Chapter 1~~

Denying Love (BTS Fanfic)

I couldn't make myself to go for the funeral. But I knew I had to go. I had to see her one last time. I'll never forget her last words to me. "Make me proud."

I put on a long black dress that we got together one day while we were shopping. I'll always remember that day. It was the first time I've seen her in a dress. She was a tomboy. So was I. We'd hardly ever wear dresses. It was always jeans and a hoodie. Her favorite hoodie was one with tiny cats on them. That was what she had on when she left...

Why was life so cruel to take away someone who was so important to me. She was my best friend. No. She was more like a sister to me. How could she have just left...I still can't grasp the fact that she's not here sitting next to me reading manga's and talking about our favorite K-pop groups and laughing our asses off whenever we could.

I put on black flats and I took a glance at her room. We'd promised to live together once we were in college. Lucky for us our parents agreed for us to live together. I'll always miss the way she'd wake me up and also cook for me food. Her cooking was the best. She'd always take care of me like her younger sibling. We'd always tease each other and do fun stuff.

I walked out of my room and went into her room. It still feels like she's still here.. with me.

Everything in her room was still in tact. Bed neatly made. A crocodile stuffed toy on the bed. I remember that... She got it from her mom. When we were traveling she'd always complain how she couldn't bring that crocodile along with her. Since she couldn't hug her crocodile I had to be the victim of her hugs at night..

I laughed at her childishness.

I stepped out of her room and made my way out of the apartment we both shared. The neighbors knew us as the duo that were lively and fun. When they' heard about the news they were shaken by it. As was I.

I still remember getting that call at 2 o'clock in the morning.


baby baby geoudenum cafe latte hyangboda..

I groaned as I went to reach for my phone on the nightstand. I took a glance at the clock . 2:05 a.m. Who on earth is calling at such an ungodly hour. I didn't even see the caller id. I hit answer and spoke as best as I could.

"Hello.." I said in a raspy voice.

"Hello is this Ms.Emiko?" a man with a very deep voice asked.

"Yes this is her."

"Miss...we have some bad news."

With that my body shot up. I sat straight with my eyes wide open. I started sweating. What do they mean by bad news.

"U..uh.. What kinda of bad news..." I asked shaking.

"Miss I need you to calm down when I tell you this. You must not panic in any way.."

"Just tell me dammit!" I said almost yelling.

"Miss your friend has been in an accident. It was a very severe accident.. She might not make it. You have to come to XXXX Hospital now."

With that I ran out of my room not bothering to change or anything. I grabbed my car keys and my phone and I bolted out the door. I was sweating bullets. What the was going on right now. I Told her to stay in the bloody studio!! Who the told her to leave!!

My mind was racing as I made my way to the hospital. Oh dear lord please please please save her. I need her. Please. I was praying as hard as I could all the way there.

As I arrived I ran to the information counter. "Hi this is an emergency. Mineko Hanako's room please!!" I said as fast as I could. "She's in the ICU room 455 go down that hallway and turn right. You'll find her there." the male nurse behind the desk said . I quickly thanked her and I ran all the way there. Mineko you better not ing leave me. I reached there I saw doctors operating on her. I knew I couldn't just barge in so I waited outside of her room.

I was crying non stop. I was the only one she had here. Her parents were on vacay and her brother is studying abroad. . Come on Neko(her nick name) you can do this.. Fight.. I screamed in my hands. Many emotions ran through me. Many thoughts were in my mind...I couldn't even think straight.

After what seemed like hours a doctor came out. "Ms.Emiko?" he asked. I could tell it was bad news just by the way he called my name. I just stood up and nodded. He took a deep breath and sighed."You can see her before she goes.I'm sorry but my team and I can't do anything more.." He bowed to me an left.

I was shaking. I slowly opened the doors and I saw my best friend lying there with needles and IV bags stuck in her. Her heart rate was getting sower and slower. "Neko..." I called out as I went next to her and held her fragile hand. I studied her face. Blood and scars everywhere. "Emi..." she said almost whispering. "Emi..I won't be able to make it but,I want you to go to Korea.*cough* Live your dreams there.*cough* I've gotten you an audition in front of some big entertainments. *cough* I want you to be happy. *cough* Emi..Don't forget me..*Cough*" Before she could say anymore I shushed her. "No no no no. Mineko you're gonna pull through this. Neko you're gonna be there with me. Dammit Mineko Hanako you're gonna be with me forever!! Remember!! You promised me!! We'd have our wedding at the same time!! You promised we'd be there for each other! You said we'd both go to Korea together!! You have to fight this!!" I said half shouting with tears streaming down my face."Rin Emiko..I love you. You're the best-est friend and sister and you are my family. I'm sorry.......Emii?" She said as she held my hand close to her heart. "Yeah...?"..

