Leeteuk's and Yesung's Funeral

Five Years of Attempts

Super Junior, JYJ, DBSK, 2pm, and SHINee were together for Leeteuk's and Yesung's funeral. It was a warm sunning day in June, but it wouldn't stay like that for long. Soon it started to down pour on them...mixing their tears with the rain drops...Takumi looked up into the heavens, and seeing them frown upon her. Takumi sadly smiled at the angels above, wondering what it's like up there...

"Leeteuk..the leader of Super Junior, may you now rest in peace and watch over your band members..Making sure they save alive and healthy" Those words were ingraved into his tomb stone...

"Yesung...the best ninja Super Junior, may you now rest in peace and watch over them..." Those words were also ingraved into his tomb stone...

Ryeowook was clinging to Henry, who was crying himself. Zhou Mi looked at his loved ones..soon he too was crying. SHINee, 2pm, DBSK, and JYJ were crying as well...they never thought one day...Two important people of SM Enteriantment would be dead forever..never to be able to hear them laugh, cry, or sing ever again..That made them upset and become closer to everyone..But what about Blade? And Takumi? But more importantly..about what Ryeowook?


Ryeowook sighed as they walked off stage..they just got done singing "Blue Tomorrow". Super Junior was never the same after they lost their leader and Yesung..But to Ryeowook..he felt dead inside..that familiar feeling, was now eating him from the inside. Ryeowook's heart cried out everytime he looke at Yesung picture hanging on his wall beside his bed. Ryeowook felt tears dwelling in his eyes, threatening to fall at any moments now...eventually they did.

"Yesung..." Ryeowook whispered before falling onto his knees.

"I..I promised myself I wouldn't cry anymore...I want to be strong for you...but I can't" Ryeowook whispered. Sungmin was walking by when he heard Ryeowook talking to himself again...Sungmin sighed sadly..he knows what Ryeowook is going through...Kyuhyun is the one his loves, but Sungmin doesn't even know if Kyuhyun feels the same way... It's their last year of school, Ryeowook was happy about graduting but a life without Yesung,.isn't a life at all to Ryeowook. Ryeowook smiled as he walked into his first period class, which was earthscience...The bell rings telling people that class has started.

"Okay class please pay attention..Good..Now we have a new student from Tokyo according from his transcript...Come in!" The teacher signaled for Yesung and Leeteuk to come in. Leeteuk was wearing:


While Yesung was wearing:


Every girl and every boy stopped talking and drooled over the two new students...Leetuk and Yesung bowed at the class.

"My name is Leeteuk. I am 17" Leeteuk said and bowed again.

"My name is Yesung. I am also 17. Oh I am gay while Leeteuk is bi" Yesung said earning a slap on the head from Leeteuk. Yesung whined before pouting. Leeteuk smiled at Yesung who was still pouting.

"Leeteuk sit next to...um~ Yunho" Yunho immediatly popped up his head when he heard his name called.

"Huh?" Yunho said while rubbing his eye cutely. Jaejoong smiled before rolling his eyes at his werid boyfriend.

"Let me guess..sleeping again Mr. Jung?" The teacher said while getting a slip of detention for him.

"Nae~ But Junsu and Yoochun..it's their fault...they were having AGAIN!" Yunho said. Junsu blushed. Yoochun bit his lower lip.

"Damn right~ and man was he good~" Yoochun said while looking at Junsu, who was still blushing..

"HYUNG~" Junsu whined. Everyone laughed.

"Never mind them...Yesung sit next to Ryeowook. okay?" Yesung nods and sits down next to Ryeowook.

"Yesung...." Ryeowook said. Yesung turned around and his eyes widened a bit.

"Ryeowook?" Yesung asked. Yesung blinked a few times before smiling.

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memory loss due to injection of drugs???<br />
lol...<br />
crazy stuff here<br />
The chapter 10 seemed cut or broken? Or is it just me? =))
Omg! Cruel author >< so sad
You... you love killing people, don't you? Lol. XD What is happening now. ;____; Is everyone going to be okay? D:
/le sobs and le wails Aish, really, youuu! *never stops pointing her finger at you* Why are you so... /sobs I lvoe you, you know? You're so great I wanna squish you. :">
memory loss??!!!! tdrgtfr&T/GYUIy 8'( But still... kinda cuteeeee...! ^w^<br />
plz updaaiiiittttt~