Choices || Reservation

Kim Jaejoong

Your friend told me you got my WWW album.


Oh, come on. You liked it, right? The music and the photos.

I liked some of the songs, the slow and mid-tempo ones. I only saw the album cover. Got the album from iTunes.

You didn't buy the CD? Why? Why?

Just because..

Because what?

'Cause you're half on the cover, what more in the photos inside?

Ahahahahaha~ Would that be too much for you?

Yes, because if you don't know yet, I am conservative.

But you watched Intermodulation!

Not the whole of it.


I bought your album. Even that is already too much for me. When will Yoochun release his own solo album?

Soon. And I'll tell him to keep that I Love You concept.


So you won't buy his CD, too. Because it will be too much for you.

As if he will llisten to you.

We're not soulmates for nothing. Ahahaha~

Why did I even talk to you again?


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logistilla #1
@suhashiny ! Thank you for reading!!! <3
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Chapter 15: Damn

This is a pleasant surprise!!!

Chapter 14: Gosh

I want to be with Jaejoong if he really is like this!
Chapter 13: please keep the updates coming.. and i also want a jealous JJ..kkkk.
you're really great :)) i like!!
Chapter 13: Hahahahhahahaa you never fail me author-nim!!!! Yess his half album cover is too much for me lol but he is so y ottokhae???!!!! I demand a jelly jj for next chap pleaseeeeee *holding both hands* thanks for the update♡
Chapter 12: omggg been a long time!!!!!!! hehehehe JJ keep obsess with "our love team" words i guess kkk keep update pleaseee ^^
Chapter 11: Congrats~ :)
TeenFiniteL_joe #8
congratulations :)
NadoSarang #9
congrats ^^
Infinite_7 #10
congrats c: