
A Werewolf Love

His mom and your mom are best friends. You and Taehyung or as know as V were little babies in diapers. when you first met each other and you always had lots of fun, throwing toys at each other, screaming whenever you never got your way and always causing trouble with each other from the moment you could both talk and walk. One time you and Taehyung were taken to the kiddies indoor play park and when your moms weren't looking you both waddled off (you are 4 years old and Taehyung is 5 years old) and climbed into the ball pit. Taehyung mom and your mom were worried about you two because they couldn't find you for two hours and thought someone had kidnapped you. When they found you both , they kept a child leash on you both until you were 6 years old for Taehyung until he was 7 because he is one year older than you.


~~10 years later~~


You and Taehyung arranged to meet up in the park, it’s been 2 months since you're not seen your best friend because he was on holiday at England since Summer Vacation started. You couldn't wait to see him because you missed him so much.Whenever he was around you , you could felt your life was already complete, like it had a meaning.He was always there for you when you needed his and he always made you laugh and smile when he was with you. So basically he completed you and was like your other halfof your soul. But two weeks before he left for his holiday, you started feeling all weird inside, butterflies maybe? The day you left, you realized that you had the biggest crush on him, in the entire history of the world, but you couldn't tell him that it would completely ruin your friendship if he didn't like you back and you were 100% sure that he didn't feel that way about you too because you were such close friends. Like best Friend 4ever ~ 


You using a simple clothes, using beanie and went to the park and sat on the nearest bench. You put your earphones in and started listening to music on your iPod knowing that Taehyung would take his time because he is always so laid back and chill.

You were happily listening to your music but suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around your shoulders. You jump up in surprise and turn around to see a big goofy grin on Taehyung face. 


“TAEHYUNG!!” you scream in happiness and hug him tightly.


He hugs you back the same, “Whoa ______-ssi(Y/N) you excited to see me?” he joked and raised an eyebrows towards you.


“Of course I am Taehyubg! you’re my best friend 4ever!” you said after you removed your earphones and smiling at your crush,Taehyung.Now your heart was pounding like crazy and you had butterflies fluttering in your stomach when he pull you into his arms. He let it go after a couple of minutes 


“_______(Y/N), I have to tell you something, I hope that you won’t run away from me when you see the real of me,” you gave him a confused look and took a few steps back, he looks around to make sure that the park is empty, which it was.


“______(Y/N), this is the real me, I'm a werewolf, a hairy, wild beast that doesn't deserve you,” he states as he morphs into his true form. You stare in shock at the werewolf before you, who has been your best friend since you were one years old.


Taehyung in wolf form (Taehyung as a wolf)

the wolf looks at you with puppy eyes as to beg you to stay. you walked forward to the wolf and kneeled down to it.Taehyng looked up to you and you pet his head smiling, “You make a handsome werewolf Taehyung,” he nuzzled his head onto your lap and you cuddled your head onto his back. You didn't realize you had drifted off to sleep until you woke up hearing someone talking to themselves. You looked up sleepily and see Jayden’s face smiling while he rub your hair. “Hey sleepy head,” he said while smiling down at you, he kissed your forehead and you couldn't help but more blushing. You stood up and stretched.Taehyung just stood up and watched you. 


“______(Y/N), I've liked you since I was 11 years old and I don't want to ruin our friendship-”


“Taehyung, I really like you too but I can't believe that you like me too~! And are you serious about this ?! by the way this is not a prank , right ?!”


“I’m VERY serious about it and this is not a prank ~ I really really love you and I hope you give your heart to me..” he says and step closer to you.


 "What do you mean , Heart?"You said while look into his eyes. 


"I'm not going to eat you baby~! I mean , Your love .. your loyalty .. give that all to me ~" Taehyung just show his rectangle smile in front of you. You nervously glance up at his face and suddenly staring at his lips.He noticed you're staring, leaned in and he quickly kissed you. As your lips begin to move in sync all of a sudden it started raining. but you guys didn't care as he deepened the kiss. What seemed almost too short you parted from the kiss panting, wow you thought. 


“______(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend and be mine forever?.. or.. my future wife? ”Taehyung show his cute smile


“Would you die if you stopped breathing?”You ask


“Yes..? Yes.. Yes!” he picked you up and spun you around in his arms, you both kissed again in the rain and lived happily ever after.

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