Kim Jaejoong

Kim Jaejoong-ssi.

Why call me like that?

You know I don't hate you, right?

I have my doubts.

Yah!  You're part of DongBangShinKi, I can't hate you.  You are Kim Jaejoong of JYJ of TVXQ.

Thank you very much.

I can't keep you though.

Is the one month over now?

Not yet.  But it's not just about that.

You can't keep me for real.  I know.  I can't keep anyone, too.

I just heard millions of Cassies' heart break with that.

But you know I wish I could.

Keep someone?

Keep you.

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logistilla #1
@suhashiny ! Thank you for reading!!! <3
(Clicking reply to your comment is not working. hmm.)
Chapter 15: Damn

This is a pleasant surprise!!!

Chapter 14: Gosh

I want to be with Jaejoong if he really is like this!
Chapter 13: please keep the updates coming.. and i also want a jealous JJ..kkkk.
you're really great :)) i like!!
Chapter 13: Hahahahhahahaa you never fail me author-nim!!!! Yess his half album cover is too much for me lol but he is so y ottokhae???!!!! I demand a jelly jj for next chap pleaseeeeee *holding both hands* thanks for the update♡
Chapter 12: omggg been a long time!!!!!!! hehehehe JJ keep obsess with "our love team" words i guess kkk keep update pleaseee ^^
Chapter 11: Congrats~ :)
TeenFiniteL_joe #8
congratulations :)
NadoSarang #9
congrats ^^
Infinite_7 #10
congrats c: