
The Red Envelope

You pulled out the chair to your desk, yawning a little as you set your bag on your desk and sat down. You glanced around the class, only a few people were there. Today, you had taken the earlier bus, so you got to school earlier than normal, but you didn’t mind. You looked up to see one of your closest friends walk into the room.

“I’m honestly surprised you’re here this early.” Seungkwan says as he sits down in the seat next to yours.

“I need your help on the calculus homework.” You replied pulling the sheet out of your backpack. Despite him being younger, he was really good at math and was 4 years ahead of other students his age.

“Okay. What do you need help with?” Seungkwan asks while scooting his chair closer to your desk to help you.

  As you were getting help, the class began to slowly fill up with more students. You finally understood what to do on the question when the bell rang and your teacher arrived just seconds after. You payed attention to the classes until it was almost time for lunch, you couldn’t stop looking at the clock. When it finally rang, you and Seungkwan were some of the first to leave the class. You both headed for your lockers, his in the same hall, but not next to yours. You opened your locker to see a little envelope flutter to the marble floor. You eyed it for a few seconds before actually picking it up. It didn’t say who it was from on the outside, so you’d just have to read it later. Seungkwan came over just as you slid it into the pocket of your jeans.

“Let’s go. Joshua and Mingyu are waiting.”

  You nod and follow him to the cafeteria, grabbing a slice of pizza and a pear, you headed to the table one of two of your friends were at. You sat down and we’re joined by Seungkwan a few seconds after. You looked at Joshua.

“Where’s Mingyu?” Seungkwan beat you to it.

“I don’t know, actually.” He replied as he glanced up from his tray of food.

“He’s probably bothering Soonyoung and Jihoon. Or Wonwoo and Vernon. Or-” He was cut off.

“Excuse you, but I wasn’t bothering anyone.” Mingyu huffs from the right of Seungkwan. He continues, “I was talking to the new guy who moved here two weeks ago and started to attend here a week ago. I never really realized we had a new student till a few girls were asking if I knew him. He’s in our P.E. class.”

“The new guy?” Joshua asks.

“Yeah. Seungcheol.” Mingyu begins stuffing his mouth with his food.

“Oh, I heard some of the girls talking about how he’s pretty good looking.” Seungkwan states. He basically knows of everything that happens at school.

“(Y/N), you gonna read that letter from your locker?” Seungkwan turns to you.

“Thought you didn’t see that.” You glare at him.

“I didn’t. It’s sticking out from your pocket. I mean, it is bright red.” He shrugs.

  You inwardly groan as you pull it out of your pocket. It was a little crumpled and creased, but, all-in-all, it looked like how it did when you first found it. You opened it carefully. You didn’t want to ruin it further. You began to read it to yourself

“Read it out loud!” Seungkwan said, bumping your shoulder with his.

“Fine. It says, ‘Hello, there! You probably don’t know me yet, but I really want to get to know you. Maybe we’ll meet in person soon.’ It’s signed by an ’S.Coups.’” You finish looking up at your three friends.

“S.Coups? Isn’t that a little weird?” Seungkwan asked looking to you for back up.

“Maybe.” You say and Joshua shrugs.

“Aww, our little (Y/N) has a secret admirer!” Mingyu grins at you, he knows that treating you as younger than him bothered you, considering you are 3 years older than him.

“I’m jealous.” Joshua plays along.

  You roll your eyes at their antics and stare down at the note for a few more seconds trying to think of anyone you knew who went by S.Coups. You slipped the note into the red envelope before shoving it back into your pocket. You weren’t paying attention to your friends, which was always a mistake, but, fortunately, they weren’t doing anything.

“I can practically hear you thinking, (Y/N).” Mingyu looks from his almost empty tray to you.

“Just trying to think if I’ve met someone who goes by S.Coups.” You reply.

“Who knows. We should figure out who it is! Like a group of detectives.” Seungkwan smiles widely.

  Before anyone could reject Seungkwan’s proposal, the bell signaling the end of lunch sounded. Seungkwan, who was set on finding your secret admirer, looked at you, Joshua, and Mingyu with an air of purpose and no trace of jokes.

“(Y/N), we’ll get down to the bottom of this, won’t we, guys?” He says, looking to Mingyu and Joshua for confirmation.

  They both nod, not knowing what this will lead them to later on down the line. You smile a little at them. You were curious as to who put the letter in your locker, and really wanted to find them. So, it wasn’t too bad that they had decided to help.

  You finished the school day without pondering the note from your locker and forgot about until you got home and changed out of your clothes. From then after, you continued to imagine how you and this person would meet. You finished your homework, the note constantly distracting you. Afterwards, you ate a small dinner then decided to go to sleep. Little did you know, another person was having similar thoughts of you.

  You woke up feeling refreshed. You glanced over at your desk, the red envelope being illuminated by the sun flitting through the curtains of your window. Quickly, you got dressed and headed to your kitchen to fix a small breakfast. After eating, you began to briskly walk down the street. On the way, you hear a familiar voice softly singing in English. You look up from the grey concrete to see Joshua walking a few paces ahead of you. Smiling, you catch up to him. He looks to you, a small smile on his lips.

“Hey, (Y/N)!”

“Hey, Joshua!” You greet back with a grin.

