You Are My Sunshine

Kris exited through the back of the Korean barbeque where he worked, late one cold November evening. He had just closed up the shop. Kris longed for nothing more than a warm shower and his soft comfortable bed. The only thing that stopped him was the small cries of a baby. Kris looked around, seeing nothing he followed the noise to a small cardboard box hidden behind the dumpster. Bending down and peeking inside Kris was surprised to find a small baby boy inside wrapped up in a blue blanket. When the baby spotted Kris it stopped crying and stared at him with bright curious eyes. Kris reached out and picked up the child, immediately the little boy snuggled into Kris’ arms yawning sweetly and falling asleep. Kris smiled at the cute child, he frowned wondering how long the baby must have been out in the cold and who could have left such a cute child here like this. Kris curled as much of his coat as he could around  the little boy and began walking to the bus stop.  It was late and if Kris missed this bus he would have to walk to his apartment something he really did not want to do with the sleeping baby in his arms for fear of him getting sick. Kris made it to the bus stop a few minutes before his bus would arrive so he sat down on the bench cradling the little boy in his arms. A young woman in a tight dress sat down on the bench next to him. Kris looked over at the woman his eyes finding their way down to the women’s poorly covered chest, they rested there for a second.  Kris shifted his gaze back to the sleeping baby in his arms only seeming to realize he had no way to feed the child now. Kris cursed under his breath. The women looked at Kris but turned away when the bus came. They both stood up, normally Kris would have let the woman onto the bus first but it had grown a bit colder while they waited and Kris didn’t want the baby getting sick. The woman scoffed when Kris stepped in front of her tough luck sweetheart, climbing onto the bus he struggled to balance the sleeping Chanyeol and pull the bus fare from his back pocket.  The bus driver who seemed to notice Kris’ struggle either out of kindness or just not having the patience told him to just go sit down. Kris thanked the man and moved to the back of the bus. There weren’t many people on the bus; an older businessman reading an English newspaper, two high school students one boy and one girl most likely on their way home from hakgwan*, and the you-could-barely-call-that-clothed woman from before who was currently glaring at Kris.  Kris ignored her and looked down at the baby boy in his arms. One of the baby’s small hands had found it’s way out of the blue blanket that the boy was swaddled in, on it was a bracelet engraved with the name, “Chanyeol” Kris lifted his right hand to tuck the baby’s arm away but the little boy had other plans wrapping his tiny fingers tightly around Kris’ pinky. Kris smiled down fondly at the boy Chanyeol-ah.

    “Your son is absolutely adorable what’s his name?” Kris nearly jumped out of his skin at the unwelcome sound of a woman’s voice. He turned his head to the right where the woman now sat doing what Kris assumed was her attempt at looking y or charming. Kris looked around the bus, everyone was as they had been before except for this annoying woman. Thankfully for Kris the bus pulled over at his stop. He bowed to the woman apologizing.

    “I’m sorry this is our stop.” He thanked the driver and stepped of the bus in a hurry.  Once off the bus Kris walked about another block to the door of his building, he released his finger from Chanyeol’s grasp and stuffed his hand into his jacket pocket pulling out his key. He fumbled with it a bit but got the door to open.  His apartment was on the fourth floor, and just his luck the elevator had not been fixed. He climbed the steps quickly but steadily making sure he wouldn’t drop Chanyeol in the process. He reached apartment 409 and fumbled with his keys again. Unlocking the door and stepping inside Kris felt slightly relieved. He flicked on the light with his free hand. The apartment was small but neat a tiny kitchen separated from the living room by a small half wall. Kris crossed his apartment to sofa resting Chanyeol down so he wouldn’t roll off the edge and shedding his jacket.  Kris decided he would most definitely need to feed the boy  Think you idiot what would you feed a kid?   milk? I obviously don’t have that dumb giant! Excuse me but we’re the same person so I don’t really think it’s fair that you insult me like this. Kris slapped his cheeks a few times God I must be tired. Okay baby food. Ah Mrs. Shin downstairs would have some, Oh but it’s so late I couldn’t bother her. But I can bother him.  Kris pulled out his phone walking back over to the peacefully sleeping baby. He flipped through his contacts pressing the desired number.  It a Friday night so he was sure to be home alone with nothing to do anyway.  It rang three times before another male picked up sounding like he had been sleeping.

