A Fae's Blood

A Fae's Blood

Burning. That's all he can focus on. The deep rooted burn in his throat. His hands clench and unclench, as it slowly grows worse. He doesn't even notice the door around open and close. Only the smell and rush of blood.

He groans, resisting the urge to jump onto its source and drain whoever it is dry. Undeniable sweetness enters his range of scents. He nearly moans, grabbing at the pillow behind him. It's ripped apart, as he pulls it forward.


He can barely hear that, with the sounds of the sweet blood rushing in his ears.


He looks up to find the source in front of him. Hands are places on his shoulder, shaking him. He doesn't mind, eyeing the jugular vein. He his lips, feeling his fangs slowly slide down. The edges of his vision slowly turning red. The shake turns to a slap to the back of the head.

"Han Sanghyuk!"

Sanghyuk jolts, blinking rapidly. His fangs recede, as he looks to the face of the man shaking him.

"Do you know how close you were to triggering a blood frenzy? Why haven't you fed?!"

"My sire hasn't taught me. He's been busy," Sanghyuk whispers, looking up at him. "I'm sorry you were almost my next meal, Jaehwan."

"How old are you?" Jaehwan asks, standing over him.

"Twenty years—"

"No, not that age."

"About three months," Sanghyuk confesses, rubbing his wrist.

"And you haven't been taught to feed?! Who is your sire? I swear I'll turn their essence into a slugs," Jaehwan screeches. He moves to pace the room.

"That wouldn't be smart. Unless you want to lose a member," Sanghyuk mutters, as his eyes settle on Jaehwan's jugular again.

"I give up," Jaehwan whispers, flopping down on the bed besides Sanghyuk's. Fangs press into Sanghyuk's lips, as he watches Jaehwan sigh.

"Jaehwan. Can I ask something of you?" He starts, gulping slowly.

"Sure. Go ahead," Jaehwan agrees, flipping over. Sanghyuk opens and closes his mouth, feeling how dry it is.

"Can I feed from you?" He asks, his lips. Jaehwan sits up, facing a cross-legged Sanghyuk.

"I swear if I heard correctly what I think you send I'll make your essence into a cactus's," Jaehwan threatens, glaring at him.

"Jaehwan, please. You saw how close I was before. I'm out of that. I can stop," Sanghyuk begs, shifting to his knees. "You can stop me if I take too much. Just please."

"Sanghyuk, you drinking my blood is a bad idea," Jaehwan denies, shaking his head.

"Please, I don't know when I'll be able to learn and do this on my own," Sanghyuk begs, pouting his lips out. His blond hair falls into his eyes.

"Ugh, fine. Just don't say I didn't warn you," Jaehwan agrees, holding out his wrist. Sanghyuk smiles, and grabs it quickly. He inhales the sweet scent, rolling his eyes back. "Just do it before you get hard and in your pants."

Sanghyuk looks up at Jaehwan's face, before sinking in his fangs. Blood spills instantly into his mouth. He hums, humming at the insanely sweet taste. Sanghyuk pulls Jaehwan's arm closer, drinking him in. He moans out loud, enjoying the euphoria. A hand weaves into his hair, yanking his head back.

"That's enough," Jaehwan speaks, laying Sanghyuk down. He walks out, stopping by a plant. Leaves and stems cover his wound. He smiles, as they pull back to reveal unmarked skin. He smiles, pecking a leaf. He walks to the kitchen, grabbing a rag.

"He better get back and teach his fledgling to feed."

Sanghyuk stumbles into the kitchen, as Jaehwan turns around with a damp rag. "You have good blood. Like really good. Like the best blood ever," he mumbles, as Jaehwan walks to him. He wipes away the blood from Sanghyuk's lips, unbothered that it's his own.

"Sanghyuk, I need to teach you something about my blood. I'll do it when you return to normal," Jaehwan says, pulling back. Sanghyuk towers over him, frowning deeply. Red tears swell in his eyes.

"You don't trust enough me to tell me?" He cries, as red tears slide down.

"," Jaehwan curses, walking to him. "Sanghyuk, you'll forget if I tell you now, and I want you to remember."

Sanghyuk sniffles, nodding slowly. "Okay," he pouts, swaying his body. "When can you tell me?"

"A few hours," Jaehwan explains, as Sanghyuk collapses onto him, arms around his neck. He stumbles, mumbling weakly into Jaehwan's shoulder.

"I wanna do something," Sanghyuk mumbles at some point, waving his arms around Jaehwan's back.

"You're behind on Naruto," Jaehwan suggests, shifting his weight. Sanghyuk nods, pushing his body off Jaehwan's. He stumbles back to the bedroom, blinking rapidly. Jaehwan groans, following after.

Sanghyuk sits on his bed, poking at random buttons on his computer screen. He pouts, sticking his lip out. Jaehwan rolls his eyes, chuckling as he goes to help. He types in the password, opening the file of the latest episode.