  You both walked to school and headed to your respective classes. You let your mind dance through the thoughts of the red envelope, the letter inside a total mystery. But, maybe that is why you were so intrigued by the person called S.Coups. You felt more intrigued now that it was your third class of the day, your P.E. period, which you had with Joshua, Mingyu, and Seungkwan. You quickly changed into the clothes you had for this class. You joined the rest of the students of your class in the gym. It was actually pretty spacious, even though it looked small from the outside. There was a single basketball court on the left and a tennis court on the right. The bleachers surrounded most of the gym, save for the spots where there were doors.

“Ugh. Today we’re playing basketball or tennis.” Seungkwan said once you were standing next to him. He continues, “What do you wanna do?”

  Your eyes scan each of the courts, almost instantly, you spot your freakishly tall friend and your friend from America talking with another student who had ebony hair. When you were close enough, you could see his face- and oh, wow, he’s good looking- and that he was around Joshua’s height. Joshua is the first to notice you and Seungkwan walking in their direction. He waves you over, mouthing to walk faster, so you pick up your pace. You stop in front of the three boys and feel slightly shy, you were never really good at meeting and chatting with people who were around your age. You look up into his gorgeously brown eyes, a glint of playfulness in them.

“Seungkwan, (Y/N), this is Seungcheol.” Joshua says, a sly smile on his lips while looking at you.

“Nice to meet you, Seungkwan, (Y/N)!” Seungcheol politely greets with his hand outstretched.

  You take his hand, shaking it slightly. A few seconds go by as your hand stays intertwined with his, stares lingering on the other’s eyes. You pull your hand out of his realizing that it was probably weird- you wouldn’t mind if you got lost in his eyes- and Mingyu was giving you that creepy smile that seemed like he knew every thought that ran through your mind.

“So, let’s play?” Seungkwan asks, seemingly oblivious to the seventeen seconds of a butterfly war in your stomach.

  You nod and began to walk with Seungkwan towards the center of the court, a few other students doing the same. You played hard, to ensure that your mind would stay focused. You succeed, as you didn’t really have thoughts other than doing your best to assist your team. The bell rings throughout the hollow gym and you began to clean up the equipment. You were immersed, so you didn’t notice Seungkwan calling your name frantically. You hear Joshua tell your name, as you were turning around to see what they were yelling about you were surprised to see a red and blue basketball coming at you full speed and at your face level. Before it could hit you and possibly break your nose, a flash of black shot in front of you. You see the ball is deflected and bounces back to the direction it came from. You look down at the person who saved your face. It was none other than Seungcheol.

“Uh, thanks, Seungcheol.” You offer a small smile. He beams at you.

“It’s no problem, (Y/N)!”

  You quickly head to the locker room, change and book it to your next class. You are one of the first students to enter your English class, you look up when the door swings open and Joshua is walking towards you.

“Who threw the ball?” You grumble.

“Mingyu. It’s to be expected, isn’t it?” He shrugs, then he continues, “He had a good reason, though.”

“What reason is an acceptable excuse for almost smashing someone’s face in with a basketball?” You scoff slightly. It’s safe to say you weren’t happy.

“He was trying to help S.Coups get closer to you.” Joshua sighs. You can see he’s groaning inwardly.

“S.Coups?” You raise one of your eyebrows at him questioningly.

“Yeah. They said that I should tell you that much. When I say ‘they’ I mean Seungkwan and Mingyu.” He answers before you ask.

“Oh.” You shortly answer, the teacher shows up.

  The period passes by too slowly for your liking. You really couldn’t think of an “S.Coups” that was in your P.E. class. The bell rings and you are brought back to reality. You look up to ask Joshua if he was free, but are shocked when he isn’t there. You groan out loud and leave school.

It’s been a week since you met Seungcheol, and he’s full of surprises. You find yourself back in the courtyard alone- Joshua left early- again. You’re surprised when you look up from the ground and see Seungcheol standing under a tree, the sunlight dappling him through the leaves. He looks up and breaks out into a grin when he sees you looking at him.

“Hey, (Y/N)! Are you free right now.” He asks, hope filling his chocolate brown eyes.

  You have to mentally pull yourself out of them.

“Yeah.” You reply, your voice a little shaky despite your efforts to keep it steady.

“Wanna go to the park with me?” He smiles at you.

“That’d be nice.” You nod almost too enthusiastically.

“Great! Let’s go.” He grabs your wrist.

  It takes you only a few moments to get to the park, on the way, you and Seungcheol tried to get to know each other. Even though you had trouble talking to people around your age, you were able to talk to him like you’ve known him for a long time. You stop at the basketball courts and Seungcheol begins to dribble a ball you hadn’t noticed he was carrying.

“I like basketball, sorry.” He says, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

“I like playing.” You smile.

  You’re thankful for your good reflexes when he bounces the ball to you and you catch it. You pass it back to him and he tosses it up into the net, a pleased grin settling onto his face.

“(Y/N)? I was wondering. Did you get that letter?” He looks worried.

“The one from S.Coups?” You look at him, a little confused, “Did Mingyu tell you about it?”

  He shakes his head. Now you’re more confused.

“I put it there. It’s from me. I thought you’d figure it out. I just wanted to let you know.” Seungcheol laughs seeing your wide eyes.

“You? Are you serious?” You ask.

“Is it that hard to believe?” He mocks being offended before chuckling slightly.

“Well, you could’ve just introduced yourself sooner. It’s not like anything would’ve changed.” You shrug.

“Huh?” Seungcheol is confused.

“You idiot. I’m saying I like you.” You laugh at his eyes lighting up more than Christmas.

“Well, I like you, too.” He smiles at you widely. “So, when’s our first date?”

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Chapter 1: Aju nice !