“Hyung? What do you want?”

“I need you to buy me some baby formula oh and some diapers and get here as soon as possible.”

“Baby formula? Diapers? What for?”

“Just get your lazy up and do it.”

“But hyung I-”

“I’ll bring you food from the restaurant next time.”

“Alright. I’ll be there in five.” Kris smiled at his easily swayed younger friend.  The baby shifted in his sleep and Kris lifted him up again carefully resting the baby on his chest. The child snuggled into the warmth that was Kris and let out content coos and sweet baby snores. Kris’ eyelids had just started to droop when the door to his apartment opened, he was thankful for his friends timing afraid he would have dropped Chanyeol in his sleep. “Yo Kris I’m here where you at?” Kris sat up on the sofa moving Chanyeol gently. His friend Jongin entered the living room tugging plastic bags filled with formula and diapers, “You know I’ve never really questioned your life choices until now but if this is some kind of kin-woah you have a kid?” Jongin dropped the diapers and placed the formula on the counter making his way over to the baby. He looked at Kris expecting an answer.

“No, I found him in a box behind the restaurant. I think I want to keep him.” Jongin looked at Kris like he had grown two heads.

“What do you mean keep him? He’s not a pet. You have to bring him to the police.”

“What good would that do? He was left in a box by a dumpster! His parent obviously didn’t want him, besides I can be a good father.” Jongin looked at Kris in disbelief, but didn’t say anything. The little baby began to shift on the sofa before letting out small cries.  Jongin backed away unsure if it was his fault. Kris bent down next to the sofa.

“Aw Chanyeol-ah what’s wrong? Hm?” Kris undid the blanket from around the little boy and checked his diaper where he found the first problem, Chanyeol had soiled himself. Jongin backed away pinching his nose.

“Ah hyung that’s disgusting!”

“Get over it.  You were a baby once too.” Despite that truth Jongin still found the smell disgusting. “Go get me some wipes and pass me the diapers,” He hurried Jongin along who happily tossed the bag and left the room to get the wipes, “Sh, Chanyeol-ah it’s okay.” Jongin returned quickly and passed the wipes to Kris. To Jongin’s surprise Kris changed the diaper with ease.

“Where did you learn to do that?”

“I used to babysit for Mrs.Shin when Donggeun was younger.” Jongin nodded. Chanyeol seemed slightly calmed but was still complaining.

“He doesn’t look happy though.”

“He’s probably hungry. Hold him for me and don’t drop him okay.” Kris placed the tiny bundle in Jongin arms. Jongin nervously held the boy, urging Kris to ‘Hurry your up.’ Kris dug around his cabinets knowing he had to have a spare bottle from Donggeun Aha, there you are. He found the bottle at the back of the top shelf. Rinsing it off he followed all the instructions on the formula. He checked the temperature by tapping a bit onto his wrist and when he was satisfied he brought the bottle over to Chanyeol. “Alright give him here.” Kris held out his hands for Chanyeol, Jongin passed him back. Kris held the bottle for Chanyeol who happily drank. The little boy looked at Kris with wide curious eyes while drinking from the bottle. Kris smiled down at him.   Jongin thought his friend must have been serious about taking care of this kid. It would probably be a good thing, Jongin hadn’t seen Kris looking this happy before.


Hakgwan: 학관 An educational instituion.
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hamdaya #1
Chapter 1: Awww cuteeeeee I want to know what happens next!!!
Chapter 1: Awwww please update soon!!!!
Em1412 #3
Chapter 1: AWWWWW~ So cute :)
Chapter 1: Kris would become such a good father to chanyeol
Baby chanyeol is too cute!!
Death-Sea #5
OMG baby ChanYeol is soooo cute *.*
Chapter 1: So cute yi fan would be a great dad ^^
Chapter 1: Kyeopta... ;-)
KeefaMighty #8
Chapter 1: I need this story.....


I need to breathe.... With this story pls
Chapter 1: Awwww..i love this please update soon
what's Kyungsoo's role here if may I ask?Im excited to read this. XD