Chapter 4 -


As you place your phone down, you stared at that familiar face from far, somehow you noticed his figure was moving closer and closer you began to rub your eyes only to see him infront of your table. "Oh! You're that girl from recess!" he said, you stared at him, "'re the guy who helped me..." you said, he looked down at your table and stared at you again. "You're studying here?" you nodded. "What would you be doing here?" you asked. "I was just around the area and i thought of coming here to get some coffee and spotted you!" he said, giving off a smile. "Are you here with someone?" he asked, staring at the seat opposite you. Before you could answer him, "(Y/N)." hoseok called out, "Hoseok, you're back!" you said, hoseok turn to look at the guy beside him, he gave a rather irritated look. "Ah, you're studying with jung hoseok?" the guy asked you, "Yes she is, do you need anything, Kang MinJoon?" hoseok asked. He averted his eyes to you and look back at hoseok, "Oh it's nothing, i just came to say hi since i saw her from afar." he said, looking at his phone screen, "I have to get going, goodbye (Y/N)." he said, walking off. 

Hoseok then took his seat,"Did he do anything to you?" he asked, "he didn't, he just came over to say hi to me.." you said, wondering why hoseok seemed soooo irritated, it was like hoseok had a deep hatred for that guy. You shrug it off and continued where you and hoseok stopped. After afew more hours of studying, you and hoseok was finally done. He closed his book and lean back on his chair, stretched out his arms. "i have never studied this much before." he said, you let out a small laugh, "I'm sure you can pass the test tomorrow!" you said, giving a thumbs up. You took out your phone to check the timing, '4:30PM', "it's already this late?" you said, placing your phone into your skirt pocket. Hoseok stood up, "Let's go back before it gets too dark", you nodded and pack your things up. 

A/N: 4:30PM is early i know but in korea the sky tend to get dark at 4:40/5PM ;;; 

You and hoseok took the bus back to the school area, you insisted that hoseok didn't have to walk back you back but he followed along anyways. Once you reached your house outside, you gave him a hug to thank him for walking you back. You took your keys to unlock your front door only to see nobody at home, you sighed. You were used to it anyways. 

Took a warm shower and came down to the kitchen to look for food but only to find some leftover pasta from last night. Being too lazy and tired to cook, you placed it in the mircowave to heat up and grab some juice from the fridge. Lonely nights like this, people would usually enjoy this wouldn't they? You were too used to it to enjoy it anymore But even if your parents were home, it would still be silent like dropping a needle on a floor. After a good 5 minute, you took your pasta out and headed to the couch to eat while watching running man on tv.

The sun shone through your curtains as you move from left to right. "What...time is it?" you asked while trying to reach for your phone. '8:30AM' you jumped up after seeing the timing, "holy !" you cursed, wishing that you have slept earlier last night instead of going on a youtube video marathon. Took a quick shower, changed and grabbed your bag and rushed out of the house without even greeting your parents. "Of all days to be late, it has to be today?" you said while making your way through the school gate. It was already 9:00AM as you made your way up to your classroom, standing outside your classroom door, you took a deep breath and slide the door open.

All eyes was on you as you slided the door open, your teacher stared at you,"How early, miss (Y/N)." she said, with sarcasm. You rolled your eyes and made your way to your seat. "I will now began the test." your teacher said as she started handing out the papers. The test was a rather short one so it didn't last for a long time, before you knew it, it was already over. "Class is over for today. I'll mark and pass you the papers next day." you sighed, placing your head on the table. "Hey." you look up to see namjoon facing you, "What happened? why were you late?" he asked, "i stayed up too late last night" you sighed, "i think i might fail the test." laying your head back down on the table. "don't worry, whatever the outcome is i'm sure your score will still be better then mine." he laughed, making you smile. 

Recess soon came after, the same thing happened as every other day. Eating with them and just casually talking.

You fell asleep pretty much after english which was after your recess, nobody woke you up until Jimin went to your table when everybody else in the classroom left. "(Y/N)!" he called out, you open your eyes being half awake you stared at him and reach out to touch his face,"I miss you...." Jimin's face heated up as your hand touched his left cheek, he quickly placed your hand down,"(Y/N) wake up!" He called out once again, this time you lift your head from the table and stare at jimin with your eyes wide open, "J-Jimin? What are you doing here?" you asked, rubbing your eyes. "Hoseok and namjoon left in a they asked me to wake you up." he said, looking away from you. Realizing nobody else was in class, you quickly pack your bag and head out with jimin. "Are you going back too?" you asked him, ", i'm waiting for yoongi, you can go first." he smiled, you wave goodbye to him and walks off first.

Since nobody was with you, you decided to take the long way home today. Walking as slow as possible to enjoy the scenery outside heard footsteps behind you, thinking maybe it could have been someone walking in the same direction, you didn't bother about it and continue walking but the footsteps got nearer and louder. Feeling sort of scared, you walk even faster but the person caught up with you and place his hand on your shoulder, in a shock you turn and swing your bag to hit his face. "....ah...that was painful.." he said, in a soft voice. You opened your eyes slowly only to realize you had hit Kang Minjoon. 

