D&N 1


“Hey, Haewon, you want to go to the rice cake shop? We’re all going,” asked Hoshi.

School had ended and Haewon was packing her bag. Her last period was different than the boys. She nodded her head in agreement. As they were walking to the door, Jaekyung was there. She looked like she wanted something.

“Heard you guys are going to the rice cake shop. Can I join?”

The teenagers looked at each other. Woozi and Joshua was looking at different directions. Dino and Hoshi just stood there, as well as Wonwoo and Haewon. Everybody in the school knows that Min Jaekyung likes Mingyu. It was a well-known fact. Jaekyung always tries to get close to Mingyu. Mingyu rolled his eyes and went out of the classroom. They all followed him out, leaving Jaekyung alone.


          “Haewon –ah, get ready. We will be going to a restaurant with the Kim’s. Meeting some people from other company. Mingyu will be there,” said Mrs Lee, while picking out a dress from her daughter’s closet.

          Haewon pouted her lips. It was a Friday night. She didn’t care if it was Friday as it was a weekend night. She didn’t need to study. She walked towards her bed where Mrs Lee had laid down a white dress with a red bow at the waist. She took a quick bath and donned the dress, put some makeup and picked up her clutch.

          The Lee’s were now in the car, driving to the restaurant at where the meeting would be held. Haewon’s head was resting on the car’s window. Her mind was out far away. Why was she asked to follow her parents. Usually, she does not join their meetings. Same as Mingyu. She straightened her body and cleared .

          “Umma, why must I follow?” asked the curious Haewon.

          Mrs Lee looked back and bit her lips. She turned back to the front. Haewon felt her mother behaving differently today. Everything was weird today.


          The table was quiet. Mingyu stared at Haewon who kept biting her lips. Her hands were clammy and she felt restless. It was unusual for the Kim’s and Lee’s to incluude their children in their meetings. However, not only the children will be joining them. There will be some other people too. People who only the adults knew.

          “Please come in,” said Mr Kim, straightening his tie.

          At the door was the Min’s with their daughter. Pale skin, dark hazel brown eyes. It was Min Jaekyung. The popular girl in Pledis Art High School. Why was she here?



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kimjun94 #1
cant wait for next update ^_^