The Visit

Cheer up, Sung Mi!

The following morning, Sung Mi was awakened by a nurse who needed to check her shoulder injury. She had a minor fracture on her shoulder blade and the pain was worse than the physical injury. After the nurse left, Sung Mi's father entered with a woman dressed in a modest white and black dress on his tail.  

The two of them sat next to her bed and there was a silence that passed between them.  

"How are you feeling?" Her father asked. 

"I'm alive, right?" 

He chuckled and placed his hand on the woman's knee. "This is Ms. Yoo. She's-" 

"She was your past secretary." Sung Mi recognized the woman at last; she saw her every time her father called her into his office. She liked her because she would always give her band aids and medication after the came out of the room injured.  

Her father nodded, confirming her thoughts.  

Ms. Yoo smiled warmly.  

"Are you two dating?" Sung Mi asked the woman. 

She nodded. 


"Excuse me?" 

"You are aware of what he is capable, right? I know you remember how he treated me, so why would you want to be with someone like that?" 

She tried to answer, but her father intercepted.  

"It doesn’t matter why. We have feelings for each other and I promised not to hurt her like that." 

"Wait, so you won't hurt her but you'd still hurt me, correct?" 

"Jung Sung Mi!" 

Her anger was escalating. She turned to the woman once more. "When he does hurt me, do you plan on remaining as an observer?" 

The woman stuttered, taken aback by the question. 

"Anyway," her father began, trying to change the subject. "Now that you've met her, I have some other things I need to discuss with you." 

"Fine." Sung Mi turned to look out the window. She was upset enough and wanted this visit to end quickly.  

"I am moving out of the house and I'll put it on the market. I'm going to move into a new one with Ms . Yoo." 

Sung Mi whipped her head back to face her father. "What? You can't be serious." 

"I am. I have no need for the house anymore. It'll just be a burden." 

"I'll live in it!" Sung Mi couldn’t stand the place where she grew up with her mother to be removed from her life so suddenly.  

"You can live in the new house with us." 

"No, please father, that house-" 

"This is not a debate. I came to tell you about it, not to hear your opinion." 

He got up, followed by Ms. Yoo and headed to the door. Before leaving, he said, "Stay here as long as you need to. The school will understand."  

Sung Mi remained in bed, perplexed. Her heart hurt just by the thought of not being able to be in that house. She loved that house, despite all the horrors she faced from her father. Her mother always made her feel safe and happy even when the worst things had happened.  

Her body trembled as threatening to close up with a whimper. Her tears flowed freely and she curled up in the bed, trying to make the pain go away.  

She reached for her phone but no one she called could have helped her in this situation. She felt utterly helpless and even more useless. There was nothing she could do to stop her father and now that he was going to get rid of their house, his power and status dawned on her. She believed she could never stop him

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Chapter 15: nice chapter authornim ;)
Chapter 6: Sungmi and Dongjae :))