Tick. Tick.

The Time Fairy.

I opened my eyes and woke up to see from the window, it’s getting dark outside.
I just had a dream of you.

I let a sigh out from my lips.

One month has passed since then.
The weather is still pretty much the same.
Flower with so many colors still blooms; they’re not even touch by the summer wind yet.
But for me, it feels like forever.

In this restless world, I never thought that I can feel this hopeless.

With all the technology people have innovate, I’ve never imagine that any of them wouldn’t work in time like this.

I have my phone in my hand, with full battery.

I have my television for this whole time, just to wait any confirmation about the situation.

I have my answering machine emptied to make sure that anyone can reach it whenever they have information about you.

But until today, this is the only thing I got.

Only to hear ‘The number you have dialed is not in service area.’ every time I try to call you.

Only to realized that I can’t reach you even using my phone that has the latest type of its technology.

Only to find out that the news kept showing the same thing about one list of names that ‘reported to be missing in the airplane accident’.

Only to know that today along with the others, you were officially reported died in that accident.

Lee Jinki.

It’s ironic how I feel that any device, any investigation, anything; can’t really help in a situation like this.
People always rely on tools, equipment, technology, and so on, and so on, but when they have reach into a situation like mine, those are nothing.

Are you still alive, Jinki? Or are you not?

Despite on what has been announced, am I wrong to still have that one big question inside my mind?

All the family that had been left behind must feel the same way as I do.

It’s been only a month, isn’t it too fast to give up?
But who am I kidding?

It can be one more day, another month or two, even years, I wouldn’t know.
Because all can I feel is that time had stopped for me.
Just like the keepsake from you.

No. It’s not a keepsake as I believe you’re still alive and breathing out there somewhere.

Yes. The wrist watch you always wear with you.

I still remember clearly that moment; one piece of moment right before you left the house that day.

‘Another business trip..’ You sighed while tying your shoelaces with me standing beside you, also ready to go to my working place myself.

‘Are you sure you can be there on time? You can miss the plane.’ I replied, half-ignoring your whine.

And you smiled, ‘As usual, worry about time and place.’

I gave you this look so you added, ‘What? It’s not like I ever late on our date. Well, except when it comes to my work.’

Some strands of your soft honey-colored hair stuck out cutely so I reaching out my hand and combed it slowly as I said, ‘I know.’

You finished tying your shoes so then you get up and we both wear our coat in the door way. Yes, the spring air was just coming so it’s still pretty chilly out there.

‘Remind me to arrange a weekend trip for both of us right after I get home.’ You said.

I laugh because of his words but I nodded. At the same time, you seem like remembered something and then you pull out your watch from the bag.

‘Can you change its battery? It died last night.’ You put your favorite watch in my hand.

Well, it’s not your favorite one since you only have that wrist watch since forever, but still, it’s like your heartbeat as you never fail to wear it every day near to your beating pulse. It’s one thing you rely on for those appointments and meetings you’re juggling in your everyday life.

‘Why didnt you change it earlier, are you sure you’re going to be okay?’ I said to him as I looked at the platinum watch.

You chuckled, ‘What are you talking about?’

Then you showed me your cellphone, ‘But even without this, I still pretty much tell the time. All the things we used have those digital clock in it, anywhere we are there’s always clock hanging on the wall, anyone around us can tell me if I ask them about time.’

Before I can reply, you rounded your hand around my waist and say, ‘Actually, I wish I could life without it,’ as you pointed your watch in my hand, ‘so I don’t have to worry about being on time, and forget all of those meetings, those promises.’

I smiled teasingly, ‘So how about me, if we’re going to have a date after work, or any other promises? Do you want to forget about me too?’

‘You? The Time Fairy?’ You asked.

Yes, you always call me with that name because I like to be on-time, and how I never taking off my wrist watch.

To hear that, my smile stays and I plant a lingering kiss on you cheek.

Then you continued, ‘You see, I give all of my time in the world to the only Time Fairy I knew, so it would be so hard for me to remember about anything except her.’ You teased me back as you said it with a melody, a sing-a-song, that followed by my laughter.

When I try to remember about that again, how I wish that you were late and didn’t catch the plane.

On that very same day, I was inside the store to change the battery right after work, when I saw the news about your plane crash.

Every time I looked at your watch, I can’t help to think of you.