You gasped and stared at Minjoon, "I-I'm so sorry! i didn't mean to!" you aplogized as you stared at his face, a small bruise appeared, "i-i really didn't mean to hit you! i'll find a plaster!" you said, searching your bag vigorously which made him laugh. "It's okay, it's just a small bruise" he smiled. "but what were you doing following me?" you asked, he then reach for his back pocket to take out a card, it was a bus card. "You dropped this outside the gate this morning, i wanted to return it back to you during break time but you were nowhere to be found." you took the card from his hand and bowed,"....i still feel bad for hitting you..." you sighed, "Is there anything i can do to make you feel better?" you asked, he stood there and thought for awhile, "How about we head out this saturday?" your eyes widen, "G-go out? but we barely know each other..." He faced you with those puppy eyes you felt like you couldn't ignore, "it would be a good chance to know each other.....right?" he pouted, "I guess i'm free on sunday..." 

His face changed from those puppy eyes and pout to a smile that seem brighter then anyone's you have seen before which seems to make you smile. "You never told me your name though!" you chuckled, "I'm Kang minjoon!" he said, You guys walked together until the middle where you told him until here was fine, he didn't pester you to send you home which somehow made you save you breath. "Oh! here's my number too" he said, passing to you a small note and gave you a wink before he walks in the opposite direction. But little did you know someone had saw you with Kang Minjoon.

The next day, you went to school as usual and went to class like always, 'two more days and its the weekends' you told yourself as you open up your book but as usual, time pass by fast and it was only 10 minutes left before this lesson ends and it will be your break time. You felt a sudden vibration in your pocket and took it out to see a notification chat from an unknown number, curious you hid your phone under your table to see,

Unknown: Hello!

Unknown: It's minjoon if you dont know! i know classes are still ongoing but i just wanted to invite you to eat with me during our break time!

Unknown: it's alright if you dont want....>_<

Somehow you found it cute and since you had been having lunch with bts non stop this few days, you thought maybe you would accept Minjoon invitation,

You: I don't mind at all!

Wanting to unlock your phone, you saw him typing,

Unknown: i'll meet you at the canteen then!

You locked your phone and placed it in your pocket before your teacher saw you but oh heck, her lessons were already over. The bell then rang and you walk out without even saying anything but hoseok grabbed your wrist, "Where are you going?" you turn to him, "oh...i'm going to be eating with someone else today." he lets go of your wrist, he felt the want to ask who was it but yet, it wasn't really his problem so he let it be and you left to meet Min joon.

Hoseok and namjoon then arrived at the roof, "Ah, where's (Y/N)? she's not with you?" Jin asked, hoseok took a seat beside jin and took one of jin's bread but gets hit by jin on the arm, " that hurts." hoseok cursed, "So where's (Y/N)?" jin asked again, "She said she went to eat with someone else...probably a new friend." he said, caressing the area jin hit. "New friend?" Yoongi questioned, "that reminds me...." taehyung paused, all eyes were on him, "I saw her talking to Kang Minjoon yesterday while i was walking to the bus stop." Jimin stood up, "I'm going to find her." he said, opening the door, rushing down.

You spend your break time with Kim Minjoon and his friends, you got to know some of them and talked about all sort of things, it was fun but yet you felt off, it didn't feel like how it is when you were with bangtan. There was only a few minutes left before your break end so you told Min joon and his group goodbye and walked up to class. 


You heard someone shout your name from afar which made you stop in your track to turn, Jimin ran to you and stood infront of you, panting heavily."What's wrong?" you asked him, "Are you alright?" you asked again, out of concern. "stay....away....from.." he paused, "from who exactly?" He caught his breath and continued, "Stay away from Kang Min joon." Jimin warned, "Why....?" you questioned him, "He's trouble, trust me (Y/N)!" You started to feel pissed off from what jimin said, "I bet you don't even know him so why are you saying this sort of things?" you argued back. "I do know him! Trust me (Y/N)! Don't go near him." he said, you started to feel more pissed off, "Who are you to tell me to not go near him?" you rolled your eyes at him, Jimin could feel his blood starting to boil seeing on how you were so stubborn to listen to his advice,

"I'm your ing best friend for godsake!" he blurted out due to his anger.


A/N: I am finally done with chapter 4! I'm sorry if it's boring or it doesnt make sense....ㅠㅠ but i still hope y'all like it ♡♡♡ 

Twitter - @svngjoes

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Funnypanda369 #1
Chapter 5: *Gasps* Oh ma gowsh (I tried to make it sound sassy... Sorry...), AND WHEN I WAS STARTING TO LIKE THAT BISH. My hearteu...
Funnypanda369 #2
Chapter 1: I'm not a huge fan of coffee, so I changed every word that said coffee to TEA, and whenever I change the word, I would emphasize it. Haha, and there came the time when I spilled my TEA all over Hoseok's shirt, saying that I stained his shirt. I had that look on my face, since I was so convinced it was TEA instead of coffee. I was like, "TEA doesn't stain your shirt." XD
Nicolescm #3
Chapter 4: Omg its getting interesting!
Nicolescm #4
Chapter 2: Wow authornim you write great story!