Tug of War

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I wake up to a bright light striking my vision. I flutter my eyes open and look at the beautiful ceiling while I indulge myself in the warmth of this soft comforter, in the smell of Mr. Oh’s room. I slept well. Probably the best sleep I’ve had for the last two weeks. I smile and giggle to myself, already feeling like this will be a good day. When I turn my head, I am taken aback with Mr. Oh’s beautiful face in a very close distance. My eyes widen and I stop breathing, drinking in the beauty before me. Oh Sehun, if it were a crime to be this beautiful, you would be sentenced to death. I trail down on the warmth over my waist and see that Mr. Oh’s long arm is hugging my stomach, though there is a pillow squished between our bodies. Oh. My. God. I close my eyes. This is a dream. This is a dream. This is a dream. Wake up, Haerin. Why are you dreaming of your boss like this? You’re not supposed to look at him this way! He’s your boss! What is wrong with you?! When I open my eyes, I gasp upon seeing his beautiful striking face and I push myself away, yelping as I land on the floor.

I groan and sit up as I hold my head. Mr. Oh is already sitting up from bed, giving me a look, “What happened to you?” He asks me, frowning.

I quickly stand up and realize that there are pillows surrounding him, “You built a pillow fort?” I arch a brow.

“Yes. Did you think I was going to sleep right next to you without protecting myself?” He scoffs. I drop my jaw, looking at him. Excuse me?

“I’m the girl here!” I exclaim.

“Doesn’t mean you aren’t dangerous.” He tells me and I gasp.

“You’re the one who was hugging me!” I tell him and he looks at me. I make a face and mumble things to myself.

Mr. Oh rolls his eyes and releases a sigh, “How are you feeling?” He asks.

“Offended,” I tell him curtly as I cross my arms and look away from him.

“I mean about your fever. Idiot,” He says and I look back at him. Mr. Oh looks too damn good to be human. His bedhead, the way his white shirt fits him and his I-just-woke-up face is just way too good. How come he gets to look like god and I get to look like trash even after fixing myself? Mr. Oh stands up from bed and walks towards me. I step back, eventually. But he clicks his tongue and pulls me close. He puts a hand over my forehead and I feel my face burn blushing, “You still have it.”

“But I feel alright. I can go to work now.” I grin.

“No.” He sternly says, “We’ll have breakfast and I’ll give you a ride back to your house.”

“What? Why?”

“Why, would you rather stay here then?” He interjects and I flush, “Besides, I have to give your brother a proper explanation for you not being able to get back last night,”

“Oh,” I say, “But that’s not necessary. He’ll understand,”

“Thank you,” I smile at him and he just looks away. Ouch. Okay. I know I don’t smile that pretty, but he could have at least reciprocated the act. I make a face and he clears his throat.

“Skip work today and rest. You can report tomorrow,” I don’t say anything and just blink at him. He’s making me skip work. I open my mouth to protest but he cuts me curtly and oozes his face close to mine, “And that is an order, Kim Haerin.”

I stare at the beautiful Mr. Oh, wide eyed. He smirks and pats my head. I frown and slap his hand away, “Yah! I’m not a dog!” I exclaim.

Mr. Oh was not kidding. After breakfast he did give me a ride home. We arrive at my house. Mr. Oh and I get out of the car. He looks from left to right, examining the area. I see that my brother’s car isn’t parked across our house. He’s probably at work now. After all, it’s already 9.

“It looks like my brother already left for work.” I tell Mr. Oh.

“Oh. Is that so?” He nods slowly and then eyes at me, “Yah. You.”


“I’m serious about firing your if you don’t take care of yourself. This should be the first and last I have to take you to the doctor. Do you know how much burden you’re causing me?” He clicks his tongue in annoyance as I look down and bite my lower lip. I didn’t even ask you to take me to the doctor. He lets out a sigh, “You’re the best I got so don’t get sick,” I quickly eye at him. He seems dumbfounded. He looks away.


“Don’t look so shocked!” He scolds.

“Did you just compliment me?” I look at him, blinking.