I can’t help but feeling guilty. Guilty about what, I can’t really tell.

Everything is been a mystery to me. Just like your watch on the bedside right now; I fixed the battery that day but it didn’t work even until now. Yes, Jinki, it stopped. And don’t ask me why, I didn’t know the answer. All I know is that wrist watch of yours, its hands of time aren’t moving, as if it won’t move until it wears by its owner again.

I get up from the bed and walk to the stairs.

Step by step I take, my mind still stung by the image of you inside my dream.

Is this your way to tell me to move on, Jinki?

Or is this your way to remind me that you love me, wherever you are right now?

I really want to believe that there are miracles out there, and among all of it, I just ask for one of them.

I reached the first floor and stood there dumbfounded.

This house seems so empty without you.

There’s no sound of your favorite songs that used to echoing around our living room when we have supper together; because you often passed dinner time.

There’s no humming that I used to hear when you made your special French toast for me every Sunday morning.

There’s no your singing voice I always love to hear.

There’s no my laughter because you weren’t here with me.

Right now, it’s just a ticking sound from a clock somewhere hanging on the wall that I can hear inside this house.

So then here I am. Walking out, standing right in front of the door. Staring to the empty street with the fainted city noise but my heart beats like a ticking hand of time ringing in my ears.

Like it wanted to remind me about all of those times we spend together.

All of those times that we treasured.

Time; is the word that you hate when it comes to the meaning of work and have all of your tasks done.

Time; is what I always treat like something important as promises and commitments.

Time, is what you claimed as something you gave to me above everything.

And time; is now the word that reminds me about you the most.
Because now I realized that time is only being important, when you have someone to share it with.

Time is like stood still when you’re not here, Jinki.
Your watch showed me so.

Tell me, Jinki, without your watch, with your phone turned off, can you tell the time when you’re on the plane?

Are you telling your Time Fairy that you’ve been counting the minutes until you can meet her again?

Does the crash happened while you remembering about her? … about me?

I shut my eyes after imagining what you went through at that time.
I imagined it for many times for the past month, but it still hurts in the same amount every time.

How I wish I can tell you, Jinki, that me, your so-called Time Fairy, doesn’t need all your time in the world.

I wish I can tell you that you don’t need to be on-time in every promise; I just need one single moment.
And that would be the moment where you come back into my arms.

A second.

Two seconds.

I just heard the imaginary sound of time playing in the back of my head.

I turned around to get inside the house as I let a sigh slipped through my lips, and just tasted the salty drop of tears that fell at the same time as I heard footsteps approaching.

One step.

Two steps.

It went closer.


I was petrified with my hand in the door knob, too afraid to look behind my back when I realized that the pace had stopped in my door step.

Once again, it feels like the time stood still.

A second feels like forever just when I waited for something.

Something like…

‘Once, I said to someone that I give all of the time in the world for her only,’

I turned around.

Then the sentence is completed, ‘And that promise is my ticket to come home to you… My Time Fairy.”

Along with seeing the smile you’re smiling now, I realized that one moment I’ve been waiting for, it’s finally here.

And as I run to your arms, it’s not like in every other story; the time isn’t stood still.
In fact, my time –no, our time, Jinki… it has just begun again.


On the bedside table, there’s a platinum watch.




And now the hands of time are moving.








Hey! im back with another one-shot, this time it's featuring Onew, our beloved leader..

Actually i was inspired by a story coming from one text-book i've been reading, so I came up with the idea this morning, so forgive me if this feels a bit rushed. It might has many holes and questions that left unaswered but i just wrote about what point that important the most for both of them, and as you have read it, you might understand what i mean :) yes, for them to be together again in time.

i hope you can enjoy this story as well, thank you for reading and i'd be happier if you can drop a comment for me :)






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Shawolrinkeyelf #1
Chapter 1: This story is awesome...
Chapter 1: Omo, DAEBAK!!
This story is daebak!
I love it. It's sad and frustrating at the beginning but have a sweet and happy ending XD
i really really love this story ..
Looved this one-shot! <33 I look forward to reading more of your writing! ^-^
Amazing <3
motion #6
This is ;__; absolutely beautiful, breathtaking, wonderful etcetc. I was so close to crying but I couldn't bc I am at school while reading this ahaha. Thank you for the share!
This story was the best *A* Really loved it ! ^^