

28th November, 2015: 1:00pm

"Seungcheol, please. Just do me a favour and go out on a date with her!" Jeonghan clasped his hands together, pleading with Seungcheol. "I already told you, I don't like her that way, okay?" Seungcheol sighed, waving his hand dismissively. "Just this one favour, you owe me for that time when-" Seungcheol covered Jeonghan's mouth with his hand and sighed again. "Fine. Just this once." He held up one finger, emphasizing his point. Jeonghan smiled, hugging the older male. But Jeonghan couldn't help thinking about what had happened the day before.

27th November, 2015: 10:00am

"Jeonghan oppa, I know I need you to pull a lot of strings for this, but please. Help me." You had been pestering Jeonghan the whole day, seeing as how he was your neighbour. "You know what's going to happen. I'm really begging you this time. Please." He sighed, and hugged you tightly. "I don't like this, but okay. Take it as my last favour for you." "Thank you so much, oppa. You're the best."

30th November, 2015: 3:00pm

Seungcheol looked down at his watch, and noted that he was early. Jeonghan had helped arrange the date, and all Seungcheol had to do was show up. He didn't like being late, and had left his house early. "Sorry, I was nearly late!" You had run over, panting. Seungcheol's jaw dropped after he saw what you were wearing. It was totally his style. You had put in a lot of effort into getting ready for the date. After all, you had liked Seungcheol for a very long time.

His cheeks were tinged pink, as he turned his head away. You smiled, poking his shoulder. "Come on, Seungcheol oppa. Let's go."

30th November, 2015: 9:00pm

After an eventful day of going to watch a movie, followed by gaming at the arcade, and finally a dinner, Seungcheol decided it would be best to bring you home. You mentioned during dinner that your parents were paranoid, and wanted you home early. So, he accompanied you back home. It wasn't polite to leave a girl by herself, late at night, after all. He had enjoyed himself on your date, and wanted to go out with you again.

Sliding his hand into yours, he smiled sheepishly. You squeezed his hand as a sign of affection, and began swinging your hands. As the both of you approached your house, Seungcheol let go of your hand.

"I had a really good time today, so thank you for taking me out, oppa." You smiled, waving at him. You turned to enter your house, but Seungcheol shouted out your name. "I know I've been blowing you off about going out on a date, but I had a lot of fun today. So, will you go on another date with me?" He reached out for your hands, and held them tightly.

"..I can't promise I'll be able to make it, oppa." You grimaced. Seungcheol frowned slightly, but persisted. "I really want to get to know you better, and you should know by now. I'm very stubborn, so I won't leave until you say yes, okay?" He let go of one of your hands and wagged his index finger in your face. Trying not to laugh to loud, you agreed to going on another date with him. "How about next Saturday? I don't want to be in the way of your school work."

"Sure, anything you want, oppa."

30th November, 2015: 3:30pm

"Are you sure you want to watch this one?" Seungcheol raised an eyebrow, seeing which movie you picked. "Yes, I've been dying to watch 'Bodies, Blood and Everything Inbetween'." You pointed to the poster, emphasizing your point. "My friend watched it and said it was really scary. He nearly cried in front of his girlfriend." "We'll have to see if it's really scary then, don't we?" You grinned, pulling him to the ticket booth.

A while later, you were both seated in the theater, with a small bucket of popcorn. Seungcheol insisted on buying something for you to eat while you watched the movie. Soon enough, the movie started rolling, and you were immersed in it. The opening was amazing, and looked so real. However, as the show went on, it started becoming very unrealistic. You snorted, "This looks so fake, what a waste." Seungcheol smiled, poking your cheek. "I'm glad that you're not scared then."

"Who could be scared of a neon red liquid, really. And of a very poorly painted clown. There are bigger things to be afraid of."

30th November, 2015: 5:00pm

You had left the theater with Seungcheol, and were deciding where to go to next. "I've always liked a spontaneous part of a date. So, bear with me as I pull you around!" You had said earlier. Seeing an arcade nearby, you had tugged on his sleeve and pulled him in. Being an avid fan of first-person shooter games, you pulled Seungcheol over to a game called 'Ghost'. Seungcheol loved first-person shooter games, and was more than happy to oblige. After you both bought an arcade card each, you began to play.

