Information Needed

This is Why American Movies are Evil

At Konkuk University:


Nym yawned for the umpteenth time in her Chinese class. She willed her eyes open. The concert last night had been AMAZING, but it had left little time for sleep. Jazzy hadn't even bothered sleeping before hitting her classes. Having Jinki wake her up, while quite pleasant, had led to her using a lot of energy early in the day. The lack of sleep plus the energy usage this morning was wiping her out. She forced her eyes open again and glanced at her watch. 20 minutes to go before she was done for the day. Her teacher droned on through the review for the test, and Nym had to fight the overwhelming urge to throw her textbook at him. They knew the material, and he knew that. Finally, the class ended. She threw her stuff in her backpack, put on her headphones and moved to the door. 

Halfway across campus, Nym knew she wasn't going to make it. She was almost sleepwalking at this point. Suddenly, a building caught her eye and she smiled. She stumbled inside, found one of the comfy chairs in the corner, piled her textbooks around her and promptly fell asleep, her Chinese textbook open in her lap. This WAS Korea, after all. Sleeping in the library was almost SOP.


At the B2ST dorm:


The eleven guys sprawled over the entirety of the living room. The SHINee guys were impressed with the size of B2ST's dorm, and the B2ST members looked taken aback at the sleeping arrangements and cramped quarters of the SHINee guys when they passed around the pictures. 

"Where would I be sleeping?" asked Taewoon, worried. Key pointed to the top bunk bed opposite his. 

"That one's Taemin's. The one below it is Minho's, the one below mine is Jonghyun's, and the bed in the middle is Onew's." 

Dujun's eyes widened. " do you avoid getting stepped on?"

Onew shrugged. "Usually, Jonghyun gets up first, then wakes up Key. Key wakes me up." He tilted his head. "It's a bit harder when we don't have schedules though." Dongmin looked down guiltily, and Onew shook his head. "Stop looking like that. It was an accident."

Taewoon looked confused. "What happened?"

Dongmin spoke up. "I thought Onew-hyung was already awake, so I got down the way I normally do."

Dujun blinked, guessing what was coming. "Which, I take it, is jumping from your bed to his." Dongmin nodded. "What happened?"

Dongmin bit his lip. "I...I broke three of his ribs from landing on him."

The B2ST members looked at Onew in horror. He just shrugged. "It was an accident. And really my fault for sleeping so late."

Dujun looked at Onew, then up to Taewoon. He looked thoughtful, and Dujun knew that Dongwoon was filing all the information away to make sure he didn't make a mistake.

Onew clapped his hands. "Well, we're here for a reason, right? We should probably get started."

SHINee's manager grabbed B2ST's manager. "Let's go get them lunch while they're busy." They left quietly.


At Konkuk University:


He woke up and smirked.

"Another weaver, huh? And here on campus too."

He thought about the other weaver as he got ready for the day. 

"I don't know who you are, but it won't take me long to find out."

If he was honest with himself, he didn't care that the other weaver had meddled in his work. He was too excited that there was another one to worry about a little thing like that.

He pulled his long hair into a ponytail, letting a couple locks hang. [A/N: Yes, he's stealing Heechul's look from the 'U' MV.] Looking in the mirror one last time, he grabbed his backpack and left the room, heading for his study group meeting in the library.


At the B2ST dorm:


"And, whatever you do, don't try to do aegyo," Taewoon warned.

Dongmin tilted his head, confused. "Why not?"

Hyunseung burst into laughter. Yoseob just shook his head and leaned toward Dongmin. "Go practice in the mirror later and you'll see why."

Dongmin shrugged. "I hated being forced to do that so often anyway. Have fun with that." He laughed, then thought for a second. "OH! There's a Japanese interview scheduled soon. Just make sure to mess up a bit, ok?"

Taewoon and the B2ST members' eyes widened. "Ja...Japanese?" Taewoon sounded just about terrified.

Hyunseung shrugged. "You're screwed."

Onew tilted his head. "What's wrong?"

Dujun looked at him. "Dongwoon doesn't know Japanese that well."

Onew, Minho, and Dongmin threw out their arms, one pointing to Jonghyun, the other at Key. "They'll help," they chorused in unison.

Jonghyun nodded. "Besides, Onew's the one who fails at Japanese just about every time he tries to use it." Onew glared at him. "Hey, it's the truth. Besides, you'd keep failing even if you were fluent at it and you know it." At this, Onew looked down and blushed a bit. The B2ST members looked at Jonghyun, confused, while SHINee and Dongmin fell over laughing. Jonghyun chuckled. "Nym's not good at Japanese either, and it made her happy to know that Onew wasn't good at it either. They made a promise to get better at it together." Onew blushed a bit deeper, and B2ST joined the chuckling.

Taewoon saved him from further embarrassment. "Oh yeah!! There's one SUPER-IMPORTANT thing you HAVE to remember, Taemin."

Dongmin tilted his head, worried. "What's that?"

"I'm TERRIFIED of bugs."

Dongmin laughed. "So am I. That won't be hard to pretend." Both Dongmin and Taewoon shuddered in unison, causing the room to erupt in laughter again. 

The door to the dorm opened, and the managers wandered in. "We have lunch!" The stampede of hungry men sounded like thunder coming closer.

"Yes! Pizza!"

"Oooh, jjigae!"

"Yay!! Chicken!!"


At the Konkuk University library:


Nym stretched and loaded her backpack again. The nap was well-worth it, as she finally felt awake enough to not only make it to her room, but probably to hit up the caf and rout out some food, too. She put her headphones back on and headed through the stacks.


He entered the library and began to thread through the stacks, moving toward the back where the conference rooms were.


Nym noticed someone coming and glanced up to make sure they didn't collide.


He looked up for a second, narrowly avoiding a girl.


Two steps beyond the near-collision, they both stopped dead in their tracks. Turning slowly, he put down his book and she pulled off her headphones. They looked into each other's eyes.

Her large, innocent-seeming ones glowing gold.

His almond-shaped ones glowing blue.

They pointed at each other.

"It was you!!"

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breeze03 #1
Chapter 6: Aww take your time.. But know that someone is really excited here :)
i cracked up laughing by the 'bugs' part!!
aww~ thank you so much for this!!
pleasee~ update soon again <3
breeze03 #3
i can't help but root for Onew and Nym pair
awww~~<br />
this is awesome...<br />
love the first chapters... can't wait for the next one<br />
so pleaseee~~ update soon again <3
breeze03 #5
it's starting! Finally :) can't wait to see how this would go...
The first chapter is interesting! I wonder what will happen? Update soon!
OMG! FINALLY! i was waiting 4 thins AGES! LOL <br />
i love it