“No. I’m pressuring you to keep doing well because you have a lot to live up to. Don’t flatter yourself Ms. Kim,” He scoffs and I make a face as I let out a sigh. He fixes his coat and then eyes at me, “Don’t forget to drink your vitamins. I already placed it in the paper bag,”

“But tablets really . I don’t know how to drink them,” I timidly say.

“What?!” He shouts, “What are you, five?!”

“It’s because I choked on one before and I almost died!” I cross my arms and look away.

“And this happened when?”

“When I was 12,” I continue to look away and cross my arms. I feel his gaze on me and when I try to look at him, I see him staring at me intently. Sighing, I make a face and just nod halfheartedly, “Fine. I’ll drink it. I’ll find a way to get it in my stomach,”

“Good,” He says, “Go inside. Now.” He commands.

I hesitate to move, “But will you be alright without me? Who will fill in for me? Are you going to be fine?”

“Kim Haerin.” He scolds and I pout as I turn my heel to get inside the house, “Good girl.”

I turn to him again with a glare, “Yah! I’m not a dog!” I exclaim and he chuckles at me. Mr. Oh enters his car and it drives away. I freeze on my spot. Did he just…smile? I saw a smile. I swear that was a smile. It couldn’t have been anything but a smile. Mr. Oh. Smiled. At. Me.

I stare at the ceiling, my brows creased. Yah. Aren’t you going to stop? I tell my crazy beating heart. Stop acting odd. Beat normally! I reprimand it again. I think I’m going crazy. The image of Mr. Oh chuckling at me before getting in his car doesn’t leave my mind. It’s starting to annoy me, to be honest. Dugeun, dugeun! I sigh. Seriously. Stop. I think back to Mr. Oh’s lips stretching into a smile, his chuckle escaping his precious lips. And then I remember his beautiful morning face, his milky neck, his plump pink lips, and his-

“YAH!” I exclaim, “Stop! Stop! Stop!” I cry.

This cannot be. I pout. I need to do something. Lying on my bed will only make me think of Mr. Oh. I stand up and keep myself busy. I miraculously clean my room. I don’t clean that much. My brother does most of the cleaning. My brother babies me a lot. I have my fair share of cleaning the house, but it rarely happens. I suddenly notice the paper bag that I’ve brought home from Mr. Oh’s house. He told me it was my clothes from yesterday. Apparently, Mr. Oh lent me his old pajamas and his old sweater and had his maids dress me up while I was knocked out. I take it and remember that the vitamins are also in here.

I take out the clothes and then the box of vitamins. There’s a yellow post-it on it.

Yah. You. Drink this. It’s not a request, it’s an order. This is Vitamin Oh. You need to drink it if you want to keep working for Mr. Oh. Understood? See you tomorrow, Kim Haerin.

I smile upon reading his note. Vitamin Oh. Is that supposed to be a joke? I shake my head. Silly Sehun.


The next day, I am in a good mood and I’m feeling a lot better. My brother is still upset but I gave him a hug before leaving the house. I think he’ll be fine. When I get to the office, my desk is surprisingly not a mess like it usually is. The foursome didn’t ruin anything? I shrug and smile. Maybe today is not going to be as bad as it usually is. I open the computer and take out Mr. Oh’s planner as I go through his schedule while I log in the company e-mail. There are e-mails from multiple clients and I decide to scan them before I print them out so I can discuss it with Mr. Oh when he gets here.

My phone vibrates and the reminder pops up, give Mr. Oh a morning call. I smile on the screen and feel fuzzy on my stomach as I speed dial Mr. Oh’s number. It rings continuously. While waiting for him to pick up, I look around the office and notice that everyone is dressed up. Everyone is dressed formally. Girls are in heels. Boys are wearing coats. Nothing very formal. But it seems like they look way too professional.

Mr. Oh picks up, “What?” I frown. Where is Silly Sehun? Did he have an expiration date?

“Good morning, sir,” I enthusiastically greet him, “You don’t have any meeting today. But you have to review the storyboard for Yellowstone’s VCR,” I tell him with a smile on my face.

“Alright. Are you already in the office?” He asks.

