Fractured Feelings

Liberty at the Center
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Everyone stands up as the bell rings for the third time. But not you. You are still sitting down, staying still, looking at your mates going out one by one. They are happy, smiles lingering on their faces for who knows how long and then everyone is gone in a blink of an eye. Once in a while the whole university gives their students the whole afternoon for free. And they call it Liberty Time, always occuring once in a week. Though it is a free afternoon, no one is allowed to go out of university or go to the dorms. All everyone has to do is walk around inside the campus and wait for at least a minimum of three hours for the gates to open leading to the dorms and the outside world. And the next hours after those 3 hours are usually decided by the students themselves.

You look to your side and you can't hide your surprise when you see Hoshi sitting at the other end, a lollipop in his mouth and is smiling at you. He waves a hand, and you raise yours as saying you acknowledged him.

"Want to go to the Center?!" You laugh and nod. Hoshi stands from his seat, stretches his limbs, and cuts the not-so-far distance between the both of you with a run. "Let's get going then?"

The Center is a place where mostly everyone goes to during Liberty Time. Different kinds of sweets, drinks, and books ranging from biographies to novels are located in there and it's practically a place known in the grounds of Seoul as the biggest café. Sadly no one is allowed to enter, except if you are a student of course. And no one is allowed to enter, if it's not Liberty Time.

Hoshi opens the glass doors full of sassiness, and you look at the other side to hide your embarrassment. Your other friends are already occupying a table, and upon seeing the both of you they wave enthusiastically as if they haven't seen you in ages.

They catch most's attention, and that includes a group of guys at the center of the Center.


"Wassup girlfriends?! Miss me yet?"

"What the hell Soonyoung..." His real name. One of the girls shakes her head and smacks the boy on the forehead. Hoshi pouts, then laughs, and massages his head with a wicked grin plastered on his 10:10 face.

"What should we do today?"

"Usual." You mumble. They look at you with a snicker, like saying you'll really end up doing your usual routine in the Center and they let you go. You stand up, passing by the same group of guys from before and their eyes are fully set on you.

Numerous fiction novels stare back at you. Finally settling on one about a guy named Travis Maddox—you're practically the god of English speaking—you return to your sit only to trip on the way.

"Oh god." Someone mumbles. You thought you already hit the carpeted floor but when you open your eyes, two equally shocked eyes stare straight into yours. "Are you okay?"

"Y–Yeah." He smiles. The boy helps you to stand and when you think you really are already okay, you give him a 90-degree bow making him laugh. "T–Thanks."

"It's fine. I'm Mingyu." He takes his hand out. You say your name back, still with the nervousness around and the both of you shake hands. "Be careful next time, okay?" His laugh is kind of melodious, you think, and you only nod before sprinting away.

"Woah, dude, it's too early to flirt. We have  wasted only a couple of minutes during Liberty." Wonwoo, a guy with piercing eyes but doesn't really mean to glare at everybody, pats his buddy on the shoulder. "Do it later on."

"I wasn't flirting." But the laugh Mingyu gives them is too obvious; a nervous one.

As you take your seat another guy joins in. His name is Jihoon, or Woozi. What's up with your friends having weird nicknames? Anyway, he glides on one chair and places an arm around one of your girlfriends. All of a sudden he gives her a short kiss and all of you on the table starts yelling and eww-ing the scene.

"Ha! You're not the only one!" The one who smacked Hoshi a while ago, is kissed by him now on the forehead and another series of disgusted coos erupt from your huge table.

Not that it's bigger than the table of the hot guy who just saved you a while ago but oh well, you're just the same in terms of number of friends then.

One hour passed by quickly, and you are already at the middle of your novel.

"What?!" Hoshi stares at the book you're holding. "How can you read that fast?!"

"Aren't we through with that discussion?" One more guy named Seungkwan points at you. "She's like a walking book herself."

"That doesn't kind of, make any sense." Dino sighs. Chan, you tell yourself. His real name is Chan!

Mingyu finds himself lost somewhere far from the real world. He occasionally turns his head pretending that he's looking at the entrance but in reality, he lets his gaze pass by you. His friends, being S.Coups (Seungcheol), Wonwoo, Joshua (Jisoo), Jeonghan, Vernon (Hansol), Dokyeom (Seokmin), and Jun(hui)—Circle of Hot Guys Close to Edward Cullen's Pale Face and Glittery Body and David Beckham's Booty—knows what he's doing but since they're being very good friends, they let it pass.

Maybe it's about damn time their friend gets a girlfriend or something, since the last time he had one it was a very painful experience that even each and one of them felt like they were the one being in pain.

Another turn of his head but now also twirling a glass stirrer in his sparkling Lemon water.

Hoshi is currently laughing his off at D8's—Minghao's, seriously!— rapping skills. Don't get him started with his breakdancing, he can literally break everyone's jaw. As Hoshi continues with his mini-show of showing himself off by laughing too much, he whips his head behind, a hand on the back of the chair as he wipes a tear off his eyes. He opens them again and sees several guys looking at him.

Wait, him?

Or you?

He blinks away the tears and looks at the back of your head.

Okay, back at the guys over there.

The Circle of Hot Guys.

He so badly wants to join that group—Hoshi snaps out of it and indeed, they really are looking at you. Or someone is.

"Hey." Hoshi calls your name. He seems to get Woozi's attention too. "Someone or rather some guys, over there," He jabs his chin at that direction. "Are looking at you. Or am I wrong? Because I seriously think Kim Mingyu is looking at you."

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Chapter 2: Agaggagaggag omg i love thissss thank you for writing <3 the moment you said just kidding i was like //flips table o.0 okay anyways thanks because it wasnt
Chapter 1: This is so cute omg i love it!! I kinda want a sequel to it since it's really cute :(
CosmicLatte00 #3
Chapter 1: its reakly hard to find seventeen's af without slightest . T^T
I love this.hope you can continue
syonghwa #4
Chapter 1: Ohmygosh, why did you stop! It was going so good! This would've been a really nice story or even a one shot. But it really was a cute story, I was anticipating more and more when I was reading lol .
Chapter 1: This story should be continue.. pretty please continue this author-nim >///<
Ehhh it can't finish like this TTT love this too much! The characters are all sooo cute
Chapter 1: This is so funny, I can't. I am really loving this story. Just hoping the ex gf doesn't disturb but no drama is without them
Chapter 1: It's sooooo bitin! Nakakainis! HAHAHHAHAHHAHA the feeelssss <3
But srsly, I loved it! Hope you continue this story :)
sweetmallow #9
Chapter 1: OMG OMG OMG Mingyu is such a cutie-pie >.< PLS update soon!!!
seobcoups #10
Chapter 1: It feels so real! I hope you will update this story!!