Bel Canto


bel canto; singing that focuses on beautiful sound, no on acting or emotion. It is characterized by ornate vocal style.

A handful of girls were chosen to join Bel Canto, a special vocal class for the talented.

A class for the ones yearning to leave a mark before graduation comes

A class for the ones still figuring out what they actually want to do other than singing in the hatsh world.

A class for the ones trying to step out of a shadow they've long hid in.

A class for the ones struggling with the title over their head.

A class for the ones finding solace in music.

A class for the gems hidden so deep that they didn't even know they were one.

A class for the ones starting out fresh, and for the ones trying not to burn out under the limelight.



this story will feature multiple girl groups in general but mostly it will be starring




inspired by this set of gifs


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cheerycherry #1
you used a gif of irene instead of wendy!! nevertheless, I will be looking forward too this story.