My life with you:The Epilogue

Marriage or Revenge
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I don’t wanna fight no more!

Only wanna get to shore
Baby, don’t slam the door tonight
We ran another off the tracks
That’s time we can’t get back
But, we can save tomorrow if we try

Oh, 'til we make this right
Oh, I won’t say, "Good night."

I just wanna make you laugh
I just wanna see that smile
Babe, we’re only here, oh, for a little while
I just wanna hold you till we fall asleep
I want love, I want us, I want you, I want me, I want peace!!


...........................Now playing -Peace by O.A.R!!!!


"Oh my God! I'm so handsome Hahahahahah!''


Kai cringed at the sudden sheepish declaration of his now-stupid hyung.Chanyeol was acting all weird since the wedding bell rang.

"I just can't believe my ears! Hyung is really embarassing me!!" Sehun facepalmed in embarrassment.

Chanyeol heard,and didn't care.Since the night she returned back to him,to their home-mafia lord Chanyeol was nowhere close to his real self.You can picture him as a fifteen years old young teenager who just got his year long crush as his first girlfriend yesterday night.


And now right before the wedding,standing here at the waiting room-Chanyeol is really out of his mind,even more than before.


"I'm so handsome! She'll definitelly like this get up of mine!!" Hearing the phrase for hundred times already-DO immediately stood up "I can't take this anymore! I'm going out!"

"Take me with you!'' Kai joined him. 

"Then why'll I stay behind?" And Sehun was the same. 


Baekhyun sighed a bit. He at least couldn't leave his super excited friend who is about to get married just an hour later.


"Baekhyunie,shall I change my dress?!" Chanyeol suddenly pouted "I'm looking old in it!"

"This the fourth tuxedo for you already! Plus the ceremony will start within an hour-so no,you can't change your tuxedo!" Baekhyun warmly smiled at him.

"Do I look really ok?" Chanyeol was confused.

"Yes,you look perfect! Honestly you're really a handsome groom today,Yeol!!" Baekhyun found it cute.Chanyeol was so rough and mature the past few years.This side of him was almost forgotten "She'll be so happy!"

"I'm going out!" Luhan announced in irritation suddenly.

"Where?" Baekhyun frowned.Last few days,they rarely talked to each other.

Somewhere where I don't need to hear your praise for other men "To check about her........"

"Go! Go! Go! Tell her that I miss her!" Ignoring the silent stare between the other two,Chanyeol almost pushed Luhan outside.

Baekhyun smiled.Nowadays Luhan doesn't affect him that much.

It's all over.




"Do I look more handsome than my previous wedding?"


"Honestly yes,you were too young and immatured when you got married for the first time-now you look perfect as a groom! You used to sleep with plushies back then Hahahaha!!........... but now,yeah-now you're a man,not a teenager anymore.And so,you look amazing! Like a responsible man!"

Chanyeol blushed furiously "Thank you Baekhyun! I don't know why,but I'm feeling so happy-I know others are getting annoyed,but I-"

"Yeol......" Standing up,Baekhyun went close to him "This is your day! Every moment is precious for you today-so enjoy it! Stop thinking about others,ok? Just think about you and her"

"Ok....." Chanyeol felt shy.There's a reason Byun Baekhyun is his best friend.No one else can replace him.

No one!



"Remember the first time? I was trying to run away............." A minute later Chanyeol laughed breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah,from the top floor via window,!" Baekhyun mocked.

"Shut up!" Chanyeol blushed again.

"Then you tried breaking you hand........later used a false plaster in hand!.............Just to get rid of her,remember?"

"Just shut up!!" Chanyeol was still smiling.

"People were beyond surprised seeing you in the aisle with a plastered hand! All those turmoil for the same girl...............the girl you're marrying today!" Baekhyun hugged his best friend "I can't believe you're the same person Yeol.....................You know what?"


"I'm so proud of you...........and Se Ha-you two didn't let each other go in the end! Even after all the bad happenings! That's all that matters........." Baekhyun sighed in relief "I'm happy that you're happy Yeol!............At least you need to be happy!!''


Chanyeol observed the depressed Baekhyun carefully.His lips curved up slowly "And I'm happy as well...............................Because my Byun Baekhyun too will be happy in the end"




"Hey......." Luhan smiled brightly at her "You look just amazing!!!! He'll faint for sure!!"

"Do I?" Se Ha smiled nervously staring back at her best friend "I'm not sure!! I'm sweating a lot Lulu!"

"Are you nervous?" Luhan caressed her cheek.

"More than just nervous! I'm like....panicked! And it's not going at all! Good that you've come!" She hugged her friend.

"But you're still sweating!" He hugged her back,tightly.

"Yes,I know........" She bit her lips "And you know what? There's still an hour left.I don't if I stay normal by th-"

"Shall I call him for you? I think that's the only remedy,right?!" Luhan winked.


Se Ha gulped,she definitely shouldn't ask for him at this moment "Can you do that for me?"

"Of course I can do that for you! I'm your best friend after all........" Luhan smiled before leaving "Just don't do something stupid here,ok?!!"

"Ya!" She shouted pouting.



"Lulu!" And she suddenly called out.

Luhan stopped surprised.



