably the upteenth with a pointed look on his face as he gestured to his clothes while they walked down the crowded streets of Myeongdong.

"What?" Jihye asked with a slight pout on her face. "It looks cute! Besides, we match!" She smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his arm. "C'mon.. Wear this for just this once, oh?" She asked him, prepared to turn to aegyo if he didn't give in. To her pleasure, he broke into a smile as he removed his arm from her grasp to instead wrap his arm around her shoulder, holding her close to him as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Fine..." Baekhyun gave in. "Anything for you I suppose." He smiled charmingly at her. At that, Jihye grinned as she pecked his lips. 

"Thank you, Baekhyun oppa~" Jihye called him 'oppa', something which was extremely rare even though he was older than her by just one year mainly because she never liked calling anyone 'oppa'. In fact, Jihye honestly hated aegyo. The only time she'd turn to aegyo was when she desperately wanted something which in this case was to wear a matching outfit with her boyfriend for what was probably the first and last time.

At the word 'oppa', Baekhyun felt his feelings rocket up into the sky, all displeasure about wearing the outfit, gone and not a trace in sight. 

"You called me 'oppa'!" Baekhyun grinned. "Call me that again!" He told her but she shook her head as she stuck her tongue out at him.

"No!" She giggled softly as she ran a few feet away from him. "I'm only calling you that once~" Jihye stuck her tongue out at him as she ran off.

"YAH!" Baekhyun called after her. "DON'T JUST RUN AWAY LIKE THAT!" He chased after her, earning strange looks from passerbys but they couldn't care less. It was the first time in many years since they last behaved in such a carefree manner.


Jihye sighed in content as she leaned against Baekhyun's shoulder as they sat on the bench that was on a cliff that overlooked Seoul. Time flew by far too fast to her liking.

"Baekhyun?" She looked up at him. 

"Hm?" He hummed in reply.

"I love you.." She muttered. "Please always remember that no matter what happens, I love you." That got him looking at her properly. Why in the world was she talking as if she was going to leave him? Surely she wasn't. Thinking it was just her being emotional, he nodded as he drew her closer to him by placing his hand over her shoulder.

"You know I'll always love you too.." He smiled at her and to Jihye, it seemed for just a very brief moment that everything was alright again. Her heart tore at his words and hesitations flew into her mind but she knew she had to do what she had to do. 

"For one last time.. please let me stay like this.." She thought to herself as she closed her eyes, leaning closer against him as a tear slipped out from the corner of her eye. 




Author's Note

Hi guys! Here's the third chapter <3 Sorry it took me two days to finish this up ;; 
I decided to leave their whole entire date up to your imagination because #spoileralert::forthefollowingchapterstherewillbeflashbacksoftheirpastdates
so I wanted to leave this one up to your imagination <3 Also, thank you so much to my first three commenters <3 it means a whole lot to me!
Comments inspire me, like most authors, to write ;u; It's kinda like motivation for us haha but no worries, I will definitely still be continuing my story.
I'm not sure when chapter 4 is going to be up but don't worry, it won't take me too long! 
Anyways, happy reading and have a good day ^^


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Currently working on the 3rd and 4th chapter. I expect it'll be up by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow c:


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flowerpetalangel #1
Chapter 4: Hi~ it's me again. :) and I just wanted to tell you that you are doing great so far with the story. I'm like one of those people who always thinks of the worst case scenario when it comes to angst and sad stories...but yeah! So far so good...
flowerpetalangel #2
Chapter 2: Aww dang heart already hurts...
reanique20 #3
Chapter 1: I think this will going to be a good story. Keep it up :)
Update? Please?