Minor Complications

This is Why American Movies are Evil


At the B2ST dorm:

                Dongmin woke up and blinked around confused. His bed was in the wrong place and there was another bed right next to his. It took him a few seconds to remember what had happened. When he did realize, he looked around a bit closer. The others were still asleep, not having schedules that day. He slid out of his bed, careful not to wake Dujun, asleep in the bed next to his, or Gikwang in the one below his. He looked at the five others for a second before quietly moving over to Hyunseung’s bed, underneath Yoseob’s. He’d heard stories about the 4D main dancer/main vocalist and how deeply he slept. Dongmin poked at him a couple seconds before giggling softly. Hyunseung was indeed as deeply asleep as he’d always heard. He poked at him a couple more seconds before standing and moving to the dresser. He decided to take a shower first, seeing as Gikwang and Junhyung usually took a long time. Deciding on an outfit, he made his way to the bathroom.

                Once inside, he locked the door and looked in the mirror. Dongwoon’s handsome face stared back at him, and Taemin had a sudden, rather creepy, realization. His eyes widened. He was going to have to shower…as Dongwoon. Which meant seeing and touching Dongwoon’s body. Dongmin shuddered, but the shower. Closing his eyes, he got undressed and felt his way into the shower. Once inside, it was one of the fastest showers he’d ever taken. He completed all necessary duties, not opening his eyes except to differentiate between the shower gel and the shampoo. Stepping out, he felt his way to where he’d left the towel and started drying off. He didn’t open his eyes again until he had the boxers on. Only then did he blink his eyes open and sigh. Wiping the steam off the mirror, he stared into the unfamiliar eyes.

                “This is going to be rough.”

                Without meaning to, Taemin did something he often did at home. His eyes flickered down to his arms, and he blinked in surprise. Slowly, he started grinning as he lifted his arms up, flexing, enjoying, for the moment, the fact that he was, indeed, now manly. He continued posing in the mirror, losing track of time until Junhyung pounded on the door, demanding he leave the bathroom or be subject to losing valuable body parts.


At the SHINee dorm:

                Taewoon shivered and reached out to his right, intent on swiping some of the blankets that Dujun kept all over his bed. He jolted upright when, instead of blankets or even Dujun, his hand made contact with an unmoving wall instead. He blinked blearily, looking around. When his brain finally woke up enough to make sense of what he was seeing, it not-so-kindly reminded him of what had happened. All vestiges of sleep disappeared, and he tilted his head. He looked over the edge of the bed, brushing Taemin’s shaggy hair out of the way as he peered at Jonghyun. When his eyes adjusted enough, he flinched, almost falling out of his bed. No one warned him of Jonghyun’s habit of sleeping with his eyes open. Taewoon filed that away under ‘Creepy, but good to know’. He looked across at Key, who, even in sleep, seemed to be very aware of his appearance, as he slept neatly. Moving down to look at Minho, Taewoon had to cover his mouth to stifle his laughter. Minho had sprawled his long- body over the tiny- bed, to the point where it looked like he was trying to give his mattress a hug. Taewoon looked at the bed in the center and was confused. Onew shouldn’t have been up by now, but his bed looked empty and made. Taewoon’s eyes narrowed and he looked closer. Lo and behold, there were either about 30 blankets on Onew’s bed, or there was an Onew under that comforter. Taewoon adjusted his position, and nodded to himself when he saw the top of Onew’s head under the blanket. Taewoon filed all this information away into the respective filing cabinets in his mind before carefully getting out of bed. No schedules and no school meant that no one had to get up today if they didn’t want to. Taewoon had been so exhausted from the events of the day before that he’d fallen asleep on the way back to the dorm, hence why he’d managed to get up before anyone else.

                Taewoon grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. After brushing his teeth, he observed Taemin’s face in the mirror. Then, he did something he had always been told never to do.


                He saw the aegyo in the mirror and almost shrieked in delight. He’d always wanted to attempt aegyo to get a favor. Gikwang and Yoseob used it all the time, and they always got what they wanted. Taewoon was looking forward to at least TRYING the aegyo thing. Dongmin had hauled him aside and given him a few pointers, such as using the aegyo on Key and Minho first, then Onew, then Jonghyun. As Taewoon the shower, he started muttering to himself.

                “Well, let’s see what we have to work with,” he said as he pulled off the pyjama shirt. “Chicken arms, no abs to speak of. Pale, though. That’s nice.”

                He pulled off the pants and looked down. “Skinny legs. Really skinny legs. Do they feed him?”

