The famous, Song Minho

Little Black Dress

She cant sleep, her mind is everywhere, thinking unnecessary thing that made her adrenaline going wild. Sometimes, if she hardly fall asleep, she will listening to some music, her fave track or just listening to some nature sound, such us the voice of bird, water or wind. She has been trying those methods for past 2 hours, its 3AM pas but her eyes still open and her mind still wandering.


Its because their event tomorrow, they will attending an award show for performing and receiving an award. She is 1 year more already from her debut stage but tomorrow is not usual event as she had attended so far. She will meet a famous person that have been her favorite these days, his song never skip played every single days. Yes, the really famous star, Song Minho.


Tho they might not see each other, but she still nervous. She has been mad to her also, why she acts like this. She feels strange.


They have schedule for sound check early morning, because her sleepless night, she came to the venue with such a mess look. She never care anyway, her casual and comfortable look will be fave look of her fans. 


Sound check finished and they went to waiting room, they shared the room with their senior, SNSD. It such a relieved because they are sunbaes they cheer on as well. They are preparing for Red Carpet event first, the dress for seulgi is so minimalis with all black, little black dress. She loves it so much.


Red carpet event ended and now they are back to waiting room, waiting for the event to be started. At this time, junior groups need to give a greeting to senior group, but they need to preparing for performance stage and change clothes, they couldn’t do that. Instead 1 of group who attending the event came to their room, maybe they want to give a greeting to SNSD.


The group is no other than from our rival company, iKON? No, Its WINNER. The group that debuted almost the same time with her team. And also the group that the famous, Song Minho belong to. Its such a surprising, because you know the groups from YG are known to be so elite and yeah arrogant(?) they said. But maybe it not true about this group, WINNER.


Seulgi is so nervous when she saw WINNER, especially minho(the reason has said above…haha), her mind suddenly blank, when her team greet WINNER back, she just standing there.Thanks to the leader for initiate to greet back.


She still couldn’t think straight, but suddenly Taeyeon drag her to the front to meet so-famous-star Song minho. She couldn’t catch what Taeyeon said, after she shaked her arm, she came to her mind. Taeyeon spill out her secret and she feels embarrassed after realized it. What a dumb seulgi.


She wishes she could disappear from the scene, but this scene is too beautiful to be missed.


“Thank you for liking my song.” 


She flustered with his sudden chit-chat. Behind her, the other members just laugh at how cute her face right now in front of such a star that she has been liking. Such a dumb fangirl, glad she still manages her sense and not shout his name or asking for his signature. You did great Seul!

WINNER left their room and seulgi suddenly feel so empty(no shade intended), she felt little be regret, she should talk more with him, she meant when she gets the opportunity again anyway.


The show began, and her team now sitting in artist area, for waiting to the winner announcement or just watching other artists perform. 


She feels need to go to washing room, and now she is heading to it by herself. Wendy askes if she need accompany, but she thinks its fine if she go alone. She walks to the washing room, but suddenly someone taps her shoulder.


“Seulgi-ssh, Haii…” Its no other than Song mInho, Oh my God what should I do, she feels nervous.


“hello…” of course she needs to answer formally, they are not close tho they are just couple months apart.


“should we drop formality, we are the same age right?” what? Can he read my mind? She thought


“Should we?” still flustered, but she needs to think straight, she cant lose the opportunity once again.


“of course if you don’t mind” 


“Im okay with it~^^” she tries to calm down, but actually she want to jump. She plays with his hair unconscious, it’s one of signs if she feels nervous or embarrassed.


“so, did you watched Show Me The Money?”


“Yes, I was rooting for you, but that’s okay, you are The WINNER anyway” 


“Thank you…”


“Why you keep saying thank you? I should be the one who feel thankful…”


She is about to answer him, but somebody call him, he needs to stand by for his team turns. Before he left, she asking her number, he gives his phone and of course she types her number happily. The so famous Song Minho asks her for a number, who will refuse…haha




Minho : I watched your performance well. Anyway, this is Song Minho.


Seulgi : Thank you, such a waste your team couldn’t perform, I should be fangirling tonight tho.


Minho saves her number as Seul. After she receive his message, she saved his number as Mino, she likes Mino better. 


Mino: I saw you fangirling toward Big Bang hyung tho.


Seul: who wouldn’t? kkk I cant missed their performances.


That’s how their relationship begun, because she is busy with her schedule, they cant meet or send texts often. Simply text such us, “what are you doing?”, “have you ate?” are overly used. WINNER is promoting in Japan and preparing for their comeback, he hardly stay in Korea for more than 2 days. She feels worry and by sending texts maybe they can secretly tell each other that they missed each other.


Mino: “seul, what are you doing?” his text as usual and she already used to it poped up in her phone notif.


Seul: “Im in dorm resting with wendy... we are the jobless team you know…><”


Mino: “Tea time? My treat…”


Seul: “Since when you like drinking tea~? unbelieveble”




 Im sorry for slow progress, I thought I will just make it oneshot or maybe short chaptered, but who knows. Haha Im busy with my work activities, so please don’t wait for the update, don’t anticipate it as well, because Im a newbie and . See you when I see you again, Enjoy our turtle ship… hop hop

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kimichi93 #1
Chapter 3: woaaa. upupupupdate soon ~ cant wait for seulgi reaction abt winner comback ! *if u dont mind to write abt it authornim hihihi
Chapter 3: This is sweet, can't wait for your next update :)
BurningB01c3 #3
Chapter 3: Their first outing,hopefully first of many! They're just adorable,thanks for the update <3
Chapter 3: yes so cuteeeee ;;;; im legit crying... thanks for update uhuhuhuuu
Chapter 2: awwwwww so cute >.<
BurningB01c3 #6
Chapter 2: Seulgi fangirling sooooo cute ! Let the turtle ship sail <3
Chapter 1: *cries bcuz minseul* :')
BurningB01c3 #9
Chapter 1: YAAAAS MINSEUL !! I just love this ship,looking forward to your updates :)
luca87 #10
Song Minho & Kang Seulgi.
I love Minseul.