

Chapter 1


  Her bare feet made contact with the cold, wooden floor. Trembeling, she got up and tried to make her way out of the room - the white room she has been in the last 4 months. When about to step out, she was surprised by a man standing in front of her, more specifically, a doctor. The man seemed to be in his 50s, gray hair could be seen from the heigh of the girl`s eyes. He had a kind smile and a straight posture, showing confidence through his body language, "May I come in?" his deep voice echoed through the hallway. She sighed before allowing him to go inside.

  The doctor sat on the chair next to the messy bed she would stay most of the day. The only reasons to leave it was to go to the bathroom or outside for her weekly "special" terapies.

  "Where`s Kei?" she asked monotonously.

  "He`s got the day off, so I came in his place." Doctor Himura, as his badge said, was writing something in his clipboard before continuing, "Look, we've been talking about it for a few weeks, and I suppose Minami has talked about it with you too, but yesterday we made an official agreement...


...we're discharging you tomorrow."


  The sentence was followed by silence between them before the patient asked, "Where am I gonna go? My mom is dead." her usual sold stare showing.

  "As you know, your aunt is currently in a business trip, but she informed us about some close friends of your parents, who she trusts to take care of you. Anyway, the nurses will bring your luggage tomorrow, so don`t worry about it. Rest well until then." He got up and went to the door direction.

  "I understand, thank you." She bowed before watching him leave, "Where was I going again?"




  The next morning, she woke up by a light bouncing on her bed, "It`s time." a female voice spoke. She turned her gaze to the side and saw a red case with a small bag next to it. The nurse left and she finally realized: she was really going to break out of that prison.

  She admitted herself, calling it "prison" was a bit exaggerating; after all, it was just a hospital. However, the feeling of having chains attached to her wrists was within her since she got there.


  In front of the mirror, an unhealthy looking teenager. Dark circles under her eyes, a weak and fragile body due the years of harming. Visible scars that brought judging eyes. The first and only piece of cloth to go was the white dress her mother gave her. It wasn’t to blame her that memories came to her mind. She missed them, she really did, but no matter how much she wanted them back, they wouldn`t be with her anytime soon.

  The same nurse as earlier braided her dark brown hair. Wearing a red sweater and jeans, the patient took her bags and headed down.

  She put one feet inside the taxi, and looked behind, her eyebrows furred and pupils went right to left nonstop.

  "Are you looking for someone?" the nurse asked.


  Of course I am... 

  She should, really. Kei was the one who took care of her, the one that helped and understood her, the one who saved her.

  She cursed under her breath, "Bastard..." before getting in the taxi.


  The nurse put her hands together behind her, and watched the car drive off, grinning to herself, "Good Luck...








Next Chapter: Lacy Secrets

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