Part 1

One night's dream


“You’ve worked hard.” VIXX bowed to the staff that helped the boys with their last schedule for the day, which was a photo shoot for a magazine. While the six men were tired because of their busy schedule, since they had a comeback with Chained Up, they couldn’t help but also be proud of themselves, because they had been receiving more love calls lately, which meant their fame was reaching new heights. Which brought them more money, no doubts about that; nevertheless that was not the most important point, but their personal gain and self-accomplishment. The proudest was Hakyeon, not because he was the leader and had the most schedules, but because he knows he helped the others when needed and led them when necessary. But he was most proud of their fans, the lights which guided them through their hard times. They were left were tired and with no energy on many occasions, but seeing the fans helped them. Seeing them from the stage, cheering with light-sticks, calling their name when singing during music programs brought the six men the necessary energy to continue through their tiredness and left them thankful and with warm feelings inside their chests.



The singers got into their van, their manager already at the driver’s seat, having the heat on. They waved to the fans outside, smiling for them until the last member got in the middle seat, at the window, and closed the door. That was Jaehwan. He especially liked to stay longer and make aegyo faces and gestures to Starlights. When the car started to move on, the members groaned a bit, happy that they would finally go home and sleep in their own bed. The two youngest members and Wonsik were in the back. Hongbin and Sanghyuk were already dozing off on each other, Hongbin having his head plopped on the youngest member’s right shoulder and his head on Hongbin’s. Wonsik stared at the window, after smiling a bit at the other two, sleepiness clouding his head, but he could almost never sleep in the car. Taekwoon and Jaehwan were sitting in the middle seats, the oldest of the two was also staring at the window, while having his earbuds in, while the other man was trying to keep his eyes open, but failing spectacularly, his head fell on the backseat, in the end. Hakyeon sat next to the driver’s seat, conversing in little whispers with the manager, probably about their next schedule and other small things like that. Wonsik was really surprised sometimes to see how the leader had so much energy and strength to take care of even the smallest thing. He admired the older man so much, and he couldn’t imagine how the events would have happened if they had another person as a leader. He knew Hakyeon was the most perfect to lead them, he could always bring the member’s needs in the middle and he could scold them when necessary. He knew that all of them were considered lucky to have Hakyeon and the others in their lives. He really liked the group’s dynamics, knowing that their company’s CEO chose all of them carefully so that they could bring the best in each other and cover for their flaws when needed.

It was not long until they arrived into their apartment. Almost all the boys went to their bed, walking like zombies and barely keeping their eyes open. Only Taekwoon bothered to go to the bathroom to take a shower and brush his teeth. He was rooming with Hakyeon and when he finished he moved around their room with little steps and quietly, so that he wouldn’t disturb an already asleep leader. Wonsik was rooming with Sanghyuk. While Taekwoon was in the bathroom, he dressed in short briefs and waited for the oldest to finish. He fiddled with his phone during his wait, while the youngest of the group already snored quietly, his subconscious was already speaking to his brain through dreams he wouldn’t remember in the morning. After Taekwoon finished, Wonsik went and washed his face and brushed his teeth. He was taking care of his face thoroughly because he had issues with acne and he was scared he will be left with permanent scars if he wouldn’t wash his make-up before going to sleep. He came back to the room, and he collapsed on the bed, asleep almost the second his head touched the pillow.



