
Coffee Shop

Hakyeon had a routine. Every day, he’d wake up, get dressed, and go to the same coffee shop where he’d order a coffee and muffin. Then he’d go where ever he needed to go – work, university, grocery store – before returning home. Each day, the same thing.

But the most important stop was the coffee shop

His friend Taekwoon had been the one to show it to him. Taekwoon had really liked the place, had claimed that they had the best coffee he’d ever had. Hakyeon wasn’t as big into coffee as Taekwoon, but he’d let his friend drag him along. The coffee was good, so Hakyeon had started working the occasional stop into his schedule.

And then Sanghyuk had started working there.

Hakyeon had been there every day since.

Hakyeon found no shame is admitting it was love at first sight. The second he caught sight of Sanghyuk’s warm smile, he’d fallen for the barista. Just seeing Sanghyuk could make Hakyeon’s day brighter, regardless of what else was going on. Hearing Sanghyuk laugh and joke with customers always made Hakyeon smile, especially when Sanghyuk was talking to him.

And so, Hakyeon decided to ask Sanghyuk out on a date. It took him a while to work up the confidence, but he’d finally done it.

And when he did, Sanghyuk wasn’t there.

“Hello,” the new barista smiled brightly, showing off his dimples, “how can I help you today?”

“Um,” Hakyeon struggled for words, completely thrown off by this change, “um, a medium size, black coffee and a blueberry muffin please.”

The new guy, Hongbin according to his name tag, smiled and told Hakyeon to price, taking his money and handing over the change before going to prepare the order. Hakyeon noted that Hongbin was handsome, very much so, but he wasn’t Sanghyuk. Not by a long shot.

“Here,” Hongbin smiled a few moments later, handing the items to Hakyeon.

“Um, can I ask something?” Hakyeon questioned, “this is normally Sanghyuk’s shift. Did….did something happen?”

“Sanghyuk quit,” Hongbin replied, seeming a little sad, he found another job, one that fit his schedule better.”

“Oh,” Hakyeon nodded before bidding Hongbin good bye and leaving.

The whole walk to work was rather depressing for Hakyeon. Each step made him realize that he’d completely lost Sanghyuk. He’d never see that bright smile or hear that cheerful laughter again. He’d probably never see Sanghyuk’s face again. Hakyeon couldn’t stop cursing himself for never asking Sanghyuk out, for taking too long. Maybe if he’d gathered his courage a bit quicker, he wouldn’t have to worry about never seeing Sanghyuk again. Maybe he’d be dating Sanghyuk.

“Hakyeon,” his boss called when he finally arrived, “I need you to train our newest employee.”

“Ok,” Hakyeon sighed, not at all liking how his day was going.

With his luck, this new employee would probably be horrible to work with. He’d have to repeat himself constantly when it came to the simplest of tasks. The new employee would probably be a huge jerk and make life miserable. Hakyeon kept going down the list of bad things this employee could be until he heard a voice he recognized.

“Ah!” Sanghyuk smiled, “looks like I’m still going to get to see you every day, huh?”

“S-Sanghyuk?” Hakyeon questioned, “What are you doing here?”

“This is my new job,” Sanghyuk explained, still smiling brightly at Hakyeon and making his blush slightly, “I trust you’ve already been by the coffee shop and found I wasn’t there.”

“I….yeah,” Hakyeon nodded, raising the coffee and muffin slightly, “I asked Hongbin and he said you quit.”

“This job fits my needs better,” Sanghyuk shrugged, “sometimes the coffee shop had problems getting my shifts to fit my classes. I’m in one of those ‘can’t miss a minute of class or your gonna fail’ type programs, so…..clearly that can’t work.”

“Yeah,” Hakyeon smiled, finally managing to get over his surprise and delight enough to just talk to Sanghyuk like he always did, “I had to do the same thing when I first entered my second semester.”

“The boss said you were gonna train me, right?” Sanghyuk giggled, “I think we should get on that before we get into trouble.”

“Right,” Hakyeon laughed, “come on, I’ll show you around.”

Hakyeon spent the whole day with Sanghyuk teaching him about the job. He was beyond delighted to find that Sanghyuk was a fast learner and a hard worker. In fact, all Sanghyuk did that day was reinforce Hakyeon’s love for him and strengthen his determination to not like this chance pass him by. He’d almost lost his chance at Sanghyuk once, he would not miss this second chance.

“Sanghyuk?” Hakyeon asked once their shift was over and they were standing outside their work, “would you, would you like to get dinner with me?”

“I’d like that a lot,” Sanghyuk replied, “I’m happy you finally asked, Hakyeon.”

A/N: oh~~~ Hyukkie knew N liked him~~~~! Hahaha so much fluffy Chasang~~~~ it’s like a big, soft pillow *hugs it* …………yeah, in a weird mood right now.

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MyCuteBunny #1
Chapter 1: THIS IS SO BLOODY CUTE OHMYGOD IT'S 4AM AND HERE I AM SQUEALING BC OF CHASANG ANCJHWNDISMGNJEKG I gotta head to bed jfc //you never fail to turn my feels into a wreck stop this lmao jk I love you <3//
Chapter 1: hehe so so delightful!!!
s_r_r_s #3
Chapter 1: chasaaang!!! this is so cute >< keep up the good work!! :)
mistressofsecrecy1 #4
Chapter 1: lol you're so cute >< yes chasang! i'm craving for chasang and nbin or chabeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan righ tnow ...actually I' craving for everyone's interactions with N... *side eyes Leo*

this was fluffy haha but you reminded me of coffee and how I don't want to get up from my seat to go get one >,< *whines forever* lol sorry random

thanks for this!