You always ask for help when you need it

Little Things

You proven in the past that your strong, I know you are. But you always ask for help, and say sorry after. Stop saying sorry, I’m happy to help, why else

would I be here. That box at the top of the shelve is too high for you and there are no stools around. I purposely did that so I could put my chest against

you as I reach for what you need and you secretly stare at my body, don't act like you weren't, your not the only one who gets entranced at times. You fell

through, your brother died a couple months back, but you didn't have any money since you were taking time off to learn to cook. I know it was tough for to

ask but, the aomg guys and I weren't doubting helping you pay off that bill, your brother is your family after all. And we are all family, family helps family

when in need. But what was super cute was when your hair was stuck in that begged me to not cut it off, I missed my audition because of you,

I’m not blaming you, I chose to stay. Don’t forget I’m always here, ask me even if I’m busy ill make time for you.

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