최근 (Lately)
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Soo Ah was lying on her tummy comfortably on her queen-sized bed, dribbling totally useless things that randomly pops into her mind in her pink notebook that she had bought just a week ago for her to use in school as she hums to the song played on her phone. Abruptly, the catchy music stopped and was replaced by her loud ring tone, signalling her that a call is in.

Soo Ah took a slight glance of her phone screen. Jinyoung. Quickly, Soo Ah sat up and leaned back against the frame of her bed, grabbing her blue dolphin plush that Jinyoung had won for her when they went out to play just weeks ago. It became her best friend at home ever since. She answered her phone and her pale white face went slightly crimson as a subtle smile formed.

Before Soo Ah could even say a simple ‘hello’, Jinyoung have shouted his lungs out into his phone from the other line. “Soo Ah! What the heck took you so long to answer?! I thought something happened to you! It took you three rings to pick up? What were you doing?!”

Jinyoung’s heart was racing like crazy, as if it might just come out of his mouth. He needs and must tell someone about this exciting news, or else his heart might really leap out of his body.

Soo Ah giggled and hugged her plush doll tighter, trying to suppress the insanely thumps of her heartbeat just in case if Jinyoung could hear them. “Sorry, I was just sketching in my notebook. Also, I am absolutely fine and I am home. Why are you so panicked and calling at,” she paused, looking at the clock hung on the wall above her door, “11PM on a Sunday night before school starts?”

Jinyoung smiled really widely that there were creases forming at the end of his eyes. “Come over to the park. I need to tell you something and I feel like my heart is going to explode if I don’t. Come quick!” He shouted the last sentence before ending the phone call to prevent Soo Ah from asking him too much questions.

Soo Ah was left in the state of confusion and curious. She got up from her bed and organised the pens and books on her bed before grabbing her jacket that she hung at the back of the door and putting it on. She literally ran down the stairs to her family of 5 – including her – and went straight to the kitchen to grab two strawberry milk.

“Where are you going? It’s already so late,” Soo Ah’s mother asked her from the living room where she was cuddled with Soo Ah’s father.

“Meeting Jinyoung at the park nearby. I’ll be back by 12, I promise!” She said briefly while putting on her pair of sneakers.

Is it some kind of emergency or is it some kind of news where she would go all happy that she could just cry there? What kind of possible news is waiting for her from Jinyoung?

“Please say hi to him for me! Invite him for breakfast before school tomorrow, too!” Her mother shouted right before Soo Ah shut the door behind her to make her way to see Jinyoung.

The park was close to their houses – they’re neighbours ever since they were 4 when the residence opened back then and they bonded rather quickly. They did everything together, went to th

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70V3LY #1
Chapter 1: Love it already! ^^