"Thank you Lulu.........................for everything! Since the beginning.........till the end"




"Let me adjust your bowtie for you! Come here!" Baekhyun made Chanyeol stand up in front of him as he tiptoed "Gosh!! You can't even do your tie properly!"

"Oww!'' Chanyeol pouted "I see..........These are all her faults!! She does my ties all the times! That's why.............."


When Luhan was about to enter the room-he saw the scene of them being so close.Trying to smile,he lowered his head in some unknown feelings-it's the same bitterness he felt years ago when Bakie kissed Chanyeol's cheek in front of him and Se Ha.It's the same old feeling when Bakie gave Chanyeol all his cash away while playing games together.It's the same very old and bitter feeling when Luhan saw Bakie looking at the Godzilla lovingly while he was sleeping,drooling.


Godzilla ruined his life!!


"Ahem.........Chanyeol,Se Ha is calling for you!" Luhan's voice was cold,Baekhyun didn't fail to notice.

"Eh? Is that so? Is there anything wrong?" Chanyeol felt so worried for her.

"No,it's nothing.........she just needs you by her side right now,that's all!" Luhan comforted him.

Chanyeol didn't waste a second anymore.He stromed out of the waiting room.


And so there were they-Luhan and Baekhyun.Together.



Baekhyun felt uncomfortable,unlike before.Clearing throat he was about to leave the room when Luhan's outstretched hand stopped him "Bakie,we need to talk!"

Baekhyun felt a hard lump in his throat "About what?!"

"About my date with Oh Sehun!"

And Luhan saw how Baekhyun's lips quivered in pain "I don't need to know about that!"

"Oh yes you do!" Smirking Luhan went close to the door and locked it,before facing Baekhyun again "You really do.......................Oh Sehun acted really weird that night-no one in the earth acts like that in a date!"


"Sehun is a nice guy,and he's straight..............yet he came and acted weird! I was surprised.Later I thought about that and found something really unblievable!"

Baekhyun raised brows in question.

"I think Chanyeol is behind that uncanny Sehun that night.................It was all his plans.Chanyeol did this to me...........I wonder why!" As Luhan said,he came closer to Baek,making him gulped "Why so Bakie? Tell me......."

"Wh-what're you talking about? I don't understand a thing!"

"I too don't understand!!" Luhan hissed "I too don't understand why you're always this close with the Godzilla!! Just why??!!''






"Honey?" Her raplidly beating heart finally calmed down a bit hearing that familiar husky voice "Everything ok honey?"

There he was,standing close to the door peeking,confused-looking all glorious showing all his delicate,heavenly features.How can a man be so handsome?


"Come here!" Her voice was shaking as she tried to order "Come to me!"

She looked all vulnerable,like soft blooming rose petal as he went closer "You ok my love?"

"Can you give me a hug Yeol?" Se Ha looked even more fragile as their eyes met.

Chanyeol felt restless as he pulled her closer "Honey,what just happened to you?"


The moment she got the familiar scent,the moment his warm breath hit her neck-somehow everything became normal again.She found her peace "Oh God,I was just missing this........."

He smiled snuggling "You really don't need to miss this honey! ................We'll get to have this more often from now on!"


She hugged him even tighter "Yeol?"


"What if things go wrong again?" Finally she spilled out.This fear was aching her heart.She was still scared."What if we get separated again?!"

And so was he "Then we'll find each other again and another wedding will just happen!"

She gasped "Is it that easy?!"

"No it isn't.It's beyond hard.....................but we'll do this since we can't live without each other!"

"You'll find me again Yeol?" She was restless.

"Of course I'll" And he was smiling warmly.

"Why so?" She pouted.

And Chanyeol chuckled "Because I can'd do without you,that's why!"

"Then how many times will we get married?!"

"Hahahahah!" He couldn't stop laughing anymore "As long as it's needed to make a complete family!"

"Will we have kids Yeol?" She faced him pouting.

And people call me baby Yeol "Of course we'll have..........we'll have twelve kids!"

"No!!'' She scoffed,slowly returning back to her old self "Only two!"

"Two only?" Chanyeol pouted "Six then!"

"No,only three then!'' She frowned.

"Four?!" Chanyeol begged.

"Done!" And she smiled.The fear and anxiety was all gone by now!

Chanyeol smiled.



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So emotional for the epilogue TT^TT


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Chapter 44: God this story is so good. Chanyeol and Se Ha's love story is so amazing thank you authornim
Chanbaek641 #2
Chapter 44: The last chap was do funny XD XD
Chanbaek641 #3
This is really good!!!
rainbowfighter #4
Chapter 43: Thank you so much for writing such a nice story. I really enjoyed it.
Whoooa gotta start a new fic.
MarieJane #6
Chapter 4: Se Ha, what are you doing girl?!
MarieJane #7
Chanyeol is sooo cute.
1874 streak #8
Chapter 2: Chanyeol is so funny and cute ??
1874 streak #9
Chapter 1: Omg this chapter was so funny ???
আমি কাঁদতে কাঁদতে মাথাব্যথা করে ফেলছিলাম এটা পড়ে! তুমি এত দারুণ কেন টুম্পা আপু? ???