Sanghyuk's eyes widen, as he starts mumbling along to the theme song. Jaehwan stands, before a hand grabs his ankle. "Stay?" Sanghyuk asks, blinking his eyes. Jaehwan sighs, sinking down beside him. Sanghyuk curls into his side, as the plot starts. His hand lays on Jaehwan's thigh, rubbing it slightly.

"Sanghyuk," Jaehwan warns, and Sanghyuk giggles at the tone of voice.

"You have such nice thighs to grab," Sanghyuk whispers, turning his attention back to the episode. Jaehwan looks down at his legs, watching Sanghyuk unconsciously continue. He gulps, as Sanghyuk's weight slowly shifts onto him. Sanghyuk falls down, and Jaehwan pauses the video, not even five minutes in.

"I was watching that," Sanghyuk mumbles, curling on Jaehwan's lap.

"You should sleep this off," Jaehwan speaks, as Sanghyuk looks back up at him. His blond hair falls into his face.

"I wanna know what you won't tell me," he speaks, smiling brightly.

"Ugh. You drunk vampire," Jaehwan groans, falling back. "Do you know what I am?"

"Delicious?" Sanghyuk offers, crawling over him.

"Smell me, you dolt," Jaehwan speaks. Sanghyuk moves down, inhaling deeply.


"Know why?"

"Cause you're not human?" Sanghyuk asks, pulling back. He tilts his head. He blinks rapidly. "You do have three heads."

"Sanghyuk!" Jaehwan snaps his fingers in front of his eyes. Sanghyuk faces him, his lips. "I'm fae."

"Ah," he utters, rubbing his tongue against his teeth.

"You don't know what that means, do you?" Jaehwan asks, as Sanghyuk's blinks his eyes slowly.

"Nope," Sanghyuk chirps, smiling out to reveal fangs.

"I help embody nature, keep it flourishing. I'm the opposite of you," Jaehwan explains. Sanghyuk straddles him, tilting his head slightly.


"Yes, and when vampires drink fae blood, it gives them a way to get life. It makes you like humans who get drunk."

Sanghyuk hums, collapsing onto Jaehwan. His hangs up in the air, as he snores against Jaehwan's chest.

"You piece of dead weight," Jaehwan groans, as Sanghyuk's legs slide down. Sanghyuk snuggles into his neck, humming happily.

"Mine," he mutters, setting his arms on either side of Jaehwan. Jaehwan sighs, as the door swings open. A figure looms inside the doorway.

"What is wrong with him?" The soft voice carries over to Jaehwan's ears.

"He fed from me. His sire won't teach him, Taekwoon," Jaehwan answers. Sanghyuk moves closer, his lips against Jaehwan's neck.

"I've been trying to teach him what pure hunger is like," Taekwoon growls, glaring down at him. Jaehwan sits up, earning a large whine from Sanghyuk. He pulls him into his lap, glaring up at him.

"He would have killed me if I didn't allow him to feed from me. If you're going to sire a fledgling, you need to teach them," Jaehwan speaks, as his eyes flash green. Taekwoon's glow golden, as he growls.

"Don't tell me how to raise my fledglings," he whispers, baring his fangs. Sanghyuk whines, blinking his eyes slightly. He looks up at Jaehwan's hardened face, before following his gaze.

"Taekwoon?" Sanghyuk mutters, shaking his head. He stands, stumbling over to him. "Jaehwan has really nice blood. He's letting me feed."

"We are not made to feed from fae," Taekwoon speaks, pulling him close. Jaehwan stands, curling his hands into fists.

"Then pull your act together, and teach him," he speaks, as his eyes change to green. Vines sprout from the plants in the hall. They reach out, into the room, grabbing around Taekwoon's wrist and neck. Taekwoon releases Sanghyuk, as Jaehwan forces the vines to tightens. Jaehwan scowls, forcing more around his body. Green veins glow from his body.

"Let me go," Taekwoon demands, ripping at the veins. He hisses, as claws grow from his nails. Jaehwan drops him down, as the vines recede. His eyes and veins return to normal.

"Get out. You can talk to him in the morning," he whispers, glaring at him. Taekwoon's fangs and claws recede, as he turns to leave the room.

Sanghyuk stumbles over. "You protected me." He slumps down, moving back to bed. He lays down, as Jaehwan moves to him. He brushes a hair from Sanghyuk's face.

"Yeah, I guess," Jaehwan confirms, as Sanghyuk rolls over into the pillow.

"Thank you," he mumbles, before sleep takes him again. Jaehwan chuckles, smiling at him.

"No problem," he whispers, pecking Sanghyuk's head. He plays with the blond strands until he falls asleep himself.







A/N: Well, the end is fluffy. I didn't know to make Sanghyuk "drunk" persay, but he seems like the cuddly kind with armor defenses down. I'll see you all around. Until next time~ (-<) <3 ^_^

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Chapter 1: Ahhh Hyukken will always get me :')
Karenkitty1092 #2
Chapter 1: This was sooo cute.
Woo so nice fic I like the begin ^_^
M3lonB1ngsu #4
lol this sounds cute~