I Love You... Be Mine

Be Mine
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 During Opening Ceremony, the President of Seoul High is giving his speech about the performances and achievements of the school last year, his expectations to the new students, boasting about how great are the newly hired teachers and etcetera.

We've been sitting our buts for a whole hour now; some of the students are trying to fight their sleepiness and pretends to listen to the voice of the old lad in the center of the podium and some who aren't able to open their ears and eyes anymore are silently snoring or huffing in their seats.

The auditorium has ten centralized airconditions that are making us freeze to death already even though we are wearing our coats, red curtains that is covering the large glass windows, elevated comfy seats that can occupy at least 200 or 300 persons, two wide t.v screens in front (left & right) that can be use for presentation/s only and large podium that occupies almost one fourth of the place.

I didn't notice that the students are standing as they clapped their hands when someone poked my cheeks. I look up to see a short haired girl, smiling widely at me and gesturing for me to stand also. And that's when I realize that they are clapping their hands because of me as they observe my every movements like I'm a prey.

"Let's give her a warm of applause again."

The Principal had just finished his speech and he introduced me to all the interested students without my knowledge. I should stop spacing out, I mentally noted as I walked beside Mr. Park. He pointed at the microphone when he noticed that I'm just staring at him, still clueless.

I heard low chuckles from the distant and I didn't care to find who is that. While clutching the microphone, half of the seats were occupied as I scan the room with my eyes. I clear my throat and lean my mouth to the thing in front of me.

"Goodmorning, I'm Bae Suzy." I look in front of me, finding someone I can stare at while talking here but my eyes stop on the seat that I had my pink bag. "I guess you already know why I'm standing in front of you guys, right? I really don't have anything else to say to all of you, but I want you to know that I'm anticipating for this school year for this is a new chapter in our lives."

What did I just said? I don't know. Does it even made sense to them? I also don't know.

"Guess, that's a-"

A sudden movement in my left side get my attention. A guy wearing the boy's school uniform and specs stands, his hair is slicked back. Even his far from where I am, I managed to see the grin that plasters in his face. Everyone else turned to look at him as they noticed that I stopped.

"Bae Suzy," That's me. "Be mine."



Second year of being still the top student of Seoul High. I'm not nerd nor a geek, I just study. Study. And study. Out of 3000 students of our school, Kim Myungsoo ranked next to me. Let me introduce him, he is the intruder to my speech last year to indicate his love for me.

I don't know him but as the year passed by so quickly, I learned so many things about him. He is the most stupidest kid in his middle school (my classmate's nickname for him), he is two years older than me but (because he's stupid, sorry) he keep skipping school for two years so we're both same level, he can sing, dance and even use different kinds of instruments, he also love photography even though he's not photogenic and fashion even he is a fashion terrorist.

How did I know all of that? Because he keeps pestering me to be his girlfriend for year now, he even proved that he's worthy when he became the second placer. Surprise. But boys and love is not my priority right now so I already rejected him for 300 times. I think. But we are good friends.

He placed the bento that he prepared for me. Since last December, I had stopped bring my own packed lunch because he insisted that I should eat his homemade dishes even how many times I resist him.

"Can you atleast accept my bento? My heart can wait."

He is really persistent. We are now sitting on the long table that our group had already claimed every lunch since last year. Myungsoo is sitting on my left and Fei on my right. The rest of the gang is scattered.

"I really wonder when will the two of you start dating."  Sungjong, who is like the brother that I never had, asked as he twirls the pasta on his plate. "Don't you appeciate the effort of Myungsoi hyung, Suzy?"

Not this again. I sigh and ignor him. Myungsoo answers him instead. "Don't force her, Sungjong." Yeah, don't force me. But don't get me wrong also, because for me, study first.

"Maknae is right," Woohyun spooned a kimchi from my bento before munching. "You know, you might regret your decision once Myungsoo realized that you don't love him."

I don't understand his point but I defended myself while busying myself with the food. "I don't said that I hate him, right?"

Dongwoo snickered. "Right."

"Then what?" Sunggyu suddenly asked.

I look up to him, only to be stared with eight pairs of eyes. "What?"

Fei giggles. "You don't hate him, but?"

"What but?"


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veirina #1
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaa... short but love it
Chapter 1: Cute story though! Hope you will write another story
And you can add #suzy cuz this story doesn't appear on suzy's hashtag.
Chapter 1: Cuteeeeeeeee *0*