I'm bored

Just Random

        Hi, guys! I'm teen right now. Unfortunately, I can't tell you guys how old I am. (but maybe you guys gonna know how old I am u.u). Saya ni pelajar asrama. I think you guys already know that a student dormitory (I used google translate u.u), can only went home after two weeks or one month but I don't know if there were other boarding school that can only went home after a longer time. So, in my boarding school the students can only went back home after 2weeks. BUT! To some of us 2weeks feels like 2years except there were some activities.

I'm not saying that my school is so BORING OR BAD but the thing is... there are so less activities in my school. If I was not a dormitory student, maybe it will be less boring in my life but as a student dormitory? Less activities? Yeah... THIS.IS.LIFEU! 

Our warden, our principal, our teachers, my parents and even other batch told us (my batch) that we should be grateful of being a dormitory student. Because being a student dormitory can help you be independent in life. So, everytime the hard or bad or BORING stuff suddenly happen in our hostel, we will remember and been remembered about it. 


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