Picking up the toy gun, you aimed it at the screen. "First one to lose buys ice cream later?" Seungcheol grinned, lifting his own toy gun. "You're on."

30th November, 2015: 10:00pm

"How did your date with Seungcheol go, dear?" Your mom was folding the laundry on the sofa, and you walked over to help her. You had just finished your shower, and tried not to let water drip from your hair onto the clean clothes. "It was fun, but he asked me out on a second date." You sighed, folding a blue T-shirt that belonged to your older brother. "Honey, you weren't supposed to have agreed to that. One was enough." You bit your lip, "I know, mom. He was persistent, and I.. Just couldn't say no to him."

"Just remember, it'll be harder for him when you have to leave."

5th December, 2015: 1:00pm

"Oh, Seungcheol oppa?" You were walking around Myeongdong, and saw him there. "What are you doing here?" He grinned, putting his arm around your shoulder. "Just doing some early Christmas shopping, now would be a better time for me." You held up your wallet, stuffed with cash. "What luck, I decided to do the same. Shall we go together?" You nodded, and Seungcheol held your hand in his. "No offense, but you look kinda pale today." "Not at all, it's your imagination." You scrunched up your face, smacking him lightly with your free hand. "It must be just me seeing things then."

Laughing, Seungcheol pulled you into a random store. "Spontaneous, right? Time for me to start doing the same." You broke into a smile, and let yourself get dragged into the store.

5th December, 2015: 5:00pm

"Why do you like living spontaneously, really?" Seungcheol sipped on his mocha, as you drank your frappe. "Well, I believe in being able to live life as you want, according to the situation. You just have to go with the flow." "I wish I could be as spontaneous as you." Seungcheol sighed. "Life's not easy for everyone, but sometimes you just need something to help make it better." You patted his hand, in an attempt to comfort him. "You're right, and I guess I just found my something." He smiled shyly, and a tinge of pink was visible on his cheeks. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling, but then you remembered what your mother said.

"Just remember, it'll be harder for him when you have to leave."

9th December, 2015: 2:00pm

"Hey, Jeonghan." The said male looked up from his phone, and said, "What, Seungcheol?" "Have you seen her around recently?" Jeonghan raised an eyebrow, and shook his head. "If by her, you mean the girl I set you up with. Then, no." Seungcheol frowned. "I hope she doesn't forget our date on Saturday." Jeonghan froze, then suddenly stood up. "I think you should come with me somewhere after school. Trust me, you'd want to see this."

Live spontaneously, Seungcheol. Remember what she said? After thinking about her, he agreed. "Alright, I'll go with you wherever it is. Live spontaneously, she said." Jeonghan smiled, just a little. What a great influence she has, even on Seungcheol.

It's such a pity, seeing how their story will end up.

9th December, 2015: 4:00pm

"You came on time, what a surprise, Jeonghan." Seungcheol grinned at his friend, and Jeonghan panted, out of breath. "Shut up, and follow me." He began walking out of the school gates, and turned left. Jeonghan was oddly silent, and Seungcheol felt a sudden anxiety come over him. He tried to shake it off, but the feeling remained.

When Jeonghan stopped in front of a familiar white building, Seungcheol's breath stopped short. "What do you mean by this, Jeonghan?" He looked down and pointed ahead. "Room 808. Go see for yourself." Seungcheol didn't know what to think, but made his way to Room 808, fearing the worst. His suspicions were only confirmed when he opened the door to Room 808.

Attached to various tubes, and lying on the hospital bed, was her.

The girl who Jeonghan set him up with.

The girl who laughed at the horror movie they watched together.

The girl who had told him she wanted to live spontaneously.

The girl who couldn't promise him a second date.

And finally, the girl who he fell in love with.

28th November, 2015: 1:00pm

"Seungcheol, please. Just do me a favour and go out on a date with her!" Jeonghan clasped his hands together, pleading with Seungcheol.