"Emi..Make me proud." she said slowly closing her eyes as she smiled. Then her heart rate went in to a thin line.. No...NO!!

"MINEKO HANAKO YOU BETTER ING WAKE UP!!!!!" I screamed. Just then doctors came rushing in."Please just try!! Try and save her! PLEASE!" I pleaded. Two male nurses took me out of the room. I was kicking and screaming. Pleading them to let me go.

Then I felt a sharp pain in my neck. Turns out they injected something in me. My vision started getting blurry. I was getting dizzier. Next thing I knew everything went black.

-A few hours later-

I woke up in a pitch black room. "Hello??" I called out. Just then a small light appeared. "Emiii!!" A voice exclaimed. The voice sounded familiar. "Yeahh???" I said again. "Emi follow me!!" the voice said again. This time sounding a little further that before. I started running. I don't know why but something in me told me to follow the voice."Emiiii!! Come onn! Run faaster! You're almost there!" the voice said again"I'm coming! I'm coming!!" I said as I ran faster.

Then suddenly I had a burst of electricity sent through me. Soon everything started becoming white. Then another burst of electricity. Now I could hear voices. I opened my eyes and adjusted to the brightness of where ever I was. "Finally!" someone exclaimed. "H-hello?..W-here am I?" I asked. My throat was sore and dry thus making my voice sound raspy. Then I realized..

I was in a hospital room.. Wait. What was I doing here?Then I started thinking.. Hospital... Crying..

"MINEKO!" I said out loud causing everyone there to jump.

Then everything came flooding back...I'd lost my best friend. I'd lost the only person that knows everything about me. I'd lost a sister. I started crying again. That was all I could do. Cry. Grieve over someone who was important to me.

~End of Flashback~

I cried again thinking of it. Her mother took me to the cemetery. Her mom came a day after she left. I saw how broken she was. Her mom had also treated me as her own daughter. She gave me a hug and held my hands as we made our way for the service. I knew I had to stay strong for her.. was tough. I just couldn't. I broke down again as I was sitting there. her mom held my hands tightly.

I was in a daze just thinking about how we used to hang out and have fun. Tears fell from my face just by thinking of us.

"Now I'd like to call one of Neko's closest friend and also sister to come and say a few words." her mom said as she urged me to go forward. How could I say anything with out breaking apart again..

"Uh..Hi everyone.For those of you who don't know me my name is Rin Emiko. Uh..Well..I've been with Neko ever since we were 4... 15 years of friendship with Neko and I've never doubted it once. She was a sister,sometimes a mother and most importantly she was a best friend to me. She didn't deserve to go at such a young age. She was a person filled with life. She'd always put other's feelings before her own. Neko was and will always be an absolutely kind and caring person. Knowing Neko was one of the best things that had happened. She's thought me a lot about standing up for myself and about how to be myself. I still remember when we went stargazing together and we'd talk about the most craziest things like meeting our favourite K-pop idols,getting married to them and traveling the world together. //starts to cry again// Mineko,thank you for everything that you've done for me. Thank you for always being there for me. But most importantly thank you for being my best friend.." I ended my mini speech while trying my best not to be a crying mess. I let out small sobs as I made my way back to my seat.

Throughout the rest of the service I was thinking of how different things would be without her. How dull everything would be...How would I be?

As the service ended and as they were winding her down her, cousins passed each of us some white balloons to be lifted up into the air later.

When it was time to let go of the balloons I went to a corner. I didn't want to let go of it but I knew I had to. "Mineko-ah...Take care of me from above okay? I'll see you there once I'm old and grey and we can find ourselves some hot guys up there." I said as I laughed a little. I slowly let go of my balloon and I watched it go up into the sky. I followed it until it vanished.

I wiped away my tears for like the tenth time today and I made my way back to everyone. They gave me their condolences and hugs. I thanked them all and I decided to leave. I knew that if I'd stay there longer it'd just be more and more depressing.

Her mom sent me home and I went into our apartment.

I locked the door and I went into her room. I sat on her bed and just stared at the room. "Mineko..look I'm crying cause of you! You know I look ugly when I cry!" i said jokingly like as if she's still here sitting next to me playfully nudging my arm telling me to shut up. Then I remembered..She kept our photo album under her bed..

I reached for the album but something else caught my eye. A little light blue box with a black bow on top of it. I reluctantly took he box as well as the photo album.

There was a small card along with the box. I opened the card and it was addressed to me. That's strange. I carefully opened the box. I found and envelop with my name on it..

I opened the envelop and inside it contained 2 other letter's and an airplane ticket. Huh?

