Honeyed (2)


The school ended up early that day. The 12th graders were having a test, thanks to them. Kangra who wasn’t a part of any clubs having a lot of free times so she’d go straight home but not for that day. Wonwoo as the class leader asked her to do something. Wonwoo had  a meeting with the baseball club after school. He was supposed to help Mingyu on choosing school clubs but he couldn’t so he asked Kangra for help.


“That’s it,” Wonwoo folded his uniform sleeve then crossed his arms. “Do you want to help me? You’re free anyway.” He shrugged, waiting for Kangra’s answer. “You’ll help me, won’t you?”


Kangra lazily rolled her eyes. “Sure. Do you have the clubs registration form with you?” She raised an eyebrow. The P.E class before was really exhausting. Their class did a bleep test for the beginning of the semester. “You better do because I don’t want to go to the administration room and meet Mr. Kwon this evening.”


You won’t see him anyway. He went somewhere with Seungcheol before. I think they’re gonna visit Hanlim High School." He turned around, so his back was facing Kangra. "It's inside my bag, inside the clear holder." He let Kangra opened the zipper.


"Clear holder." Her hands buried inside his bag. "Is it the green one or the blue one?"




"Got it." Kangra took a piece of paper from the blue clear holder then closed his bag quickly. "I told you not to bring so many books in your bag, Wonwoo. You just have to put some of them in your locker. Gosh, I wonder what will happen with your back and your weak shoulder." She clicked her tongue while checking out the whole clubs form. Before Wonwoo could answer her, she turned around 180 degrees. "Alright, it's up to you. I bet you'll say that you'll need those books and you want to keep them safe with you. I need to get going, eh? Bye!"


"Weak? Don't joke around." Silently, Wonwoo held back his laugh. "Do well, Han Kangra!"



No joke, the 3rd floor corridor which was where the 11th graders homeroom placed looked silent. Everyone has been gathered with their clubs leaving no one behind in the class. Kangra once peeked inside some other classroom. "Whoa. They are surely really busy with their clubs lately, huh." She mumbled while walking ahead to the next class. "I need to be productive, though. I think I have to join one too—"


"Are you that class leader's assistant?" A face popped out suddenly in front of her. It was Mingyu. With a big grin on his face.


Kangra almost scream out if Mingyu didn't step back soon. He stared at Kangra who was covering her face with both hands.Once Kangra stopped covering her face, she pushed Mingyu a bit. "Son of a..." She stopped, cursing wasn't allowed. "Kim family." 


Mingyu couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. His long legs brought him back inside the class. "Wonwoo told me that his assistant will come to hand me a club form out. And the assistant is you, my seatmate." He sat on the teacher's chair. His fingers were playing with the white board marker. "So? Where's the form?"


It was a bit annoying to see the new student being all bossy but Kangra couldn't complain anything. She only walked quietly and sat on a table in front of Mingyu. "Here." She handed him the form. "The class leader Wonwoo also command me to explain all the details of every clubs we have in this school."


Mingyu forwned, "It's gonna take a lot of time~" He shook his head while opening his pencilcase, then looking for a pen. "Why don't you just tell me your club or that class leader's club or the most favorite clubs in this school?" After that, he sighed, facing Kangra. "I lost my new pen. Can I borrow yours?"


Well, it was actually not Kangra's pen, but Wonwoo's. Whatever, she should lend him the pen. "Here."




"Firstly, I'm a freelancer. I'm not joining any clubs. Well, I used to be in the art club, cooking club, english club, dance club, female basketball club and..."


"Basketball? Really? How about this school's male basketball club?"


Oohh, a basketball player. Sounds interesting, Kim Mingyu.


Kangra shrugged. "Umm let's say this is the club where all the handsome male students gather." She explained. "But these days, the club haven't been played in any tournaments. I think they're in a hiatus or something?" She added while swinging her feet. 


Mingyu looked uninterested and disappointed but he still wrote basketball club down after finished filling his profile. "The limit of clubs?"


"Three. But most of us only join one until two clubs, we're gonna get busier though, even without clubs activities." Kangra once peeked Mingyu's form.


In reflect, Mingyu covered his club form. "I'm returning this back to the principal's office. Thank you, Kangra. And see you tomorrow!" He grabbed his bag and then dashed out from the class. Kangra who was left behind gasped. He brought Wonwoo's pen with him. 


"Forgive me, Jeon."




"Number three, you need to move the alpha to the right side. Don't forget to multiple this one..... Han Kangra." Jeon Wonwoo, with his small eyes and glasses on, he gave Kangra a glare. "When are you going to focus on the homework? Psh. You even lost my pen. It was from Doeun! She gave me the pen after her vacation to England!" 


Kangra who was sitting next to him left out a deep sigh. She faced Wonwoo with a pout. 


"Don't look at me like that. You look ugly. Really."


"Damn it." Roughly, Kangra punched Wonwoo's shoulder. "It's because you bought me different facewash. I told you it supposed to be the orange one. Orange! Not pink!"


The punch didn't hurt Wonwoo, he continued on his math homework. "If you haven't finished you homework at 8PM, I'll go home."


"Wha..........What?! You said you'll be here till 10!"


"I said so, but it seems like you won't be focused on the homework, I'd better go home early, right?"


Kangra moved her math book away from Wonwoo. "I don't care. I can do this alone, though." She took her pen and a correction pen from her pencilcase. She wrote some numbers. On the other side, Wonwoo cupped his face while watching Kangra doing the math homework.


He waited patiently.


He didn't touch his homework at all.


He only stayed calm, watching Kangra.


He knew the time will come...











"Help me."

Then, he helped her.





"Kangra. Han Kangra."




"I'm sorry about your facewash, and I didn't mean to say that you're ugly."


"You don't need to say it, I already know."


"No, Kangra. You look beautiful. You're beautiful."


"... Wonwoo? Did I punch you that hard?"


"No, but, you really do look beautiful when you're doing the homework."


"You're complimenting me so that I can finish the homework faster, right? it up, Jeon. Come here. Let me give you a punch on the face!"




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Chapter 2: I just love their argument. They're so close and seriously...the pen has gone soooo far away. I net Mingyu thinks it's hers.
TakoyakiPrincess #2
Chapter 1: Oooh this is interesting!!! :-D