27th November, 2015: 10:00am

"You know what's going to happen. I'm really begging you this time. Please." He sighed, and hugged you tightly. "I don't like this, but okay. Take it as my last favour for you."

30th November, 2015: 3:30pm

You snorted, "This looks so fake, what a waste." Seungcheol smiled, poking your cheek. "I'm glad that you're not scared then."

"Who could be scared of a neon red liquid, really. And of a very poorly painted clown. There are bigger things to be afraid of."

30th November, 2015: 9:00pm

"I know I've been blowing you off about going out on a date, but I had a lot of fun today. So, will you go on another date with me?" He reached out for your hands, and held them tightly.

"..I can't promise I'll be able to make it, oppa."

30th November, 2015: 10:00pm

"It was fun, but he asked me out on a second date." You sighed, folding a blue T-shirt that belonged to your older brother. "Honey, you weren't supposed to have agreed to that. One was enough." You bit your lip, "I know, mom. He was persistent, and I.. Just couldn't say no to him."

"Just remember, it'll be harder for him when you have to leave."

5th December, 2015: 5:00pm

"Why do you like living spontaneously, really?" Seungcheol sipped on his mocha, as you drank your frappe. "Well, I believe in being able to live life as you want, according to the situation. You just have to go with the flow."

12th December, 2015: 3:00pm

"Hey, I hope you didn't forget our date. I bought you flowers, roses. I heard you were a typical romantic at heart, so I figured you'd like these." Seungcheol sat down, placing the bouquet of flowers in front of him. "I even did something cheesy, really. I got you 12 roses, 11 real ones, and a plastic one. I bet you already know what I'm going to say." He smiled, clasping his hands together. "Listen to me for a bit, hear me out."

"I'm sorry I didn't spend more time with you before, I guess I didn't know you well enough. In the short time we spent together, I fell for you. I fell so hard, I swear diamonds could have broken my skull. By the way, I read the letter you wrote to me. It was so sweet of you to do so." He paused to laugh, and continued. "I should've agreed when you first asked me out. I should have cared for you more. I should have been there for you more. I should have held you tight every time you cried, or laughed. I know my excuses are pathetic, but in this short period of time, I genuinely have grown feelings for you."

"Would you be my girlfriend?"

He was greeted with only silence, and he looked up, tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. Words can't express my feelings right now, but you deserved to hear what I had to say. I hope you did, and are resting in a better place now. I miss you so much, my love. This can't be the end of our story just yet. Wait for me, and when my time here is up, I'll join you in Heaven."

"Just remember, I love you, and I always will. I won't say goodbye, because I'm going to see you again. So, see you soon."

Seungcheol slowly stood up and walked away. Tears streamed down his face, as he fought the urge to turn back. He wouldn't forget her, and all the memories she left behind.

The white marble tombstone at the top of the hill watched him walk away, and its owner was sitting on top.

She had listened to every word he said.


"Choi Seungcheol. You've earned your place in the Book of Life, and therefore, Heaven. Hurry along now. Someone's been waiting for you for a long time." Seungcheol grinned at the angel and raced forward. His body was no longer old and wrinkled, but full of youth and energy. Calling out the name of the girl waiting for him in the distance, he couldn't stop himself from smiling. "Seungcheol oppa!"

"Welcome home, oppa. I've been waiting for you."

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chunji_bdaypal671 #1
Chapter 1: IM SAD NOW
ayucshan #2
Chapter 1: i thought its going to be a fluffy story. but then you recommended the 60seconds by sunggyu i'm corious what's going to happen. but then, bang.. after read the part of the girl and her mom i realized what's going to happen.. but the end is surprising
Chapter 1: YAH

(Okay, but real talk -- that you for that cute ending. Idk what I would've done without that ending. It would've been too sad for meeeeee)
Chapter 1: I really loved this!! I got so emotional that she died!!! But then Book Of Life crack me up. Maybe it's because I've watched a movie with the same title. Hehe!
svtseungcheol #5
Chapter 1: i love this....i had been so emotional while read this....its the best story that i ever read..
rahrahvixx #6
Chapter 1: Wow I like how the story developed. At least they met again