“Yes, sir.” I tell him and wait for him to say anything back but instead he just hangs up. So I guess Silly Sehun has an expiration date after all. I sigh. That’s a little saddening. I was just getting in the hang of Silly Sehun. He was a lot of fun. I then think back of Mr. Oh’s dumbfounded expression. Seeing him everyday, for the past two weeks, he never looked like one to have such expression. That dumbfounded face was rare. I should’ve taken a photo, honestly. But then again, why bother when it’s still perfectly engraved on my mind and I see it every single time I close my eyes.

“I missed you, Ms. Kim,” I look up and see Mr. Kai. He’s smiling widely at me and I flush over his statement. He’s wearing a coat over his black turtleneck. Mr. Kai looks down on what I’m wearing, “And you’re wearing a dress. You must be psychic,” He says.

“What?” I ask, confused as I look down on my grey dress.

“We’re having a board meeting today. The higher-ups are going to be here so everyone was asked to dress properly,” He tells me and I nod. My timing was nice then. I honestly was just too lazy to pair two pieces of clothing. And I’ve been repeating my jeans a lot. I should do some shopping. Mr. Kai looks at my feet, “Do you have a pair of heels to go with your dress?”

“N-no. I don’t wear heels,” I sheepishly tell him. Heels are hell. They murder me physically and emotionally. It was invented to make girls’ lives miserable.

Mr. Kai looks at his wristwatch, “Well, they don’t arrive until noon. Should I take you shoe shopping then?”

“No need Mr. Kai,” And we both see Mr. Oh approaching us. He’s wearing a long grey coat over his white shirt buttoned all the way up and has multiple of ‘hate’ printed on it, a pair of black fitted pants and black shoes. He’s so cool. Mr. Oh shifts his gaze from Mr. Kai to me, “Let’s go,”

“B-but where are we going, sir?”

“I can’t have the board see my temporary secretary looking like a rag,” He says and I scoff. I stand up and grab my bag. I excuse myself from Mr. Kai and then glare at Mr. Oh who is looking at me from head to toe. I wait for him to say something. His eyes find its way from my foot, to my legs and to my eyes, “Let’s go.” He says.

Mr. Oh asks the driver to get us to the nearest shopping mall. No store is even open yet! It’s only 9 am! Stores do not open until 10 am. But of course, all it took was one call from Mr. Oh and the lane of high-end shops has opened. Seriously, this guy has super powers…and money, and charm. He drags me out of the car and into a shop. Its interior is all black and classy looking. Most of the clothes are in neutral color. The saleslady is tall, slender and beautiful. You should join a beauty contest. I think to myself. She strides perfectly in heels towards Mr. Oh and me.

“Good morning, sir.” She smiles at him, “What can I do for you?”

“I need a dress for her; nothing too formal, nothing too revealing and something simple,” I widen my eyes and eye at Mr. Oh. He ignores me, “Please assist her,” He tells her. The saleslady grabs me but before she completely takes me, I grab Mr. Oh’s hand and he looks at me.

“What is it with you and leaving me like a five-year-old in a daycare?” I frown at him.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be waiting here like a parent waiting for his five-year-old kid outside a daycare,” He sardonically replies and I pout at him. Mr. Oh sits on the black couch and grabs a magazine. The sales lady assists me away from the st

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Chapter 29: The dream within a dream I wanted to die for her
Chapter 27: This part was beautiful 😻
Chapter 26: Well damn— now I’m crying for him😭😭😭
Chapter 25: Okay so I’m crying now for real 😭that was so harsh
Chapter 24: I don’t get it!?? I don’t get him- why did he break her like that!?? He had the perfect opportunity to change things 😭
Chapter 23: I ship them- I wish he gave her fuzzies as much as Sehun Since he’s liked her from the very very beginning 🥹
Chapter 22: Honestly- I’m so proud she said as much as she did to Sehun. He didn’t even give it a good moment before he backstroked out of it as hard as he did
Chapter 19: Ughh….! It’s so hard to decide who to ship because Sehun has been so sweet and heartfelt but Jongin was there from the start being warm and witty and welcoming and wanted her first
Chapter 18: The whole chase scene made me think of them in the mud- I have that pic of Baekhyun, muddied and smiling on my phone
Chapter 15: That last moment made me squeal inside 😍