

Jihoon knew his boyfriend well enough, so he was not too surprised when Seungcheol whined that they "must" go to the new pet shop that opened up near their campus. However, he was not expecting to be standing in the shop (that did not smell pleasant) for over half an hour as Seungcheol tried to view every animal on offer.

"Seungcheol. We have to go now." Paying no attention to Jihoon's stern voice, Seungcheol continued to take pictures of a yawning cat. Was that even allowed? Jihoon really didn't want to be kicked out on their first visit.

"Let's buy a cat, Jihoon. This one," Seungcheol pointed to a tiny kitten with white fur, who looked absolutely terrified. "It looks like you."

"You know we're not allowed to keep pets in our dorms," Jihoon crossed his arms, ignoring Seungcheol's attempted compliment.

"But Hansol has a pet," Seungcheol pouted and stared at Jihoon with big teary eyes. Of course, Jihoon had become immune to his boyfriend's ageyo and just rolled his eyes.

"He has a goldfish, Seungcheol. The cat will just be a nuisance."

"Don't you want a pet? Look, the kitten is telling us to buy it. I can see it in his eyes. Please?" God, he's so persistant, Jihoon thought and tried not to glare at Seungcheol for being so stupid and thinking that they could hide a cat in their room. 

"No, I do not want it. Do you think we have enough money to take care of a cat?" Jihoon felt like a mother scolding a child, but someone had to restrain Seungcheol before he does anything too impulsive.

"I have a part time job, actually," Seungcheol replied with an annoying smug look on his face. As if working at a coffee shop compared to have a proper full time job.

Not wanting to argue anymore, Jihoon grabbed a forlorn looking Seungcheol by the wrist and practically dragged him outside.

They walked in silence back to the campus. Seungcheol was trudging behind, thinking about how Jihoon wasn't being (and never was) fair.



It had been a tiring day for Jihoon, who had been composing a song for a project for hours. He wanted nothing more to get back to his room and take a long relaxing bath. Seungcheol had already returned from going out with friends so there was little chance of anything being relaxing since Seungcheol most likely had invited his loud friends to their room again. 

Relief spread over Jihoon's body as he opened the door to see just Seungcheol in the room. He was about to open his mouth to say something before he heard a noise behind Seungcheol.


Jihoon narrowed his eyes and Seungcheol coughed, and quickly started to read a book. Which was upside down.


Seungcheol concentrated very hard on the book and Jihoon saw a tiny furry face with huge eyes poke out from behind Seungcheol. It gazed at Jihoon with curiosity and Jihoon felt like he was having a staring competition with it.

Seungcheol looked up sheepishly.

"I said I didn't want the cat. I thought we had gone over this," Jihoon growled. 

"So, I bought two! One for me, one for you." Jihoon couldn't believe it. Seungcheol stood up and there were two small kittens on the bed. One, which was the one Seungcheol wanted to buy, was his pink paws meticulously. The other was a light grey colour, curled up with its eyes squeezed shut.

Jihoon had to admit that they were cute...not that he was going to say that out loud. 

"Fine. You take full responsibility for them."

Seungcheol's eyes widened and then almost knocked Jihoon over with a massive hug.

"Thanks Jihoonie," Seungcheol whispered.

"You're an idiot," Jihoon commented, trying not to suffocate under Seungcheol's weight.

"But you love this idiot," smirking, Seungcheol pulled back to see Jihoon fighting back a smile.


Yes, he loved Seungcheol. Maybe a little too much.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this short story ^^ the picture was found on tumblr. Also, just a quick note, if anyone needs a beta reader for their fic, I'm more than happy to help since English is my first langauge. Comments are appreciated, but nonethelss, thanks for reading it!

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zyu_funky #1
Chapter 2: Love this fic :">
Can I have the permission to translate it into Vietnamese? Of course with full credit :)
choicesmakeus #2
Chapter 2: of course seungcheol went and adopted them anyway! how cute <3
Chapter 2: Blesssssss
FrainZL #4
Chapter 2: yes I absolutely enjoyed this story..please make nore jicheol fics authornim
swagxxo #5
Chapter 2: aww so cute♡♡
Chapter 2: awwww so cuteee ><