He wakes up startled. He just had a really weird dream, which leaves him sweating a lot. While he doesn’t remember all the details, he remembers the basics of his dream. It was with Hakyeon. While it was not exactly one of those wet dreams that could leave the men with full-on s, it was still a bit y and seductive. He is breathing hard and he feels flustered that he could dream with one of his best friends. While it was not the first y dream of one of the VIXX members (God knows he fantasized about Hongbin’s muscular arms even in reality), this was the most vivid he had. He tries to calm down his breathing, while watching the time on his phone. They still have almost three hours until they need to rise up, and he tries to sleep again. But the details of the dream keep appearing in his head, not leaving him peaceful. He dreamed he was with Hakyeon at one of the back rooms in one of the buildings, where they had fan-meetings. Specifically, it was that one fan-meeting where some of the fans requested for him and Hakyeon to dance a small portion of Hot Enough and Hakyeon thought he could spice up the things and suggested for them to dance one in front of each other, like his moves were mirrored by Haekyon’s. That dance left him a bit timid, because Hakyeon smiled at him a bit sweetly and a bit secretly, no doubt to indulge the fans and make them scream. Also, his moves left a lingering feeling, like it wasn’t enough, but conveying the right message. He could move with a really overwhelming grace which amazed the other people. In the end, he came and patted Wonsik’s neck in a sweet manner. It was, undoubtedly, just fanservice and a mean to make the fans happy. But it made Wonsik a bit troubled. He didn’t know the reason why. Back to the dream, they were alone in the room, dressing in the suits without the dress shirts. They were already wearing their pants and they buttoned their jackets, leaving the upper part of their chest in the open. Hakyeon was staying with his back turned to him, and the Wonsik in the dream looked up, after finishing dressing and saw Hakyeon’s hair, which had green and grey reflexes when the lights were above him. Like sensing that somebody was staring at the back of his neck, dream-Hakyeon turned over and watched Wonsik with an up-turned smile. Wonsik couldn’t stop staring at the leader’s lips, which were applied with lip-balm. His eyes were alluring and seductive, tracing Wonsik’s body from up to down. Wonsik shivered at the intensity of Hakyeon’s gaze. He was coming closer in small steps, almost like a ferocious feline approaching its prey. It was unsettling, to say at least. But it was not a bad feeling, not at all. When Hakyeon was close enough, he raised his hand and began to trace Wonsik’s features, starting with his jaw, going down his neck (while he maintained the longing eyes into his) and then the hem of his jacket, keeping his fingers on the other’s chest. The rapper shuddered at the leader’s feathery touch, closing his eyes for a few seconds and taking a deep breath. Hakyeon smirked, upon seeing this and trailed his fingers down, while ing Wonsik’s black jacket. His intentions were really clear, he made sure to confirm it with his touches and stares. He took off the cloth, during which he also touched the rapper’s biceps. Suddenly, he had his hands in the other’s pockets and brought him close to his body in a single move. Everything happened in 5 seconds, which left Wonsik a bit surprised and flustered to have Hakyeon so close to him. Their bodies were practically touching from the waist down, the vocal still keeping his hands in Wonsik’s pockets. Their noses were almost touching, their eyes only seeing each other. The younger man began to breathe really hard, his heart plummeting speedily in his ribcage, his insides melting at the close presence of the other boy. When Hakyeon moved even closer, no doubt to kiss him, Wonsik woke up disheveled. He couldn’t go to sleep after that. He resorts to watching the dawn approaching with each minute closer to the morning. He has nothing on his mind, but the dream keeps replaying inside his mind for a few times and he knows it is just a matter of time until he could forget it. Nonetheless, that day, he walks like on egg shells around the leader, hoping the others won’t observe something wrong with him. But he needs to be careful, because if he distances himself too much from the leader it could cause an unnecessary disturbance in the group. So he only discusses the casualties and the important things with the other man, and then stayes close to Jaehwan or Hongbin. Hakyeon doesn’t notice, because it is not really such a strange thing for Wonsik to only talk to certain members some days and they are almost all the time busy, so they couldn’t think about anything else. But during more quiet parts of their day, Wonsik couldn’t help to watch Hakyeon, always catching his profile and remembers once again of what his subconscious tries to tell him. He shook his head, for the images to disappear and goes back to his duties as VIXX’s member, rapper and composer.  


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ohxehu #1
Chapter 1: So intense =v=
Plz update whenever you can~fighting~!
Chapter 1: Will you update this :(
I was already hooked in ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