Part 1

Wonshik's birthday was about to come. All the members were excited about it and they were ready to buy him gifts as a reward for his hardworking. Hakyeon, of course, was the most excited one: he wanted to buy something special to his beloved dongsaeng, cause he was ready to propose to him, to tell him what he really feels about him, he was sick of hiding his true feeling but he was even a bit scared of the reaction of the younger male, what if he rejects him? Or even stop talking to him forever? Those thoughts made Hakyeon shiver, but he couldn't handle it anymore. While thinking about a special present, Hakyeon suddenly remembers that Wonshik wanted to raise a puppy in the dorm so bad: "That's perfect!" Said Hakyeon, rushing out their dorm to go to the animal shop. Meanwhile, Wonshik was in his studio working as always, but he wanted to go home so bad to see what the other members prepared for him ( especially, what Hakyeon prepared for him). Hid birthday came and wonshik came back to the dorm and saw a birthday cake on the living room's table and the members singing him a B-Day song.....everyone, exept Hakyeon. Wonshik was startled, his leader would never miss his birthday party, but now he wasn't there. Before Wonshik could ask the other members, Hakyeon came back to the dorm rushing to the living room, carrying a covered cage: " Did I miss something?" He asked worried. "No hyung, don't worry you're just in time" replied Wonshik. Hakyeon lead closer to Wonshik, hugging him tight: " Happy birthday my donsaeng" he whispered in the younger's ears. Meanwhile the other members quietly left the room...They knew what was going on and what Hakyeon was about to do, so they gave them some privacy. "This is your present,sorry if I'm a bit late". Wonshik opened the cage to see a black bulldog puppy staring at him with those big eyes. Wonshik couldn't believe it: his hyung made his dream come true. "Omg hyung ...THANK YOUUUU" Wonshik shouted hugging Hakyeon tight and lifting him up in his embrace: " Omg I can't believe you really did this!". "Wonshik i actually need to tell you somethin" Said Hakyeon. Wonshik stared at him with a confused look:"Tell me". Hakyeon lead wonshik in their shared room and made wonshik sit on the bed: "Well I actually- I mean-- i-". Words couldn't excape from Hakyeon's mouth, he was scared and excited at the same time. "Tell me hyung, I'm here for you" answered Wonshik,trying to calm the older down. "I did this because i-- i mean--- I LIKE YOU". This words startled wonshik even more. "I've always felt something for you since a lot of time....but I never had the chance to tell you the truth...Whenever I'm with you my heart races, I feel so good and I feel like nothing bad can happen to me...I need you in my life." They both remained in silence until wonshik stoop up from the bed, came closer to Hakyeon and cupped his face in his hands and suddenly kissed him. It was a sweet and deep kiss. Hakyeon couldn't help but close his eyes and move in sync to wonshik's movements. They only broke apart when they needed air. "I LOVE YOU TOO, PABO." Wonshik said with his sweet and low voice. Hakyeon blushed and smiled like an idiot: he couldn't believe wonshik felt the same way. "Wonshik I didn't know you-" "What? That I loved you too? Of course I do, I was afraid to tell you but....This was the right time and I'm glad you proposed to me". They smiled at each other and connected their lips again. "Now enjoy your present, Babe!" Said Hakyeon pointing and the puppy that was biting the living room's curtain. "Thanks Babe, I love you" wonshik said, giving Hakyeon a last few peeks on his lips before he started playing with the puppy, with Hakyeon staring and smiling at them like they were a happy family.
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