The Story of Goh and Gang

The Story of Goh and Gang


Once upon a time there was a Kitten named Goh, and a Puppy named Gang. They were both very important celebrities. Goh knew Gang like the back of his hand. He was intelligent. Gang understood Goh’s every motive. He was sensitive.


They were a perfectly normal pair, the kitten and the puppy. On their own, anyway. But between them, something was not. Goh knew. Gang seemed oblivious.


It was the way Goh’s stomach knotted up every morning when he saw him. It was the way he tampered with foundation to hide the blushing. It was the laugh that bubbled up whenever Gang spoke. And it was the way his heart broke for him.


For the kitten and puppy were celebrities, and therefore could not be abnormal.


So Goh watched Gang rise and shine, then hit the hay, every morning and every night. His heart reached out, but Goh scolded it. Goh took his heart and shoved it down so it wouldn’t try to leave for Gang. But deep inside, Goh knew he had lost his heart. And at times like these, he was glad that Gang was dumb. Otherwise, things would be exposed.


So right now, Goh curled up on the couch. Gang was watching TV. Goh was watching him. His eyes outlined Gang’s every feature. His broad jaw line, his perfectly shaped nose, his large brown eyes. Everything was stunning. Goh loved it. He hated it.


And he wanted to own every detail of that face. He wanted it against his.


But Goh knew that could never happen.


And while Goh would cut out his tongue before admitting it, right now he cried himself to sleep. He cried very very silently, so no one would hear him. He strangled his voice in his pillow, clutching his arms and his hair and his heart.


Goh despised it.


And Goh fell unconscious with every nightmare available in his mind. Getting a thousand lashes for loving incorrectly. Being hated by his peers and family. Being suffocated by his love, holding a pillow over his face with strong arms. But the very worst were the ones where he was loved in return. Because then he woke up crying, just as he had fallen asleep. And oh, how he despised that. Because he knew Gang wasn’t crying. Goh was, and Gang wasn’t even aware.


Right now, Gang wasn’t aware of anything. At the kitchen table, eating like an animal. Goh almost laughed to himself. What a dunce Gang was. But rather than humoured, Goh only felt hurt. His eyes stung, but he kept composed. He had to.


And when circumstances had them sharing a room, Goh went insane.


So right now, as he lay in bed next to Gang, Goh lost his mind. He wanted to hold him. He wanted to be held. He wanted to pour out his aching heart, and end the pain. Before he snapped and ended everything altogether.


And soon, every moment with Gang was painful. Goh began lashing out at his friends, and hurting the ones he loved. His perception was becoming warped, and he was just vaguely aware of it. And it went from bad to worse when he sought comfort from Gang. Because Gang hurt so badly.


Right now, it hurt immensely. Goh sat in the dorm alone with Gang. Left to their own devices. Goh glared harshly at Gang. He knew he was overcompensating for having stupid feelings, but he couldn’t help it. Gang wore the attitude of an injured puppy.


“Don’t look at me like that,” Gang pleaded silently. Goh scoffed.


“What am I supposed to do?” he snapped. Gang shrank.


“What is this? Goh and Gang?” Gang asked softly. Goh shot his gaze to the floor. “Cat and Dog?” Gang confirmed. Goh surged with pain and spoke without thinking,


“You and I,” he choked. Gang’s eyes narrowed.


“You…” He trailed off to look away. With a sigh, he continued, “You want me?” Goh’s face scrunched up.


“I’m sorry,” he muttered.


“Why are you sorry?” Gang asked. Goh shook his head, tears welling in his eyes. He stood up and moved to leave, but Gang grabbed his hand.


“Kibum,” he warned, “Look at me.”


Key turned at stared at Jonghyun with wide eyes.


“Tell me what’s going on, Kibum,” Jonghyun instructed. “All of it.”


Key’s lips trembled. The tears in his eyes finally spilled over.


“I can’t,” He whispered. Jonghyun stood up and pulled Key close to him. He leaned in so that his mouth was level with Key’s ear.


“Yes you can,” he replied quietly. Key shivered violently. His heart did a backflip. Panicking, Key shoved Jonghyun away.


“Stop!” He whimpered. “I can’t. I can’t…” Key became overwhelmed. He pressed his hands against his eyes and bit down on his lip. Jonghyun pulled him into his arms again. Key gulped.


“I love you,” he breathed. “I love you. That’s all.”


“I love you too,” Jonghyun replied. Key shook his head, pulling away so he could look Jonghyun in the eye.


“You don’t understand,” he said,unsteady. “It’s not just platonic love. I…” he stopped to take a deep breath. “I’ve fallen, Jonghyun. I’m really in love with you.” He expected Jonghyun to be surprised, or upset. But Jonghyun smiled softly.


“I know, Kibum,” he told him. Key’s eyes went wide. “I’ve always known,” Jonghyun continued. “I just wanted to spare you the embarrassment, Kibum. But I knew.”


Key felt sick. But also a little relieved. Relieved that Jonghyun didn’t hate him, at least. But sick that he was caught without even knowing it.


“I’m so sorry,” Key mumbled. He gently removed himself from Jonghyun’s arms. “I’m really embarrassed now,” he laughed, turning around “I’ll step out…”


“I love you too.”


Key spun back. Jonghyun was still smiling. He took Key’s hands.


“I love you too,” he repeated, kissing Key before he could protest. When he released him, Key cried out in relief and happiness


“Really?” He asked, tearing up again. Jonghyun nodded.


“I love you,” he said yet again.


“Oh my god,” Key breathed. “I love you too.” And he kissed Jonghyun again, this time long and soft and sweet. “I love you so, so much.

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asdfhjkl; new favorite story!!!
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 1: I'm just crying over mynever ending pain... it was beautiful, i really want them to be happy whatever that would mean...
Am I dumb or what??? Why did I became a SHINee fan just now??? I love SHINee... OMO!! You're so great... Make another one please...
Awhh, that was too cute <3
I love Jongkey, they are so precious :D
@happyleaves, Thank you so so much XD For the comment on Love, too. I really appreciate your input and love ^o^ You're super awesome!!! <3
Wahaha, belovedme, that means a whole hellufalot XD Thanks much!
belovedme #7
While reading through the confession, it suddenly clicked on which scene this was in from Proof... I feel stupid for not catching on earlier ._. but omg ur writing is just too beautiful it makes me cry... ilu<3