

New starts happen every moment of every day and he could start over, put aside this life and begin again… but he doesn’t.


Vixx Secret Santa Prompt: angst angel hunter N and fallen angel Leo.


This story has been entered into Cryptic Critics-A Mini VIXX Fanfic Contest!


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Chapter 1: Definitely an interesting read and I'm really glad you made it so that something like this had happened before. The situation in which Leo came to be made sense as well, even if it was a bit fortuitous. lol But then the story might not have been quite as interesting and I rather like the way it played out. I'm still a bit confused about the angels in general and a broader look at this world would be lovely, but overall, this was an entertaining read. I thought it was intriguing how the angels could start to become more human as they inhabit human bodies, but again, that begs the questions of how they came to be and what they were to begin with. Granted, that's not exactly important given the focus of the story but still.

The way their relationship developed was fascinating to watch and I very much enjoyed that scene after Leo rescued N. "Don't try that again." I could so see him saying that too. hehe And then how they ended up working together after that. I feel that you really glossed over a major turning point for them (when they both almost died) and it would be awesome to have that explained more, but the scenes after also helped to really solidify their feelings about each other.

Did Leo really just disappear for months only to be hiding in almost plain sight? lol Though the scene on the swings was both cute and powerful in its own way. I very much enjoyed it and hearing Leo's words. They hit you right in the feels. *nods* It would be interesting to see what happens between them next (especially given the likelihood of death as N considered), but either way, this was a good read.

Great job for finishing and thank you for sharing. ^_^
Chapter 1: ... Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! ... But if not, this is still so interesting and warming. ;w;)/
I got no time to read this yet but I will and I will savor it gfghjjhrhj