                Clad only in boxers now, Taewoon started testing his flexibility. “Decently flexible. Skinny skinny, but he seems strong enough.” Taewoon nodded and pulled off the boxers. The thought of dealing with a new body in the shower didn’t faze him, and he took his time, cleaning and relaxing just as he would do normally. When he got out of the shower, he dried off, dressed, then stared in the mirror, attempting to figure out what to do with his hair. He blowdried it, then settled for pulling it into a pair of little tiny pigtails, which almost had him squealing from the cuteness overload. He was finally cute, even if it wasn’t in his body, and he was happy about it. There was a part of him, though, that was reserved about the cuteness. Dongmin had warned him that he would quickly grow tired of the cute bit, especially once the nonstop requests for cute came in from photographers, interviewers, nunas, fans, etc. But, for now, as he settled down in the living room in his comfy sweatpants and oversized hoodie, with a banana milk, his pigtails and a book, he was going to pull out all the stops and enjoy as much of the cute routine as he could.


At Konkuk University:

                JinDae knocked somewhat early on Nym’s dorm door. An unfamiliar voice, filled with laughter, invited him inside. Once inside, he realized why.

                A young black woman sat on her loft bed, laughing at the sight below her. On the ground, Nym was performing what appeared to be the Mexican Hat dance on her Japanese textbook, provided said dance involved stomping the hat into oblivion and squeaking in four languages (none of them Japanese, it should be noted) whilst bouncing around. Nym finished off the performance with a practiced sweep-kick, sending the textbook sailing up to her bed, swearing in Chinese. Not noticing JinDae, she switched to English, both her and Jazzy’s native language.

                “The Japanese language is trying to kill me, Jazzy.” She dropped gracefully to the ground and flopped backward, sighing. “I can remember complex Chinese characters, am decently fluent in Korean, speak Spanish like it was my first language, and it takes me 10 minutes to remember the damn hiragana for ‘sa’. Shoot me.”

                Jazzy giggled. “It’s not so bad.”

                Nym tilted her head and looked at her. “Just because YOU passed Japanese 1000 with an A while I barely pulled a D…”

                Jazzy giggled again before JinDae piped up from his place by the door. “You know, I could always help you with Japanese. I’m pretty fluent in it.”

                Nym jumped about a foot off the ground while Jazzy looked at JinDae in surprise. “Holy , he knows English.” She glared at Nym. “You didn’t tell me he knew English!”

                Nym rolled over, getting to a knee. “Hey, don’t look at me. I didn’t know either.” She switched back to Korean and looked at JinDae. “And you will forget you ever heard my first semester Japanese grade. EVER.”

                JinDae leaned away from her glaring gold eyes. “What first semester Japanese grade?”

                Nym nodded and her eyes softened. “And that would be amazing if you could help.”

                JinDae beamed. “Well, provided you didn’t demolish your Japanese textbook…”

                Jazzy waved a hand. “She’s thrown it under a bus and it was fine. Her stomping on it won’t do a thing.”

                Nym nodded. “I probably just made it mad.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “The damn thing won’t die.”

                JinDae laughed. “It’s okay. I’ll protect you if it grows teeth and tries to attack.” Nym giggled. “So, what do you say we meet up in a couple hours? We can study for a bit, then go find lunch.” Nym frowned slightly and looked thoughtful. “My treat.”

                Nym’s eyes widened and she grinned. “Free food? I’m in!”

                She waved as JinDae departed. When she shut the door, Jazzy shook her head. “You’re impossible.”

                Nym blinked, confused. “What do you mean?”

                Jazzy laughed. “You’ve got TWO boys who have a major crush on you and you don’t even notice.”

                Nym stared at her. “What?!”

                Jazzy fell backwards, still laughing. “Both Onew and JinDae like you, chica.”

                Nym looked a bit sad. “No they don’t. JinDae and I just met, and Onew…well, Onew’s an idol. He’s got options.”

                Jazzy rolled her eyes. “Just trust me, woman.”




[So, sorry for the rather crappy chapter, but I'm SO busy studying for my Summer program in Korea and dealing with my family (I haven't lived with them in over 11 years, so we're trying to get used to me being home for a bit >_<) that I've barely had time to sleep. Plus, my family only has dial-up interwebs, so I have to go to the school once a week to check my e-mail and whatnot. I promise better chapters (and more chapters) soon though!!!]

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breeze03 #1
Chapter 6: Aww take your time.. But know that someone is really excited here :)
i cracked up laughing by the 'bugs' part!!
aww~ thank you so much for this!!
pleasee~ update soon again <3
breeze03 #3
i can't help but root for Onew and Nym pair
awww~~<br />
this is awesome...<br />
love the first chapters... can't wait for the next one<br />
so pleaseee~~ update soon again <3
breeze03 #5
it's starting! Finally :) can't wait to see how this would go...
The first chapter is interesting! I wonder what will happen? Update soon!
OMG! FINALLY! i was waiting 4 thins AGES! LOL <br />
i love it