I took the first one and read it. I saw that it was hand written and I knew that it was Neko's handwriting.

~Dear Emi..

Lol I sound so formal. Emi-ah, Happy 18th birthday sweetie! Lol. You're finally 18!! Yahoo!! I'm so proud of you Emi-ah. No amount of thank you's and I love you's can explain how much you mean to me. But I don't have to stress about that now. I know that we're gonna grow old together. We're gonna be happily married to the love of our lives and have wonderful children and then we can finally say 'we made it'. I can't wait to say those words with you! Okay so now for the gift. As you can see there is another envelop and also 1 plane ticket which is a one way trip to Korea. Emi if you open the other letter it state that you've been selected to audition in front of a few of the biggest companies there in Korea! I know I know you told me that if you'd ever audition you want me to be there,but sorry!! I'll be there the following week after your audition. I had some trouble with the visa and like that. But anyways...You'll be auditioning in front of JYP,SMTOWN and BigHit. 3 of Korea's biggest entertainment company. I know that you're gonna get into one of them. I have my finger's crossed and I'll be praying for you. Just hope that you can get into BigHit. Then we..wait you can see our ultimate bias! Yahh!! I am excited for this!! As you're reading this I'm sure I must be fangirling next to you and telling you how amazing I am. But..if for what ever reason I can't be beside you as you're reading this I just wanna tell you that I'm very very very very very proud of you. Gurl you got some serious talent and I want you to show it off to the world. Take the other letter with you when you go to Korea!! I love you!

P.S: You leave in a week sweetie,and your audition is 3 days after you arrive. I have everything planned for you. Your travel expenses are all paid for. AND!! You'll be staying with a really really reaaaally good friend of mine which you don't know off. That's another surprise. His number and details are all in the other letter. Good luck!

~The one and only Mineko xD~

As I read the letter tears kept falling. It hurt just to know that she wanted to be beside me as I read that letter.

My birthday is in a week..

Should I go? I don't know if I should.. Would it be okay if I go...What if it's not okay? Wait.. does her friend in Korea know about what happened... I should call him first..I opened up the other letter and in it contained all the information about the trip and the auditions. At the end of the paper I saw a number.This must be his number. I took my phone and I called this person. Who was he anyway...

"Yeobosseyo?" a man with a slightly deep voice answered. Yep he's definitely Korean. Thank god I knew Korean.

"Hi..My name is Rin you know Mineko Hanako?" I asked the guy.

"Why yes I do. We're close friends and work partners and yes I do now you as well. I've heard a lot about you Emi." he said this time in a cheerful tone.."So what's up.."

"Uh...I'm guessing you don't know what happened to Neko.."

"Um nope. What happened? Is she okay?? I just spoke to her a couple of days ago.."

Tears began to form in my eyes. . How am I gonna tell him.

"Umm...sir..Neko..she uh...She passed away 3 nights ago.."

Tears fell as I told him the whole story.I could tell he was shocked. He didn't respond much. But I heard him sniffling .

"And so I found this box under her bed. She told me to call you. I thought maybe you could give me an idea of what to do...cause right now I'm lost.."

"Well Emi. You can come here to Korea. Neko sold the apartment. She planed on moving here. That's why she's only coming after a week. She told me her plan. You two were supposed to live with me first then find a place on your own. I've already spoken to my manager about this. But now since she's in a better place.... I-I guess it'll only be you?" he explained.

"I-i-i guess..But..wait. Who are you?"

"My name is Min Yoongi..or also known as Suga from BTS." he stated...

"What..I've never been more confused."

"I'll explain when you arrive. Now start packing. Oh and I'm sorry for your loss. Take care Emiko-chan. I'll see you soon. I'll be guiding you through. If you need anything and by that I mean anything at all please don't hesitate to call. I have to go now. Take care. Good bye."

With that he hung up. I don't know if I could trust him or not..But since Neko trusted this person I guess I could too...I was still a little giddy and confused about the entire situation.

I decided to sleep on it and talk about it with my mom later in the morning. Right now I think I need to rest my mind..Today had been rough..

I closed her room door and went into my room. I took a hot shower and wore some comfortable pajamas. I sat on my bed and I flipped through our photo album. I sat there reminiscing our memories together. I closed it and kept it by my bed and I was thinking about the phone call earlier..

As I was thinking my eyelids started getting heavier by the minute. Soon enough I was fast asleep...

~Okaayy! That was the very first chapter of Denying Love!! How did you guys enjoy that?? Do give me your opinions and stuff like that. How was the feels in this chapter? Do you think Emi is gonna go to Korea? What was Neko's connection to Yoongi?? What will happen next? Hehe all shall be revealed in good times. Annyeongg~~~

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